Unit 1
Numbers to 100 and Making Sense of Ten
Unit 1 Overview:
Unit 1 Overview:
Children will use their counting skills to organize and represent numbers to 100 using objects. Children will explore place value by making bundles of 10 to count larger sets of objects.
- Students will read, write and represent a number of objects with a written numeral to 100. (1.NBT.A.1)
- Students will represent a two digit number using tens and ones. (1.NBT.B.2)
- Students will represent bundles of 10 both pictorially and numerically. (1.NBT.B.2a and c)
- Students will identify the relationship between the quantity a teen number represents and the digits that represent the quantity. (1.NBT.B.2b)
Home Activities
Home Activities
- Use objects around the house (paper clips, macaroni, buttons etc) and have your child put the objects into groups of 10 and practice counting them by tens and ones. Remind them that this is a much quicker way to count than counting one at a time.
- Give your child a number to 100 and have them count out objects by grouping the into bundles of tens and ones.
- Number hunt, be on the look out with your child for numbers 1-100 (and beyond if they are ready) in their environment. Numbers are everywhere. Find numbers together, read them and talk about them together.
- Find fun ways to write the numbers 1-100. You can use modeling clay to make numbers, write in sand
- Understanding Tens and Some More Ones - Although this is a kindergarten class, the lesson still connects to concept being reviewed in first grade.
- Counting Up Game - There are a lot of counting games on this site depending on your child's level.
- Base Ten Fun - A game on abcya.com that allows students to explore making numbers with Base Ten blocks.
- Numbers to Twenty with Tens Frames - (Website- This activity can be found under “Kindergarten Number Sense and Equivalence”) See sets of numbers represented in tens frames and find the corresponding numeral to the set.
Understanding Tens and Ones - A fun video that explains tens and ones.
Other Resources
Other Resources
Math Words
Math Words
These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.
- bundle
- counting
- counting chart
- digit(s)
- groups
- hundreds
- model
- ones
- one-digit number
- place value
- represent
- tens
- ten frame
- two-digit number