Unit 11

Telling Time and Measurement

Unit 11 Overview:

In this unit, the children will learn how to read both digital and analog clocks to tell and write time to the hour and half-hour. They will review and apply their understandings of measurement to measure and compare lengths of objects using non-standard measurement tools.

  • Students will tell and write time in hours and half hours using analog and digital clocks. (1.MD.B.3)
  • Students will order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object. (1.MD.A.1)
  • Students will express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps. (1.MD.A.2)
Copy of Grade 1 Unit 11 2018-2019 Family Resource

Home Activities


Children learn how to measure using nonstandard measuring tools, such as paper clips, popsicle sticks and cubes. They learn that they must choose one tool of equal size (ex. paperclips) to measure an object. The tools must touch side to side to span the length of the object they are measuring.


It is important to try to talk about time throughout the course of your child's day. Discuss different events in the day that happen in the a.m. and p.m. Review how to tell time to the nearest hour and half hour on an analog clock.



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Math Words

These are vocabulary words that students will be exposed to throughout the unit.

  • analog
  • clock
  • clock face
  • digit
  • digital clock
  • digital time
  • half
  • half hour
  • half past
  • hands
  • hour
  • hour hand
  • minute
  • minute hand
  • o’clock
  • thirty
  • time
  • comparing
  • comparison statement
  • end-to-end
  • height
  • length
  • long
  • longer
  • longest
  • measure
  • short
  • shorter
  • shortest
  • tall
  • taller
  • tallest
  • true
  • width