Student Leadership:

The Leader in Me

1. Vision

To teach, guide and grow every Stephenian to be a leader in his own way.

The student leadership team leverages on the 7 habits of highly effective people to equip students with the skills to be a leader in his own way be it as a tier 1, 2 or 3 student leader.

We believe in the paradigm of Leadership which is everyone can be a leader.

2. The School's LeaderinMe Journey

The teachers have been introduced to the 7 Habits of Highlight Effective People at the end of 2022.

We have then started to introduce the 7 Habits of Highlight Effective People to all students in January 2023.

Since then, the school reminds all students daily, during morning announcements, through the Habit of the Day as well as Habits in Action.

P5-P6 students also spend 5-10min during FTGP to update their leadership notebooks with regards to the various components in it such as "7 habits tracker", "Academic goals", "Leadership goals" etc.

3. Structures

3a. Structures - Student Leadership Framework

The Student Leadership Framework is as shown below, with 3 tiers of leadership.

Tier 1 - General Leaders (subject leaders)

Tier 1 student leaders consists of most of the student population. These students might not currently show leadership skills but as educators, we will use the Paradigm of Leadership which states that "Everyone can be a leader".

Tier 2 - Appointed Leaders (class leaders, prefects etc.)

Tier 2 student leaders have clearly shown their leadership skills and are ready to take up student leadership roles which require more responsibilities and capabilities compared to tier 1 General leaders.

Tier 3 - Pinnacle Leaders (Prefect EXCO and CCA leaders)

Tier 3 student leaders have consistently shown their leadership skills and exceed expectations as compared to their peers, hence moving on to the highest tier of leadership which requires them to be a leader of leaders.

Tier 1 student leaders are also known as "Stephenian Gentlemen" while tiers 2 and 3 student leaders are also known as "Stephenian Stewards".

All students in every class will be given a student leadership role to form the "class committee" unless they already have a student leadership role such as prefects and/or CCA leaders.

Tier 1 (class committee student leaders) - English peer leaders, Mother tongue peer leaders, Math peer leaders, Science peer leaders, PE peer leaders, Art peer leaders, Music peer leaders, Social Studies peer leaders, Green peer leaders, ICT peer leaders, Prayer peer leaders and PAL peer leaders.

Tier 2 (class committee student leaders) - Class leaders, line leaders, peer support leaders (cyberwellness) and VIA ambassadors (NE, Singa etc.).

3b. Structures - Termly Review

The objective of the termly review is to give regular affirmation, feedback and guidance to all student leaders to steer them on the right track.

It is conducted via face to face with the student leaders whom we are in charge of, at least once between week 6-10 for every term, during FTGP and/or your own free time.

2023 Confirmed Student Leader Roles:

Class Committee Confirmed Roles 2023

4. Programmes

Link to 7 habits direct teaching to all students: 

Student Leadership Work Plan 2023