Conroe ISD


Digital Learning Instructional Overview

5th Grade

Social Studies

mAY 26-28, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 21st century such as the War on Terror and the 2008 presidential election.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as … Ronald Reagan and Colin Powell who have made contributions to society in the areas of military actions and politics.

Resources Recommended / recursos recomendados

End of the year ACTIVITY

Create a poster of your favorite unit in Social Studies that you have learned about this year. Include pictures and text to describe the unit.


Create a collage about a person you have learned about this year in Social Studies. Include pictures and text to describe that person.

mAY 18-22, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyzes various issues and events of the 21st century such as the War on Terror and the 2008 presidential election.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as … Ronald Reagan and Colin Powell who have made contributions to society in the areas of military actions and politics.

Current Events Updated


Read the three articles below. After reading pick one of the articles to complete the chart. Click HERE to download the chart.

Spanish Directions:

Lea los tres artículos a continuación. Después de leer, elija uno de los artículos para completar el cuadro. Haga clic AQUÍ para descargar la tabla.



Read Article



Read Article



Read Article

mAY 11-15, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as … civil rights movement and military actions.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as … Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez … Ronald Reagan who have made contributions to society in the areas of military actions and politics.

The Civil Rights Movement 5th grade


Click HERE to make a copy and complete the assignment

Spanish Directions

mAY 4-8, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as … world war.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as … Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd Regimental Combat Team who have made contributions to society in the areas of military actions and politics.


Use Quizlet to practice new vocabulary

WWII war bill.pdf


Look at the different war time posters. Create a poster based on your knowledge of WWII. Use the video and the information from last week's lesson as background knowledge for your poster.

Virtual Trip

5to Grado WWII

Spanish Directions

April 27-mAY 1, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as … world war.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as … Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd Regimental Combat Team who have made contributions to society in the areas of military actions and politics.

WWII 5th grade


Click HERE to make a copy of the slides to answer questions.

Click Here for Spanish directions

April 20-24, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as industrialization … Great Depression.

  • Student can summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups in the United States.

  • Student can analyze the positive and negative consequences of human modification of the environment in the United States, past and present.


Watch the video to gain background knowledge about the Great Depression

Great Depression 5th grade.pdf


Read and answer the questions

Newspaper Article Great Depression 5th grade

Newspaper Article

Click HERE to make a copy of the activitiy. Use the newspaper template to create an article about the Great Depression. Remember to include important information: Date, Names and how the people were effected. Use the video and reading to complete the article.


Use Quizlet to practice new vocabulary

5th grade spanish directions

Spanish Directions

April 13-17, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as industrialization, urbanization … civil rights.

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups such as Jane Addams and Susan B. Anthony.

  • Student can analyze various issues and events of the 20th century such as … world wars.

Events after the assassination of Archduke of Austria readworks.pdf



TheGreatWar_7 Amazing Things_Mini-Poster WW1.pdf


Read the infographic about WWI

Three, Two, One WWI


Complete the 3,2,1 question.

To download and use in your google account click file, make a copy, and now it lives in your google drive


Practice new vocabulary with Quizlet


Background information about WWI

World War 1 readworks.pdf


Read and answer questions

WWI 5th grade Spanish

Spanish Directions

April 6-10, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can identify the challenges, opportunities, and contributions of people from various … immigrant groups.

  • Student can analyze the effects of immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of the United States.

  • Student can summarize the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to our national identity.


Quizlet- practice new vocabulary


Watch the video to gain background knowledge of Immigration

Immigration Scholastic


Use the timeline, read the information about each date, and complete the question.

march 30-April 3, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can identify the accomplishments of notable individuals in the field of science and technology, including … Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, the Wright Brothers.

  • Student can identify how scientific discoveries, technological innovations and the rapid growth of technology industries have advanced the economic development of the United States.

  • Student can evaluate the effects of supply and demand on business, industry … in the United States.


Practice new Vocabulary


Background information about the Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution Discussion Question.pdf


Complete the quick write about the Industrial Revolution

Duckster Industrial Revolution U.S- read this article, and use to answer the discussion post

Industrial Revolution Timeline - use this timeline to answer the the discussion post

march 23-27, 2020

Standards Addressed

  • Student can analyze the reasons for the location of cities in the United States.

  • Student can analyze the effects of immigration, migration, and limited resources on the economic development and growth of the United States.


Background information about the Transcontinental Railroad.

Dust Bowl.pdf


For more reading levels and extension activities visit NEWSLA.



Read and map the Transcontinental Railroad