Student Data Privacy & Security


Schools routinely collect data to inform a range of activities, from basic administration and support services to teacher evaluations, student learning outcomes, and student and school performance. Much of this data is collected through education technology (edtech) tools. These tools allow educators, schools, and districts to more effectively and efficiently deliver instruction, improve student learning and engagement, and measure performance and outcomes.  When proper student privacy protections are not in place, schools and districts face significant risks to their students or to their school or district.  To reduce these risks, schools and districts are ultimately responsible not only for ensuring that student privacy is protected but also for practicing transparency and building trust with the school community.  School and district leaders are key actors in protecting student privacy. However, they are not alone. Each group of education stakeholders (educators, parents, and students) has an important role to play to ensure student data is protected and used responsibly.  

text source: accessed 2/28/21


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Tina Lemmens

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Kristina Reignier

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Contact Name: Tina Lemmens | Contact Title: Digital Learning Specialist | Phone: 920-639-9667 | Email: