Design & Technology 

Summer Term

Course overview 

D&T GCSE; The structure of the GCSE course is to ensure there is an even split of theory and practical to mirror the GCSE requirements. Learners will study the core theory content once a fortnight, along with core specialisms skills once a fortnight building skills that will feed into their next project. Project based practical will cover the remaining two sessions a fortnight.  


Learners will be focusing on a mini GCSE NEA mock project. Within the project learners will be working with a range of papers and boards to design and make an architectural model of a theme park expansion for a chosen park group. Learners will also be building on CAD knowledge on programs such as Adobe Illustrator to create a range of branding materials for their theme park expansion.

This project uses the AQA NEA criteria to enable them to work independently on their coursework in cohort 11.

Key Concept:  

Designing products & manufacturing processes 

Assessment Points:

The deadlines will be shared with learners via the project timelines and within learning sessions. At the end of each project there will be an end of unit test. Work will be marked using GCSE criteria in preparation for their mock coursework piece. Projects will also have their own success criteria and mark scheme and will be marked officially at the end, we will give learners time to re-draft before this deadline and after guidance and feedback is given.


 Learners will receive guidance in a variety of ways. These include mid-point marking for their project work, with feedback and guidance, to help with their re-drafting, a final mark against the success criteria for the projects. New skills are taught through group demonstrations and small focused re-caps to allow for us to address any mis-conceptions. There are PPT’s created for each project, skill development etc so learners can revisit these at any time Teachers are constantly circulating the room during practicals and will be constantly giving verbal guidance and feedback to all learners. 

Key Vocabulary:

Branding, Client, Commercial process, Commercial product, Conceptual stages (of design), Continuous improvement, Design Specification, Engineering Drawings, Ergonomics, Finishes, Iterative Design,  Market Research, Product Analysis, Prototype, Properties,  Printing Techniques, Standard Components, Stock Forms, Tolerance, Working Drawings.