Students' Achievement Recognition

School-based awards criteria (Prize-giving i/c to provide inputs)


In each class, top 5 pupils who have scored the highest per subject for each SA.

The following awards are presented to the pupils during Founder’s Day. 

Top 5 pupils who have shown the best improvement in their academic performance within the level based on current level positions compared to previous level position. 

Pupils who have scored the highest per subject per level

 Pupils who have achieved top 3 in their level position including any ties in positions. 

Stephenian Leadership Challenge (SLC - Terence Tng Leadership Award)

The Stephenian Leadership Challenge was inspired by the National Youth Achievement Award for Stephenians to apply their leadership skills through these 3 areas. ( )

It is applicable and open to all P5 students (starts in term 3 and concludes in term 2 of the following year). Award winners will receive a token sum of money from the TTLA funds.

Award for Stephenian Leadership Challenge (SLC):


To recognise outstanding Stephenians in each class who exemplify the school values.

To encourage positive behaviours and good learning attitudes among the students.

Who are the Star Stephenians?

Outstanding Stephenians in each class who exemplify the school values Faith, Service and Community.

Stephenians who by virtue of their character inspire others as role models.

MOE Based Awards


Up to 2% of students in each school who demonstrated exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions.

Award amount:



Students who are within the top 10% of their school’s level and course in terms of academic performance, and have demonstrated good conduct.

Award amount:



Up to 10% of students from each school who have demonstrated leadership qualities, service to community and schools, excellence in non-academic activities, and good conduct.

Award amount:


Primary 1 and 2

Students who consistently demonstrated positive learning dispositions in the course of the year, have demonstrated good conduct and whose monthly household income does not exceed $7,500 (or per capita income does not exceed $1,875).

Other levels

Students who are within the top 25% of their school’s level and course in terms of academic performance, have demonstrated good conduct and whose monthly household income does not exceed $7,500 (or per capita income does not exceed $1,875). Students must not be recipients of an Edusave scholarship.

Award amount:

For primary schools, the revised income eligibility criteria for the EMB, will apply for applications received from November 2023.  


Primary 2 (from 2019 onwards) and Primary 3 (from 2020 onwards)

Students who do not qualify for Edusave Merit Bursary, but showed the greatest improvement in learning disposition in the course of the year and have demonstrated good conduct.

Other levels

Students who are within the top 10% of their school’s level and course in terms of improvement in academic performance and have demonstrated good conduct.

Award amount: