Communication with SCHOOL admin team

Requesting for assistance in classrooms

  • Staff should communicate request to General Office at 6241 9513 or directly to the General Office Staff handphone number.

  • Depending on nature of assistance, Admin team will dispatch the appropriate personnel to attend to the request.

Reporting of incidents/injuries

  • If staff witnessed student suffered an injury, attend to him immediately and check for seriousness;

  • If assessed to be serious, staff should accompany the injured student to the General Office/Sickbay where possible or request for assistance from other staff members or General Office ;

  • If assessed that injury is minor, staff can request other students to accompany injured person to the General Office/Sickbay to render first aid;

  • Depending on the seriousness of injury, Admin team may request staff to complete an incident report. Medical claim to school's insurance must be supported by incident report.

Reporting of fault in building and environment

  • Inform Operations Manager through Whatsapp;

  • Provide a brief description of the fault and its location;

  • Where possible, take a photograph of the fault area and attach to the message.