Course Page

Viewing Course Content

Moodle organizes course content by sections, with each new section indicated by a chevron arrow.

Instructors may title the sections by week, topic, or their own organizational scheme. The content in each chevron arrow will also be determined by the instructor. Instructors are able to hide content from students. To open individual topics, click the chevron arrows next to the topic titles.

See below for an example of a course separated by Weekly sections:

How to open and close all topics on a course page

Step 1: Log in to Moodle using your MyNaz username and password.

Step 2: Click on the course title on your Dashboard to enter and view the course. 

Step 3: At the top of the course page, you will see Expand all and Collapse all. If you wish to open all of the sections on the page, click Expand all. If you wish to close all of the sections, click Collapse all

Note: To open a single section, click on the the chevron arrow.