Grade 2 Unit 9

Representing and Reasoning with Data (10 Days)

Unit 9 Overview:

In unit 9, students generate measurement data by measuring lengths of several objects to the nearest whole unit, or by making repeated measurements of the same object to create a line plot. Students will also draw picture and bar graphs (with single-unit scale) to represent categorical data. Students will analyze graphs to solve word problems.

  1. Students will analyze and understand a line plot is a representation of data on a number line. (2.MD.D.9)
  2. Students will use picture and bar graphs to analyze data, with up to four categories, in order to draw conclusions and solve problems about the data. (2.MD.D.10)
Grade 2 Unit 9 Family Resource

Home Activities

  • Have fun creating a graph together as a family.
    • Come up with a question such as What is your favorite food? Decide on the choices and ask family members or friends to collect data.
    • Create a bar graph or picture graph to show the results.
    • Have your child tell you 3-4 facts about the data on the graph.



*Doubles Plus One (website: youtube) - This video models using doubles plus one.


Interpreting Line Plots - Practice answer questions about line plots!

Graphing Fuzz Bugs - Practice sorting, graphing and answering data questions.

Make and Read Graphs - Students will help Olivia Octagon sort objects to create graphs.

Pictographs- (Khanacademy) Learn how to read and make picture graphs and then answer practice questions.

Bar Graphs - (Khanacademy) Learn how to read and make bar graphs and then answer practice questions.

Line Plots - (Khanacademy) Learn how to read and make line plots and then answer practice questions.

7 Games for Practicing Math Facts (website: scholastic) - A list of 7 games to play at home to practice facts.

Teaching Models (website: eduplace) - This website gives an explanation on the doubles plus one strategy.

Tracking Time- Introduce your child to statistics and data analysis by having them collect information, analyze it and describe or present their findings in an organized way.

Math Words

These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.

  • analyze
  • bar graph
  • data
  • line plot
  • number line
  • picture graph
  • tally