
Procurement Principle

The principles governing school procurement are as follows:


Procurement shall be open and transparent across all stages of the procurement lifecycle. The procurement objectives, criteria and procedures would as far as possible be made known to suppliers.

Open and fair competition

An open and competitive environment will encourage suppliers to give their best offers. The procurement shall offer equitable access opportunities to all suppliers and allow them to compete on a level playing field.

Value for money

Procurement shall be from sources that can best meet its requirements and which offer the best value. Value for money is derived from the optimal balance of benefits and costs on the basis of total cost of ownership. As such, value for money does not necessarily mean that a tender must be awarded to the lowest bidder.

SCHOOL Procurement Process

Staff should:

  1. Determine need and requirement of product and services, establish estimated procurement value;

  2. Ensure item and estimated value is already approved in the department budget, else, need to discuss with HOD/VPA for additional funding;

  3. Consult Procurement Officer on whether required product/service is available on Demand Aggregate/Framework Agreement/Period Contract

  4. Complete Approval of Requirement (AOR) and obtain the necessary approval. AOR is required for:

    • All purchasing value > $1000 and already approved in department budget

    • All other purchases not approved in department budget (regardless of value) after additional funding is secured

5. Approach Purchasing Officer (Admin team) to proceed with the purchase;

6. Use of MOE Corporate Credit Card for purchasing is only permissible upon approval by Admin Manager (AM);

7. If purchase value is > $6000, to prepare Invitation to Quote (ITQ) with assistance from Procurement Officer

8. Evaluation of ITQ should:

    • Be fair and transparent

    • Only evaluate based on what was stated upfront

    • Do not introduce new requirements or evaluation criteria

    • Be objective

    • Evaluate qualitative requirements and evaluation criteria using rubrics

    • Provide justifications for recommending or rejecting offers

    • Include the assessment of options

The evaluation officer should take note of any conflict of interest when evaluating the offers and declare to School Leaders/AM.

Special Instructions when engaging vendors/service providers

  • All Quotations/Purchase Orders can only be approved and signed by either Admin Manager or School Leaders

  • When discussing with vendor on terms, insist on 30-day Credit Terms and for vendor to e-invoice the school

  • All catering requirements (regardless of value/amount) must refer to Admin team to ensure adherence to Healthy Meals guidelines