Contract issuance

  1. Once ITQ evaluation is completed and contract is awarded, Teacher IC to contact successful vendor to notify them;

  2. Letter of Acceptance (LOA) is issued to successful vendor via Gebiz system;

  3. A copy of the LOA is printed and issued to Teacher IC for reference and safekeeping.

  4. All contracts with vendors/instructors/coaches have to be issued before delivery of services/products

contract monitoring

  1. Teacher IC need to ensure goods and services are satisfactorily delivered in accordance to the terms of the contract

  2. For instructors/coaches being paid on a monthly fixed amount basis, teacher IC need to monitor and track their attendance to ensure minimum hours as stated in the contract are fulfilled


Teacher IC need to monitor closely contract expiry of vendors/coaches/instructors and initiate the following 3 months before expiry:

  • For contracts with option to extend:

    • teacher IC need to review the requirements and contractor’s performance to determine if the options should be exercised and check whether option prices are still competitive.

    • evaluate if option should be exercised and work with Procurement Officer (Admin team) to extend the contract; or

  • For contracts without option to extend, teacher IC need to initiate new procurement process if the product or services are still required