Teacher Growth Model

The Teachers’ Growth Model (TGM) aims to develop an integrative and a systematic learning framework for the Professional Development of EOs, in order to realise the PD vision of “Excellent Educators, Collaborative Community”.

Situated in the context of a knowledge-intensive age, the TGM is an overarching and unifying framework for teacher PD that is based on the concept of growth.  The TGM seeks to provide for the continuous and holistic growth of EOs as professionals and reflective practitioners. It integrates various aspects of PD into a coherent whole for the continuum of teacher learning, seeking to equip teachers adequately to develop students holistically and to prepare them for the 21st century. 

TGM brings together aspects of professional development (PD): 

These PD opportunities, known as Learning Vehicles, are organised in the Learning Continuum under Learning Dimensions that detail the Learning Areas and specific Learning Sub-Areas relevant to the 21st century teacher. Taking into account the learning needs of teachers across the system, TGM also features different Learning Modes which enable teachers to go beyond face-to-face courses to engage in professional growth and development. 

(click on the underlined words for detailed elaboration)


Teacher Growth Model - OPAL2.pdf
Roles of the Future-ready Teacher.pdf
TGM Poster_LC.pdf
TGM Learning Sub-areas.pdf
TGM Consolidated LAs.pdf
TGM Consolidated Practice Levels.pdf