
"One Team. One Dream" by Lilliana Weight

I chose to name this piece “One Team. One Dream” because we're on a team trying to fight this pandemic and we all wish for it to be over already. I believe the hands symbolize teamwork. We all want this coronavirus stuff to be over, but for that to happen we all have to play our parts; wear masks outside, social distancing, stay home, etc. I chose to write this response to remind people to listen and follow the rules that are set for us even if we don’t agree with it because if we don’t and people get sick we could be in quarantine longer. My inspiration for the hands was google, highschool musical, my friends, family, and my thoughts. Something I hope people will take out of this is that if we do what we are told, you get what you want quicker.

"The Girl Overwhelmed" by Sophia Green

I named it this because the drawing of the girl is in the middle of the drawing with a short story of everything that has happened this year in the background of the drawing. My piece connects to the pandemic because in the background the short story is mainly about what is happening with covid-19, but it is also about 2020 in general. The majority of it is about covid-19. I chose to do an art piece because it is more fun for me to do and it also can say a lot about how people are feeling in the moment. For my inspiration, I have a coronavirus journal and I basically write about new things that happen with it, or just different stuff thats going on that is weird compared to how we all used to live, so I wanted to do something like that in the background and then draw a girl in the front who is kinda mellow (if that makes sense) and not sad but not happy about everything. I hope that people see how not only covid-19 but just how 2020 is affecting everyone, because it has been a really interesting year so far.

"Warmth's Place" by Samuel Colman

This piece is called Warmth’s Pain. I named it this because it heavily connects to the emotions behind the piece. This piece connects to the pandemic via the fact it represents my emotion in the pandemic. I choose to submit this type of response because none of my other pieces felt strong enough to be refined into a piece for the time capsule. My inspiration was the emotions I've felt throughout the pandemic. I hope my audience will be able to understand the emotions I've felt through the pandemic.

"Reaching Out" by Luke Walton

I named my drawing “Reaching Out” because it shows two people reaching out. This pandemic has made it remarkably difficult for us to see our friends and it may have hindered some of our bonds with friends. My drawing represents us reaching out to our friend's hand but not being able to grasp it because of this pandemic. I chose to draw because drawing would let me express what I wanted to express easily. My inspiration was my friends. When I was thinking of something to do for this assignment, I was thinking about how I wasn’t able to see my friends in a long time, and that was when it hit me. I thought of drawing two hands reaching out to each other to represent us trying to see our friends. What I hope my audience will get out of this is a message. The message that even though this pandemic has made it very hard for us to see our friends, continue to keep reaching out, and don’t let this pandemic change or hinder some of your friendships.

"The Farm" by Joelle Iyasle

This piece is originally by Irina Koulikov, but I couldn’t find the original name so I named my recreation The Farm. I named it this because that’s what I drew. A farm. Simple names leave room for interpretation. This piece reminds me of the pandemic because the original piece that I based it off of gives the same vibes the pandemic does. In the painting the houses are spread far apart from each other which today translates to people trying to stay away and social distance themselves from each other because of Covid-19. This piece also looks very “quiet”. There isn’t any life in it, and nothing is happening. Especially during the beginning of quarantine, the outside world was peaceful and quiet. There were few cars on the roads and people in the stores. Life stood still. I chose to submit this type of response because I think it portrays what outside life is like. I hope that my audience feels the same emotions looking at my drawing that I did looking at the original. I want them to feel peaceful and relaxed.

