Work Review Checklist

1. At the 1st Work Review Session of the Year (Jan / Feb)

Performance Planning


Target setting

 Communicate & clarify college & department goals (where appropriate) 

 Discuss targets set for the year, for each KRA of the officer 


• Are the targets set guided by overall school, department goals & profile of students?

• Are there process and outcome targets  

• Are the targets set SMART?

• Are there some stretch targets that the officer can work towards?

 Discuss strategies that will be implemented to help meet those targets

Discuss Professional Development Plans

Include in the discussion:

 Individual Learning Needs Analysis


• Is there a particular competency that the officer may wish to work on improving / or developing further?

 Follow up on his Career Development Plan


• Did the officer indicate an interest in a TWA? - if so, consider this as a target in his plan this year

• Was the officer deployed according to his indicated preferences? (e.g. in CCA/CDD, job expansion, leadership position etc.) If not,  expectations will have to be clarified / managed

 Individual Learning Plans


• Is the officer’s ILP planned strategically and meaningfully?  Consider if the training / learning activities address his needs, required job competencies and help in meeting the department & college goals

• Has the officer signed up for too many courses?  May need to advise officers on the time factor

 PPCR (engage in a pre-course review if relevant) 

Any other matters

 Discussion of any other plans for the year (this could include leave matters or any other personal matters)

Sections of Work Review Form to be filled in:

 Service Particulars

 Job Description 

 Section 1: Key Result Areas


2. At the Mid-Year Work Review Session (Jun - Aug) 

Performance Coaching & Mid Year Review


Review of progress 

 Review progress of officers against work targets set through the officer’s reflection


• How is the officer progressing against his work targets?

• What are the areas he has done well in?

• What are the areas that he could have done better in?

• What are the officer’s major contributions to the school?

• What further support or training does the jobholder need to meet his targets?

Review of learning plans

 Review effectiveness of learning activities 

 Conduct a post course review and/or confirmation of post-course targets (if appropriate)

Discussion of CDP

 Discuss the officer’s Career Development plans 

Obtaining Feedback

 Get feedback from officer on policy and implementation issues (e.g. workload distribution, deployment, work-life balance policies, culture of school, other HR practices)


 Discuss the officer’s competencies using the EPMS as a guide


• What are the officer’s competency strengths?

• Which 2 - 3 competencies should the officer work on?

• What feedback do I want to give to help the officer develop further?

• What further support, training and development does the officer need to improve his competency? 

 Inform the officer if they are at risk of a performance grade of C- or lower

 Work through a coaching plan with the officer

Sections of the Work Review Form to be filled in:

 Mid Year Column in the Achievements & Progress

 Mid Year Competency Rating

 Mid Year Review Comments 


 Training plans

 CDP forms 


3. At the Year-End Work Review Session (Oct-Nov) 

Performance Evaluation & Feedback 


Review of progress 

 Review progress of officers against work targets set through the officer’s reflection


• How is the officer progressing against his work targets?

• What are the areas he has done well in?

• What are the areas that he could have done better in?

• What are the officer’s major contributions to the college?

• What further support or training does the jobholder need to meet his targets?

Review of learning plans

 Review effectiveness of learning activities

 Conduct a post course review and/or confirmation of post-course targets (if appropriate)

Discussion of CDP

 Close the loop on officer’s preferences indicated in the CDP form at the Mid Year Review

 Discuss areas of development for the coming year (including job scope expansion, CCA/ CCD allocation, postgraduate studies etc.) 

 Manage expectations (if necessary) 

Obtaining Feedback

 Get feedback from officer on policy and implementation issues (e.g. workload distribution, deployment, work-life balance policies, culture of school, other HR practices)


 Discuss the officer’s competencies using the EMPS as a guide


• What are the officer’s competency strengths?

• Which 2 - 3 competencies should the officer work on?

• What feedback do I want to give to help the officer develop further?

• What further support, training and development does the officer need to improve his competency in the coming year?

 Inform the officer of their performance grade

 Sections of Work Review Form to be filled in:

 Year-End Achievements & Progress

 Year-End Competency Rating

 Training & Development Plan & Points of Discussion 

 Year-End Review Comments 


 Training plans

NB: It is always good for ROs to obtain feedback about the performance of their staff from other sources (e.g. other appointment holders who work with the officer) for a more holistic picture