Moodle Q&A Discussion Forums

Using the Moodle Q&A Discussion Forum

A Moodle Q&A forum is a special type of forum that requires students to post a response to a teacher created question before they will be able to see the replies of others. Q&A forums DO NOT allow students to start their own discussion threads.

You will know you are in a Q&A forum if you see this message and/oor are unable to create a discussion thread.

Adding to A Q&A Discussion Forum

Step 1: Login to Moodle using your MyNaz username and password.

Step 2: Click on the course title from your Dashboard to open and view your course.

Step 3: Click on the title of the discussion forum to open and view the conversation.

Step 4: Click on the discussion question already posted by your professor.

Note: In order to see other responses to the question, you must first post your answer and wait 15 minutes.

Step 5: Click Reply.

Step 6: Enter your post in the Message field.

Tip: You can also copy and paste your post from another document, such as a Word document. Moodle may time you out after a certain length of time.

Step 7: Click post to forum.

Note: It is a good idea to back up all of your forum posts by having them in a Word or Google Docs document. This way, you will have them to refer to in the future.

Once you post your response, you have 15 minutes to edit your post if you want to make any changes. You will not be able to see other peers posts until the 15 minute editing period is up.

Additional Resources:

  • If your instructor is requiring you to add a file to your discussion post, follow the steps on the Add File to Discussion Forum page.

  • If you want to subscribe to a discussion forum post get notifications when a new post has been submitted, go to the Forum Subscription page for steps on how to subscribe.