Respondus LockDown

LockDown Browser Exit Procedure

There is always a possibility of technical issues while taking a Quiz using LockDown Browser and Monitor. The cause of in-Quiz issues can be related to a number of factors including the device itself, internet connectivity, and/or unknown Moodle system errors.

It is important to not panic if you experience and issue during an online exam. As long as the test is still open and you have not run out of timer, you will be able to exit and re-enter the exam at about where you left off. The Moodle Quiz activity saves your responses through the last screen that you completed in the activity. This guide outlines the general procedure to follow if there are issues while using LockDown Browser during a Moodle Quiz.

Step 2: Navigate to the appropriate course and click on the title of the Quiz activity.

Scenario: The quiz locks or is not functioning correctly. You are unable to proceed to the next screen even after trying to unfreeze the system using the various buttons (previous page, next page, etc.). You have no other option except to exit the browser.

Step 1: Click the X in the upper right of the browser.

Important Note: If clicking the X does nothing, you will need to simply shut down your computer. Once the computer restarts, log back into Moodle, go to the Quiz and re-launch LockDown Browser.

Step 2: A pop-up will appear, click Close the Browser.

Step 3: A second pop-up will appear, enter a reason for closing the browser in the text field and then click Submit and close the browser.

Note: This reason will be recorded in the system for your instructor. It is also recommended that you communicate this occurred after the exam.

Step 4: LockDown Browser will close. You will then need log back into Moodle, go to the Quiz and re-launch LockDown Browser.