Parent Volunteers

Parent Volunteer Groups in SSS

Parent volunteers are tapped on as a supplement of manpower and expertise beyond the school resource for enhancement of school learning experience. Various school programmes work with different groups of parent volunteers, namely the registered PVs with SSSPARK and the ad hoc parent volunteers, depending on the scale and need of the project.

1) SSSPARK (St. Stephen's School Parent Assistance in Relationship and Knowledge), our Parent Support Group was officially formed in 2007. Parents are invited to register into the group and are deployed currently to support large scale or school wide programmes, e.g. school decoration for events and festivals, recess activities etc. 

The link for online registration is open all year round. Registered volunteers and staff of the school can request to join the SPARK's FB face for regular updates on their activities. The SPARK official email and the the links to the Sign-up Portal and the FB page can be found in the school website under "Parents and Partners":


SSSPARK Facebook Page:

SSSPARK Signup Portal:

2) Dads@SSS

In tandem with the SG Dads for Life Movement, this is a new group formed at the end of 2022, currently at infancy stage. Dads@SSS is a team of fathers passionate about promoting healthy bonding between our fathers and sons of St. Stephen's School. One core role is encouraging fathers to be better role models and an enduring inspiration to their children.  

Dads@SSS currently has an organising committee and is on a recruitment drive, with 2 events held thus far by Term 1 2023:  

1) Father-Son Camp jointly organised with SSOBA (end 2022) 

2) Futsal Tournament (Term 1 2023).

Dads@SSS email:

3) Ad Hoc Parent Volunteers, the general pool of our parents, are sought directly by respective project owners and/or level/class teachers through channels such as PG and ClassDojo, to volunteer their service to the school on small scale or level programmes.



Submission of Request

(b) For Level or Small Group or Class Programme/Event/Project (e.g. Level LJs), PLO will inform PV Requestors to get PVs from their own student groups using their own channels (e.g. ClassDojo). If PO is unable to get enough PVs, alert PLO 2 weeks before event date to contact SSSPARK for support.

SPARK Request Form_Blank (Version_July 2022).doc


Briefing to PVs


Refreshment for PVs

[For short term / adhoc support projects, budget is $3 per PV per day. For long term projects, such as recess field duty, MTL recess storytelling etc., PO consults the PLO to discuss on suitable appreciation gestures.]

SSS Rules and Regulations for PVs

All PVs are required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with the school before they render their service. In addition, they are required to adhere to the guidelines set by SPARK.


To be updated [NDA for PV (underway)]