Homework Policy

Timing, Scheduling and Quantity of Homework:

Children should not be spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework as they are encouraged to pursue non-assigned, independent, leisure reading and spend time revising on what was imparted currently.

·       Homework should not be assigned on days of special significance such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and other national declared public holidays.

·       Homework assigned for school holidays should also be measured and appropriate bearing in mind the need to support personal and family wellness.

·       Assigned homework must be collected, marked, and returned for filing.

·       Spelling days for the level is coordinated within the level to ensure ample time for preparation for the different subjects.


Late-Work Policies

·       Pupils are expected to turn work in on time.  Those who turn in late assignments on a consistent basis will receive any of the following based upon school and class rules:

o   communication with parents

o   behavioural management actions

o   miss reward activity (deprived of positive reinforcement)

·       Pupils who miss homework because of an absence (with medical certificate or approved letter) will receive the opportunity to make up missed work based on teacher’s discretion in view of quantity of homework missed.  

Refer to attached document below on SSS Homework Guidelines:

Homework Guidelines 2015.docx