Academic and Career Planning


Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a collaboratively developed, student-driven process where students cultivate their own informed decisions for post-secondary success. Also known by some groups as Individualized Learning Plans (ILP), research on the benefits indicates that the ACP process increases student motivation, engagement, school connection, and awareness of individual strengths and weaknesses. Quality ACP features include alignment with current PI26-Education for Employment (E4E) administrative rule and the Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model (WCSCM) with opportunities that incorporate self-exploration, career exploration, and career planning & management activities.


Find our staff contact information here

CTE Specialist

Lindsay Allen

Learning Services Administrative Assistant

Kristina Reignier

Primary Products and Services

Primary Stakeholders

Funding Sources 



Create and sustain ACP strategies and tools that drive excellence in education for all students by building on the following principles:

more information

Contact Name: Lindsay Allen | Contact Title: CTE Specialist | Phone: 920-621-3767 | Email: