Information Management


The 21st Century is very much an Information age. It is the school's policy to build sound and reliable systems to manage the volume of information that goes through the school. It is critical that school-wide decisions be made based on accurate and reliable data.


As a school, we classify data into 3 broad categories:

  1. Student data (eg academic results, discipline, health, medical, background etc)

  2. Staff data (eg preference forms, lesson observation, record files etc)

  3. Organisational Data (eg AAR, RAMs, Surveys, Incidents etc)

This document will briefly describe how the school:

  1. Manages organisation of school data, documents and resources

  2. Monitors the processing of school data and information

Data owner to provide inputs

P1 & 2 Holistic Reporting

Since 2019, there had been no examinations and weighted assessments at Primary 1 and 2. This is to allow young pupils to ease into formal schooling more smoothly and to discover the joy of learning. Teachers use qualitative descriptors in the Holistic Assessment report to report on pupils' learning semesterly. A number of learning targets, known as Learning Outcomes, will be identified for each subject. Teachers will provide feedback of pupils' learning based on the qualitative descriptors (Approaching Expectations, Meeting Expectations and Exceeding Expectations) for each Learning Outcome. Reporting of test scores will no longer be carried out.

Besides reporting on pupils' academic learning, Form Teachers will also provide feedback for each pupil under the Holistic Development Profile (HDP) Remarks and Conduct. Under this reporting segment, teachers should provide meaningful and specific feedback which will be conducive to helping the pupil improve. Pupil's progress in non-academic areas such as character strengths, social skills, collaborative learning skills, self-management, etc. can be mentioned to give parents/guardians a holistic profile of the child's development.

A general guide to HDP Remarks writing:

  • A good Remarks is clear and concise (approx. 3-5 sentences)

  • A good Remarks paragraph covers 4 key points below

1) Learning Attributes / Dispositions / Attitude

2) Character Strengths

3) Socialisation Attributes / Dispositions

4) Class / School Leadership Roles - Service to Others

  • A good Remarks is framed around key attributes / values from our Stephenian Student Outcomes, School Vision & Values, Lasallian Values, or Positive Mindsets

  • Do not bring in Academic Subject Performance or Grades. Focus on Learning, Social and Character dispositions and attitudes / outcomes demonstrated.

Note on HDP Conduct Grade:

The Conduct Gade should be based on behaviour character only, do not include academic consideration.

Info Management Table