"Thoughts during coronavirus season" by Christopher Yeh

I titled my piece "Thoughts during coronavirus season". I chose this title because in this drawing I drew my thoughts and feelings about what I thought corona virus was gonna do to the world before coronavirus and my thoughts about it today. In the drawing I draw down my thoughts and how they lead to another for example it started out with "Schools out, i'm gonna have so much fun during this extended summer!" because the district wanted to keep everyone safe because of coronavirus, but then I knew I would be away from my friends because of everyone's safety from corona virus and because I always saw them at school. Another thought of mine that led was that my first year of high school was over because of coronavirus. I couldn't really go anywhere because they were all closed because of coronavirus, and I would be bored. These all led to coronavirus like a chain reaction but mainly, coronavirus led to these thoughts and real things happening because the government wanted to keep us away from others so they could stop the spread of coronavirus which is great but it was kind of sad at the same time. I chose to submit a drawing because it seemed like it was the easiest way to express my thoughts and emotions, and also drawing was something I like to do. My inspiration for this was how my thoughts connected to each other like a chain reaction leading to other thoughts and how I wanted to express this. When my audience sees this I would like for them to draw something like mine to see what thoughts they had during coronavirus season.

"Distanced Love" by Samantha Barth

I titled my drawing Distanced Love, because for many that is what has to be done to be safe. I know many people that wish they could embrace each other but can't because of this virus. This piece connects to the pandemic because it was inspired by two family friends who have been separated. One was supposed to come home from the Marines to his wife. He ended up getting stuck in Russia! It's been so hard for them not to see and be with each other when there is such a good opportunity to have so much quality time. They were honestly excited when they found out he got to come home early but that changed quickly when airports shut down and kept their love continuously separated. I chose to submit a drawing because I just got some new art pens and pencils and figured there was no better way to break them in! My inspiration for this piece was the family friends, and a mural. My friend in LA had sent me a picture of a mural of a couple holding hands with masks on. I figured I would make my own version of a mini mural similar to that. In the end I hope my audience will see that there are so many people out there desperately wanting to be with each other. You are not the only one struggling without your favorite people.

"Quarantined" by Jessica Sabatini

The title of my piece is "Quarantined". This drawing relates to the pandemic because all of the things in this drawing are a reflection of what I did to keep myself busy during quarantine. I chose to submit my project in the form of a drawing because I really like art, and I find it fun to draw. My inspiration for this drawing were all of my favorite TV shows and activities that I like to watch/do. I hope that the audience will enjoy my drawing and find it cool, and maybe think about watching some of the shows that are on there because they're super good.

"Quarantine and Chill" by Kenzy El Hefnawy

I know I'm not a very good artist but I decided to go creative this time. I call this quarantine and chill because that's how it kinda went. I decided to draw My room because that's where I spent most of my time. you can see me sitting on my bed on my phone because that basically what i did through my whole quarantine experience, you can also see my mom at the door she looks unhappy because she usually comes in to yell at me for always being on my phone and you can also see a pile of clothes on the floor I also get in get in trouble for that on daily basis. I was going to add color to the whole picture but I decided not to because I feel like my experience was pretty black and white but as you can see in that window there's color because I feel like going outside was really joyful While sitting at home was pretty Dull.

"quarantine" by Anzhelika Kadirova

I gave it the title quarantine because the painting consists of things that I have been doing during this time. My piece connects to the pandemic because it consists of all the things I have done during quarantine. Sleeping, watching tv, painting, watching movies, going to California. A bunch of things during quarantine. I choose to paint the assignment to paint it because i enjoy to paint and the more i paint i think the more I get better. My inspiration for this was 70s art, psychedelic art because it looks happy and its bright, California for the palm tree, Rick and Morty for the tv. I hope maybe the audience will learn to like 70s art more because its really colorful, bright and happy looking.

"Inner Turmoil" by Blythe Tibbets

The name of the creative piece I drew is “Inner Turmoil”. I decided to name my piece “Inner Turmoil” because I feel it represents all the emotions that flow throughout your mind while thinking of the virus and pandemic as a whole. As I stated earlier, my piece is connected to the pandemic because it represents the way people, or at least how I, feel. I chose to draw a picture because it was the one thing that had a strong image in my mind. My inspiration for this piece was my personal feelings. Even though most of the time I look happy on the surface, there are times where all these negative emotions flow through my mind when thinking of COVID-19. These emotions created this image in my head and made me decide to draw this as my response. By drawing this piece, I hope anyone who sees it and has similar feelings will know that there are people out there who are the same as them.

