Collection / SCHOOL BiLLing

School Billing

Student Enrichment Programme Charges

  • Teachers are advised to plan enrichment programmes and other charges in advance and to include all planned programmes during budgeting process

  • The notification letters issued by schools serve as bills to the pupils. The notification letters should show details of the items to be paid by students and require a written consent from parents/guardians

  • It is a good practice to classify programmes into mandatory/optional, show estimated programme cost and where possible, % of school subsidy to show that pupils are paying less.

  • To minimize the volume of collections, it is a good practice to keep co-payments for compulsory programmes within the Edusave annual contribution amounts (less amount for 2nd tier miscellaneous fees) as far as possible.

  • For enrichment programmes, if the school were to practise ‘no refund for absence from programme with no good reason’, this policy should be stated in the notification letter.

  • With implementation of School Bills, teachers are no longer required to collect money directly from students. Where necessary, Collection Officer (Admin team) will notify teachers should there be a need to remind and follow-up on outstanding bills.

Other School Charges

  • Leave Of Absence (LOA) Fees

LOA Fees are paid by pupils who accompany their parents on overseas posting but have a place reserved in the school. LOA fee rates are determined by School Placement & Scholarship Branch. Schools are to inform parents in writing the amount of LOA Fees payable.

  • Immersion Programme Charges

Schools impose charges on returning Singaporean students attending immersion programmes to defray costs. The schools may use the current rates of school fees and miscellaneous fees payable by Singaporean students as a guide in determining the charges. Schools are to inform parents in writing the amount of charges payable.

Billing And Collection From Vendors Providing Goods And Services

As the frequency of billing and collection from external vendors providing goods and services in the school varies (e.g.half-yearly for bookshop vendor, quarterly for canteen vendors), it is recommended that a schedule of bill amount due from each vendor be kept to facilitate monitoring of the next bill and prompt collection of the amount due.