Unit 6
Comparing and Representing Addition and Subtraction
Unit 6 Overview:
Unit 6 Overview:
In this Math unit, students will be introduced to the concepts of addition and subtraction by using a variety of representations such as drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations and numerical expressions. It is important to share real life story problems. (Example- You are at a store and you buy 3 green apples and 2 red apples. How many apples do you have in all?) Math tools you have at home (noodles, pieces of cereal, beans, etc.) are helpful as students try to act out and solve problems.
- Students will use actions, objects, fingers and mental images to model and solve real world addition and subtraction story situations for numbers up to 5. (K.OA.A.1)
- Students will use objects, drawings, and/or equations to model and solve addition and subtraction word problems within 5 using putting together, adding to, taking apart, and taking from story structures. (K.OA.A.2)
- Students will model decompositions of numbers up to 5 using objects, sets, and drawings. (K.OA.A.3)
Home Activities
Home Activities
- Begin to introduce problem solving at home. Think about situations where you can encourage your child to add or subtract within 5. Act it out together.
- Example situations:
- I have 2 cookies and you have 3. How many do we have in all?
- There was 1 boy and 2 girls at the park. How many kids were at the park?
- When setting the table. We need 5 forks altogether, if we have 2, how many more do we need?
- There were 4 bluebirds and 1 flew away. How many are left?
- Grade 1 Splash Math (App)
- Todo Math (App)
- Fruit Shoot (Website)
- Starfall Addition (Website)
- Word Problems Add and Subtract Within 10 (Website)
- Word Problems Add to 10 (Website)
Other Resources
Other Resources
Math Words
Math Words
These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.
- add
- subtract
- difference
- total
- equal
- add to
- take away
- take from
- part
- part-part-whole
- ten frame
- decompose
- greater
- fewer