Unit 8
Measurement and Geometry
Unit 8 Overview:
Unit 8 Overview:
This unit is an introduction to angles and angle measurement. Students use their understanding of equal partitioning and unit measurement to understand angle/turn/rotation measure. They will measure angles, decompose and compose angles to model the additive nature of angles, and solve real world and mathematical problems to find the measurement of unknown angles.
- Students will recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint; and understand concepts of angle measurement: An angle is measured with reference to a circle with its center at the common endpoint of the rays, by considering the fraction of the circular arc between the points where the two rays intersect the circle. An angle that turns through 1/360 of a circle is called a “one-degree angle,” and can be used to measure angles. (MD.C.5a)
- Students will recognize angles as geometric shapes that are formed wherever two rays share a common endpoint; and understand concepts of angle measurement: An angle that turns through n one-degree angles is said to have an angle measure of n degrees. (MD.C.5b)
- Students will measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified measures. (MD.C.6)
- Students will recognize angle measure as additive. When an angle is decomposed into non-overlapping parts, the angle measure of the whole is the sum of the angle measures of the parts. Solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on the diagram in real world and mathematical problems, eg., by using an equation with a symbol for the unknown angle measure. (MD.C.7)
- Students will draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures. (G.A.1)
- Students will classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify right triangles. (G.A.2) (Unit 8)
- Students will recognize a line of symmetry for two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry. (G.A.3)
Home Activities
Home Activities
- Geometry can be really fun because you can find examples of geometric shapes and concepts in our everyday lives.
- Look for examples of symmetry throughout your day. What makes that object/image symmetrical?
- What geometric shapes can you see? Can you identify it by name and describe the attributes?
- Find different examples of acute, obtuse and right angles. Ex. the door is almost completely open making an obtuse angle. The corner of the room makes a right angle.
- Geometry and Art
- Many pieces of artwork show great examples of geometric shapes, angles and symmetry.
- use these artworks to share what you know about geometry.
- Many pieces of artwork show great examples of geometric shapes, angles and symmetry.
- Parallel vs Perpendicular
- While coming to a 4 way intersection, discuss why these two roads are perpendicular (because they intersect and meet at a 90 degree angle).
- Look for examples of parallel, perpendicular or intersecting lines.
- Turtle Pond - In interactive website practicing angle measurements to guide a turtle to a pong
- Measuring Angles - Interactive website using a protractor to measure angles
- Shape Sorter - Interactive website in which you can sort 2D figures by their attributes
- Types of Lines - Online game identifying types of lines
- Attack Angle - Game involving determining the measurement of angles
Other Resources
Other Resources
- Symmetry - Interactive website explaining symmetry
- Quizlet - Online practice, flashcards, games, learning, and testing of facts. Can also create printed flashcards for all operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.You can search for ready made sets or create a customized set to suit your needs.This link goes specifically to multiplication facts 0-9
Math Words
Math Words
These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.
- points
- lines
- line segment
- rays
- angle
- right angle
- acute angle
- obtuse angle
- perpendicular
- parallel
- right triangles
- line of symmetry
- classify
- two-dimensional
- protractor
- vertex/vertices
- scalene
- intersecting lines
- rhombus/rhombi
- trapezoid
- polygon
- endpoint
- degree
- protractor
- intersect
- acute
- right
- obtuse
- straight
- degrees
- rotation
- decompose
- angle
- ray
- equation
- symbol
- intersecting lines
- isosceles
- equilateral
- quadrilateral
- parallelogram