Social Studies

Role of Social Studies Primary

Develop informed, concerned and participative citizens with:

1. Requisite values, civic competencies & knowledge of Singapore

2. Understanding of Southeast Asia and the world

3. Strong foundational knowledge and skills in Humanities (culture/society)

Curriculum Aims of Social Studies

As informed citizens, students will:

• understand the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the role of the government in society;

• understand their identity as Singaporeans, with a regional and global outlook;

• understand the Singapore perspective on key national, regional and global issues;

• analyse and negotiate complex issues through evaluating multiple sources with different

perspectives; and

• arrive at well-reasoned, responsible decisions through reflective thought and discernment.

As concerned citizens, students will:

• have a sense of belonging to the nation, appreciate and be committed to building social

cohesion in a diverse society;

• be motivated to engage in issues of societal concern; and

• reflect on the ethical considerations and consequences of decision making.

As participative citizens, students will:

• take responsible personal and collective actions to effect change for the good of society; and

• be resilient in addressing concerns of society in spite of challenges faced.

Through Humanities subjects like Social Studies, students:

• Learn key skills like civic literacy, cross-cultural and global awareness, perspective-taking, reflective thinking

• Develop affective attributes like empathy

• Understand what goes into quality decision-making and how they can make active contributions to society.

SS Workplan Template.docx