Grade 2 Unit 6

Addition and Subtraction Using Length and Time Measurements

Unit 6 Overview:

In unit 6 students will work with measuring and estimating lengths in standard units. Students will also identify time from analog and digital clocks to 5 minutes. Look at an analog clock with your child and practice skip counting the minutes by 5. It helps practice 2 skills in one - time & math facts!

  1. Students will explore and use appropriate measuring tools to estimate and measure the length of objects (inches and feet ) to compare the differences in lengths with the same unit. (2.MD.A.1, 2.MD.A.3, 2.MD.A.4)
  2. Students will measure an object with both inches and feet, describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen. (2.MD.A.2)
  3. Students will use real-life situations involving lengths in inches and feet to build on their conceptual understanding with finding length differences through addition and subtraction (within 100). (2.MD.B.5)
  4. Students will mark and label a number line with equal spaces and solve an addition or subtraction problem using the number line to model the solution (within 100). (2.MD.B.6)
  5. Students will tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analog clock, using am and pm. (2.MD.C.7)
Grade 2 Unit 6 Family Resource

Home Activities

Clock Labels - Label an analog in your house with the minutes (skip counting by 5s). Review what each hand on the clock measures and practice telling time to the nearest 5 minutes.

Measure Around the House- Measure objects around the house in different units. Challenge your child to estimate first and then measure. Discuss if the estimates get better as they do it more.



Measure with non-standard objects - In this video you will learn how to measure by using smaller, equally sized objects.(2.MD.A.1)

Measure using a ruler - In this lesson you will learn how to measure by using a ruler.(2.MD.A.1)

Tell time to the nearest 5 minutes using analog and digital clocks - In this video you will learn how to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes by using both an analog clock and a digital clock. (2.MD.C.7)


Measure It- Choose to measure objects to measure in inches or centimeters.

Length Strength - This site uses non standard units of measurement to estimate and make measurements.

Which Metric Unit is Most Appropriate? - Choose the best metric unit to measure objects.

Which Customary Unit is Most Appropriate? - Choose the best customary unit to measure objects.

Metric Units of Length Story Problems - Solve the measurement word problems.

Customary Units of Length Story Problems -Solve the measurement word problems.

Battleship- Place your ship correctly on the number line to sink it!

Giraffe Dash - Tell time to win the race!

Time Keeper - Practice reading analog clocks.

Travel Time - Choose the level to practice telling time.

Other Resources

Math Slide Addition- (Ipad App) This is a multiplayer game helping students understand tens & ones; numbers up to 100.

Deep Sea Duel - Okta challenges you to a duel! Collect cards with a specified sum, and you win!

Thinking Blocks: Addition - Thinking Blocks Addition teaches children how to model and solve word problems involving addition and subtraction.

Math Words

These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.












number line





analog clock

digital clock

half hour

half past


hour hand


minute hand