"everyday street" by Labo Roy

This piece is a drawing of an empty 4-way street. I decided to title it everyday street simply because I used to go on this street almost everyday on the way to dance practice. I have gone down this street several times and never paid much attention to it, recently I went down this road after the closure of all public places and noticed that there was not even 1 car to be seen. It was very different to see because the road was always somewhat busy. It gave me a weird feeling driving through all the empty roads in the day-time. I thought this brought significance to the pandemic because when I was going down this road it made me finally realize what was actually happening in the world with this whole pandemic, I always knew what was happening but it took a while for me to take it all in because it was such a bizarre thing that had happened and I did not know how to react since I have never had to deal with anything like this. A couple a months ago if someone were to have told me this would all happened, I would not have believed it! I hope my audience will know how fast everything could change for the better or worse just because of one thing. I feel like I have been looking at things very differently now, I also feel like a different person now.

"I Wonder" by Rebecca Popa

I named the picture that I drew “I wonder…” because it's representative of my future and what questions I have about COVID-19 in the future. My piece connects to the pandemic because my present self is asking my future self about how COVID-19 is different then versus now and my experience during COVID-19 and quartinie. I chose to submit this type of response because it connects to our current lifestyle and the struggles that we're going through during this quarantine. My future self is supposed to answer these questions about the pandemic in their time. My inspiration was just curiosity of what will happen in the future and how everything will play out with COVID-19. I am extremely curious about what the future would hold so I decided to go off of that. I hope my audience will get peace out of this and hope for the future.

“Forgotten” by Deborah Kurtz

A big part of my quarantine has been trying to keep my daughter, Dylan, busy with learning and creative activities. We spent one afternoon drawing chalk art pictures around her deserted elementary school. I saw this black splotch of paint on an old storage container and decided it was the perfect spot for a portrait…one of those old-timey, cameo pictures. I call this piece Forgotten. While I didn’t have anyone in particular in mind when I drew her, this woman looks like a relic from the past with her high-collared dress and cinnamon bun hair. She looks like she might have been a strict but loving teacher back in the olden days when books were made from paper and there was no such thing as computers or digital learning. I would never call myself a traditionalist, but I think this picture shows that I am nostalgic for some elements of the past.

"Sad Times" by Nicholas Johnson

The reason why I named it the way I did is because not just the U.S.A, but the whole world is going through hard times. The picture I drew shows multiple things that connect to the pandemic. The Earth that’s frowning represents that people are sad, around this time last year everyone was outside enjoying the nice weather not having to worry about a virus going around that’s taking people's lives. Now we can’t leave our house to hang with our friends. Every time we go somewhere you have to worry about not being next to too many people. It’s crazy how fast things can change within a year. The three questions above the head represent not only what I’m thinking, but probably what everyone else is thinking. “What will life look like after this ?” is a question that many people I know have, including me. The reason I chose to draw a picture is because when I first read the description on what we had to do, I thought of the world and how sad it is that we can’t do regular things that we were doing a year ago. I also had questions about the pandemic so I decided to incorporate them in the drawing. I didn’t really have inspiration on the picture I drew. I just thought of a way I could show how the pandemic is affecting people and how different life is now. What I hope the audience gets out of it is that if you have questions about anything related to the pandemic that’s going on to ask other people because you’re not the only one who has questions. The only way it’s gonna get better is if everyone works together.

