Vendor Neutral Consultation for District Instructional Technology
Purposeful integration of technology tools pairs instructional practices with educational technology to not only engage students in learning outcomes but also enhance and extend student learning outcomes. Building teacher capacity to implement current district technologies i.e. LMS, virtual conferencing, G-Suite along with “new” technologies is foundational to empowering learners to become digital citizens, knowledge constructors, innovative designers, computational thinkers, creative communicators, and global collaborators. Effective implementation of technology tools supports student assessment and feedback, student engagement, student creativity, student voice and choice, and student collaboration.
Digital Learning Specialist
Tina Lemmens
Learning Services Program Support
Kristina Reignier
Primary Products and Services
Providing professional development and facilitated planning opportunities to build capacity to effectively integrate educational technology tools supporting student learning outcomes.
Observing, coaching, and planning with teachers
Primary Stakeholders
K-12 Teachers
Technology Integration Coaches
Digital Learning Network
Developing equitable, personalized, and relevant learning opportunities
Facilitating student mastery of the Informational and Technology Literacy Standards
Engaging students in, enhancing, and extending student learning outcomes (Triple E Framework)
Implementing educational technology to support student assessment and feedback, foster student creativity, and provide opportunities for voice and choice
Implementing educational technology to support Universal Design for Learning
Address Loss of Learning
Support Recovery
Funding Sources
Learning Services Customized Days
Local Funds
more information
Contact Name: Tina Lemmens | Contact Title: Digital Learning Specialist | Phone: 920-639-9667 | Email: