Unit 7

Identifying and Describing 2D and 3D Shapes

Unit 7 Overview:

Students will be expected to note similarities and differences between and among 2D (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, hexagon) and 3D shapes (cylinder, cube, sphere, cone) using informal language. These experiences help young students begin to understand how 3-dimensional shapes are composed of 2-dimensional shapes (e.g.., The base and the top of a cylinder is a circle; a circle is formed when tracing a sphere). Students analyze and compare two‐ and three‐dimensional shapes by observations. Their visual thinking enables them to determine if things are alike or different based on the appearance of the shape. Students sort objects based on appearance. Even in early explorations of geometric properties, they are introduced to how categories of shapes are subsumed within other categories. For instance, they will recognize that a square is a special type of rectangle. Students should be exposed to triangles, rectangles, and hexagons whose sides are not all congruent. They first begin to describe these shapes using everyday language and then refine their vocabulary to include sides and vertices/corners. Opportunities to work with pictorial representations, concrete objects, as well as technology helps student develop their understanding and descriptive vocabulary for both two‐ and three‐ dimensional shapes.

  • Students will identify 3D objects in the environment using shape names with defining attributes, and describe relative positions of objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to. (K.G.A.1 & K.G.A.2)
  • Students will identify, analyze, compare and sort 2D (flat) and 3D shapes (solid), regardless of size and orientation, based on their defining and measurable attributes (e.g., number of sides and vertices, having sides of equal length). (K.G.A.3 & K.G.B.4)
  • Students will compose 2D shapes out of smaller shapes and 3D solids using 2D shapes to represent real world objects. Students will also explain how they composed the shape including the names of shapes used. (K.G.B.5 & K.G.B.6)
Grade K Unit 7 Family Resource

Home Activities

  • Shapes are everywhere! Take the time to observe 2D/3D shapes in everyday situations, ice cream cone, dice (cube), soup can (cylinder), etc.
    • Talk about their attributes. Have your child tell you about it and describe it to you.
  • Have fun creating new composite shapes with 3D shapes. Encourage your child to tell a story about the shape and explain how he/she made it and what each 3D shape is.



Other Resources

10 Activities for Describing 3D Shapes

(website: kindergarten works)

This article gives various resources for teaching about 3D shapes.

Tangram Puzzle

(website: erikson)

This video explains how to make a tangram puzzle for your child.

Math Words

These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.

  • three-dimensional shapes
  • solid
  • face
  • edge
  • cylinder
  • sphere
  • cone
  • cube
  • above
  • beside
  • in front of
  • next to
  • behind
  • under
  • over
  • two-dimensional shapes
  • rectangle
  • circle
  • triangle
  • hexagon
  • square
  • shape
  • flat
  • vertex/corner
  • attributes
  • figure
  • trapezoid