English Department

Subject Philosophy

The subject philosophy is to empower all learners to attain foundational mastery in the English language and enabling learners to attain competence in speech, reading and writing. Learning should extend beyond functional literacy so that students may experience the joy in learning and the beauty of the language, and take learning beyond the curriculum.



The mission of the English Language Department is to provide a strong foundation and rich learning in English for all students.



We aim to develop Stephenians to be versatile and effective users of the English Language.


Subject Approach


The Strategies for English Language Learning And Reading (STELLAR) programme aims to strengthen language and reading skills as well as promote a positive attitude towards the learning of English. Underpinning the STELLAR model are three teaching strategies, which are the Shared Book Approach, the Modified Language Experience Approach and Learning Centres.

STELLAR also worked hand-in-hand with the school-based curriculum to provide drilling and rigour to the learning and acquisition of language skills.

Currently, STELLAR 2.0 is in the process of being phased in to the upper primary levels.


Yellow file for worksheets, STELLAR Readers, practice papers, any other worksheets, and notes.

Purple plastic file for Compositions, Situational Writing, notes for writing, sample stories


(P3 (3B), P4 and P5 STELLAR 2.0, P6 STELLAR 1.0)

STELLAR Readers MUST be read at the start of each unit. Return the readers to the students to be read with the teacher.

Do not return the whole set for pre-reading.

Read and annotate with the students, complete post reading activities at the end of the STELLAR Readers (for STELLAR 2.0), make references if needed to complete the Learning Sheets, file into yellow file at the end of the unit.


Make use of STELLAR Learning Sheets. P6 classes can benefit from the grammar or vocab components.

Complete corrections and return for parents’ signatures regularly. File into yellow  file with readers.



5.  Spelling to be done on exercise book in P1 and 2. P3 to P6 have the option of conducting spelling on worksheets to be attached to unit worksheets upon completion, even for ipad classes (strongly encouraged). Spelling MUST be marked and returned for parents’ signatures (either in Spelling books or unit worksheets). 


6.  Scheme of Work (SOW) is also the termly Work Quota. The items listed in the SOW must be completed by the end of the term. It serves as a guide and  reminder for what is to be covered.


7.  Continuous Writing must be marked with qualitative feedback for Draft 1 (at least). Remind students to leave a line, write neatly and clearly, so that teachers can easily correct or write feedback. Writing rubrics should be filled and attached to every topic with feedback given. Draft 2 should be done with feedback taken into account.

  Situational Writing should also be done on foolscap paper, leave a line. SW should be marked with breakdown of Task Fulfilment and Language. Corrections should be done after going through common errors with students.

Upper primary classes using pen should not use correction tape. NO highlighter should be used.

Completed writing (Draft 1, rubrics, Draft 2) should be filed in yellow file.

Marking conventions:

  MINIMALLY 2 drafts - if teachers see the need for additional drafts, please do so. Corrections for spelling and other language errors should be done together with rewriting a draft.

  Indicate symbols for errors:

spelling - underline word and indicate with ‘S’ eg. mistak

tense - underline and indicate with ‘T’ eg. they is

punctuation - circle and indicate ‘P’ eg. jack Stopped

missing fullstop - circle and indicate ‘P’ eg. Sam fell he cried

missing word - carat eg. She went ^ market.

paragraphing - two slashes //

sentence error - squiggly line ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏

  Class writing - marked with qualitative feedback and rubrics given. Term 1 no marks given, Terms 2 and 3 marks can be indicated.

  Writing Assessments - 1st marking in red ink, 2nd marking in green ink. 3rd marking by KPs for moderation will be done in purple ink. DO NOT WRITE MARKS ON SCRIPTS. Averaged marks will be written on question paper.

8.   Annotation must be done for all reading texts - comprehension passages, STELLAR readers, etc.

9. Insert marking schemes and rubrics for Oral and Paper 1.

Key Programmes and Activities

·   STELLAR and school-based English Language curriculum

·   E-book writing enrichment

·   Literacy support programmes (LSP, SDR, RRP)

·   Learning Journeys

·   Reading Choice Board Programme

·   English Literary Week

·   P4 Literary Appreciation Programme – James and the Giant Peach

·   P5 Literary Appreciation Programme - Holes

External Competitions

·        YMCA PESA

·        Mythos Debate Competition by ACJC



Workplan Template (ENGLISH).docx