Unit 1
Applying Place Value Strategies
Unit 1 Overview:
Unit 1 Overview:
To start the year, Third Graders work with numbers up to 1,000. They will explain various patterns within our number system. They will learn to round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. Students will also review addition and subtraction strategies from second grade and will use models to solve problems within 1000. Similarly, students will work to solve two-step word problems with unknowns in all locations.
- Students will identify, describe, and explain the patterns of our number system including within the Addition Table and Hundred Chart. (OA.D.9)
- Students will make meaning of rounding strategies to think flexibly and reasonably when estimating and computing (to the nearest 10 or 100). (NBT.A.1)
- Students will use a variety of models, representations, and strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems within 1000. (NBT.A.2)
- Students will solve two-step scaffolded word problems involving addition and subtraction in which the unknown is in a variety of positions, exploring the use of parenthesis to separate operations. (OA.D.8)
Home Activities
Home Activities
- While out shopping...
- have your child round the amount to the nearest whole dollar amount.
- tell what place value the dollar amount is, ex: $24.67 - $25 - the 2 is in the tens place and the 5 is in the ones place
- Have your child add different objects together while playing or while cleaning - ex. 3 shirts plus 2 pants plus 6 socks equals...
- Practice skip counting - by 2, 5, 10, 100
- Place Value Pacman - This online game focuses on identifying the correct place of various digits.
- Expanded Form Online Game - Try to spot the number that matches the given place value description.
- Printable Number Lines - Print these number lines to practice rounding to the nearest ten or hundred.
- Estimating Sums - A printable game to practice rounding, estimating, and addition skills.
- Estimating Differences - A printable rounding game to practice rounding, estimating, and subtraction skills.
- Printable Digit Cards - Digit cards can be printed and used for different games.
- Deep Sea Duel Online Game - Collect the correct amount of numbers that add up to the target number.
- Mission 2110 Online Game - Solve addition and subtraction equations to help complete a mission.
- Addition and Subtraction Online Game - Practice this game at various levels ranging from single digit facts to three-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping.
- Virtual Hundreds Chart - Use this online hundreds chart to assist with different problem solving skills.
- Virtual Manipulatives - Explore different online manipulatives to help practice a variety of skills.
Other Resources
Other Resources
- Rounding to the Nearest Ten with a Number Line - Watch this video to see how a number line can help students round to the nearest ten.
- Rounding to the Nearest Hundred with a Number Line - Watch this video to see how a number line can help students round to the nearest hundred.
- Subtracting on a Number Line - A great video demonstrating how to subtract three-digit numbers with a number line.
- Addition Properties Video/Song - Practice the properties of addition by watching and singing along with this video.
- Addition Properties Overview - This website defines and explains each of the addition properties.
- Subtraction by Addition - An explanation of one strategy to subtract.
Math Words
Math Words
These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.
- about
- approximate
- benchmark (closest tens or hundreds)
- benchmark (Midpoint)
- compute
- digit
- estimate
- exact place
- hundred
- plot
- round
- strategy
- ten
- value
- whole number
- addition
- bar model
- decompose
- difference
- equality
- equation
- estimate
- expanded form
- hundreds
- minuend
- model
- ones
- open number line
- place value
- representation
- strategy
- tens
- addend
- evaluate
- expression
- operation
- parentheses
- represent
- solve
- subtraction
- subtrahend
- sum
- unknown
- variable