Spanish Summer Term

Course overview - Study Period 5 and 6

During the fifth study period - #whatstrending?

In this study period they are introduced to the world of technology and social media. Learners will explore and learn a range of vocabulary to describe the use of technology and social media. In addition, learners will discuss the advantages and dangers of technology and social media in the target languages. Again, learners will transfer key grammar including opinions from previous topics to help express their views on the world of technology and social media today.  

During the Sixth study period - Where shall we go shopping?

Learners will cover the key vocabulary in Spanish in order to take part in a conversation regarding shopping. The study period will focus on the real life application of the language and how to ask for items, return items and the cost. In addition, learners will cover the different items linked to the topic of shopping, free time & directions.

Key Concept:  

Tenses, Gender agreement, adjectives Technology & Free Time/ Shopping 

Assessment Points:

Per study period there will be the following:


Learners will receive guidance in a variety of ways.  These include marked assessments, including feedback in books, 1:1 interaction, vocabulary tests, self & peer assessments of including class tasks 

Key Vocabulary:

SP5 Spanish Vocabulary Lists: Technology

SP6 Spanish Vocabulary Lists:  Free Time/ Shopping