Staff Well-being 

Staff Well-Being Committee

1. Objectives of the Staff Well-being Committee (SWBC)

The school’s SWBC is aimed at creating a fun, caring, supportive and inclusive working environment for the staff. This could be achieved through planning and implementing several initiatives that allow opportunities for staff bonding and interaction. 

2. Organization and Role of the SWBC

To ensure that interests of minority groups, religion and different staff profiles are catered for, the committee must include at least one representative from each of the following groups, comprising a total of at least 8 members:

The elected Chairperson must be a member of the teaching staff. The SSD will serve as the Advisor to the SWBC.

The role of the SWBC is to manage, plan and execute staff welfare initiatives for the staff. The staff is primarily comprised of all permanent MOE staff, and this also includes:

The support staff members being served by the SWBC also includes:

Not included:

3. Key Activities

The SWBC will organise fitness activities once a month as scheduled. Activities organised should be as inclusive as possible. Examples of fitness activities can include captain's ball, badminton, etc. Health talks and check ups can be organised to promote the staff’s well being.

2. SWBC Food and Dietary Requirements

1. Teacher’s Day Lunch

In years when there is no combined Lasallian Teacher’s Day Dinner, the SWBC will be in charge of organizing the school’s Teacher’s Day Lunch.

2. Lunch for Festive Occasions 

Food should be catered for all staff during festivals like Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and Christmas. SWBC will organise a get together lunch for staff during these festivals.

3. Lunch for Bonding Days 

Food will be catered for all staff members during bonding days. This is held during work week (after Term 2 and Term 4).

4. Dietary Requirements

SWBC must consider the dietary requirements of all its staff members. Halal and vegetarian menus must be provided for the Muslim and vegetarian staff members respectively. 

4. Finance Matters

i. Pantry Grant 

ii. MOE Staff Welfare Grant

5. Conclusion

The above guidelines have been created to support the appointed Staff Well-Being Committee members in the running of the Committee. It is meant as a reference and is subject to changes upon discussion and approval of the Principal and/or Vice-Principals.
