Unit 1

Counting and Recognizing Numbers to 10

Unit 1 Overview:

Counting skills are developed throughout the year. The target for this unit is counting to 10 by ones, but this number should not be the limit. It is crucial that students know the number names and count sequence and incorporate counting in daily activities in the classroom.

  • Students will be able to rote count to 10
  • Students will apply one-to-one correspondence (count once and only once) to count objects and know number names 0-10.
  • Students will understand that a written number 0-10 can be used to represent any number of objects and use this understanding to identify written numerals to match sets of objects.
Grade K Unit 1 2017-2018 Family Resource

Home Activities

Use everyday moments to count aloud with your child, consider playtime, cleaning, riding in car, etc. In doing this, a child’s understanding of rote counting (saying numbers sequentially) is improved. Solidify counting within 10, but don’t deter them from trying. Then, continue going beyond.



Other Resources

Article: Understanding Counting

Learn about the early stages of Math Development and the importance of counting and pre-counting experiences.

Books About Counting:

Here is a great list of books that focuses on counting. Check them out at your local library!

Math Words

These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.





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