Discipline @ SSS

Discipline is core to effective engagement and learning. Through discipline, the boys develop self-control, emotional regulation and positive habits that lead to growth and success. It instils resilience and stability to overcome challenges, transforming failures into opportunities for learning and growth. 

As educators in the Lasallian Community, we role model good behaviours, make the difference (I Believe in You) and abide by the golden rule 

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

This is the link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18XG8DicPdb3mqUfN0o4sKElyAlVqTEOa to the 24 Jan 2024 PD sharing.

Discipline Handbook for Teachers 2022.doc
Behavioural Support Flowchart & Teacher Response Flowchart.docx

Please refer to the above Discipline Handbook for Teachers, including the referral process. 

Admin Process


1. Consequence Chart (School wide consequence chart, Classroom Matters consequence chart)

2. Referral Flowchart

3. Forms

4.Data Collection

Please keep a record of the following documents

Investigating minor cases in your classroom(s

Investigating major / recalcitrant cases – Referred to Discipline Committee 

Student Management (Discipline) Workplan .docx


(link to MOE Intranet for guidelines and resources)   https://intranet.moe.gov.sg/guidancebranch/Discipline%20Resource%20Portal

Please always refer to the Intranet site for the most updated information.

Key Frames:

MOE Discipline Philosophy - A Frame for Student Management

A positive, proactive approach to discipline develops students’ readiness and motivation to learn, and enables them to feel safe both physically and psychologically.

For the most serious and recalcitrant student offenders, schools should not hesitate to take strong actions, which include caning (for boys), suspension and expulsion, for the safety and well-being of other students and staff.

MOE Tiered System of Support

Everyone plays a part to contribute to the lived experience of the students in a caring and enabling school environment (CESE) along a continuum of care - promote CESE, provide early support and intervention, and render continual support for vulnerable and at-risk students.

School determines the needs and profile of students and plan the support to be provided for each tier.

The support provided at each tier ensures a continuum of care for students.

The TSS is also a useful way to decide on deployment and resourcing.