"Hope Together" by Carson Idhe

My piece shows what the pandemic has looked like through my point of view. As much negative things have happened we've all made it through it together. As we support each other we can get through. The hope that we have when we are joined as one is infinity more powerful than your hope when you're alone. I chose to submit this type of response because I truly believe in it. After everything that has been thrown at the human race we always seem to prevail. It's not one person who is succeeding its all of us together. We are getting through this time just like the last. And we'll keep surviving if we stay together. I see this poster as a way to say its Human Kind verses the world, not white people versus the world, not black people versus the world, Its all of us versus the world. My inspiration for this piece comes from what I see around the world. There is plenty of horrible things on social media, but if we look at what we've done on the brighter side it's amazing. I hope that the people who see this piece will know that in the end, it's all going to be ok. When we come together nothing can stop us.

"Be Safe" by Yuning Kang

I named it Be Safe because we were trying our best to be safe: stay at home, wear masks and avoid contact with others.This artwork connects to the pandemic by showing how people have changed because of the virus and it also shows doctors saving people’s lives and protecting us. I chose to submit this type of response because I think a drawing can best express the emotions and show the actions we have taken. My inspirations are pictures and people around me. Something I hope my audience will get out of it is do your best to be safe, stay at home!

"Untitled" by Brooke Imbrie

This piece connects to the pandemic because since this has all started, I’ve realized that whenever you see your friends, family and other people that you care about you need to hug them. You never know if it's your last time seeing them, so you need to take for granted every moment that you have with them. I chose to submit a drawing because, in art you can feel any emotion that it's putting off, for example in the piece of art I created, you can see love and thankfulness. My inspiration for this piece is my grandparents, they are my inspiration for this because I can remember the last time that I hugged them, they live all the way across the United States so I get to see them once or twice a year. I have seen people creating hug shields so that they can hug their friends and family and that really helped me come up with the idea to draw people hugging. I hope that my audience will see this and think that they need to hug their friends and family because you never know if it's the last time that you will see them or not.

"The Beauty Inside" by Isabelle Yun

I decided to name my piece “The Beauty Inside” because during this past year, there has been so much confusion and chaos, yet there was still beauty in the world that seems to have been forgotten. We tend to focus on the negative things around us and we forget that there are still good things about this world that we have to acknowledge, especially during this time. Through my artwork, I wanted to show that there is still good and hope that should be remembered. This year, this pandemic has shown that our lives are changing right in front of us and most of the media has shown us more of the negative effects than positive effects. In Venice, the water has become so much cleaner as a result of no visitors, and the (air) pollution has dropped a significant amount all over the world because of the factories shutting down; a result of the COVID-19 outbreak + quarantine/ lockdowns.. In late May, George Floyd, a black man, was pinned to the ground, not able to breathe for approximately 8 minutes as white officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck. This riled anger all over the country and the world, which brought everyone together to show that this normalized racism has to stop. These events gave me inspiration, as it shows that even during these heartbreaking times, there is still beauty inside the whole entire situation. I hope that my audience will understand that even in the hardest times, we need to look for the good that is bound to be found.

"Reflections" by Aidan Phillips

For my Time Capsule project, I decided to create a visual art piece depicting my mind’s reaction to all of the chaos that has been surrounding the world in the past few months. I titled this picture “Reflections” because our thoughts and fears are mostly just reactions to real world events around us. This is ever more apparent in our current situation. Between the pandemic, the lockdown, the protests, and the end of the school year, my mind has been scattered. I chose to express this craziness on the left half of the piece, where you can see some symbols of these events. However, the right side of the piece shows us the peace and creativity that the lockdown has brought out in me, and the truth that in the end, we will all get through this chaos together. I expressed this with traditional peace symbols, like the sign and the dove. Most of my inspiration didn’t come from an outside source, but from me. I knew that I wanted to create a reflection of my mind on the page, and drew ideas from the events around me and how I was feeling to make the piece come together. If nothing else, I hope that my audience will get the feeling that throughout all of this craziness, they are not the only ones feeling lost or confused. They are not the only ones that want things to be normal again, or at least to be safe.

"Choosing to Procrastinate" by James Richardson

I picked the title because of what the drawing represents. It relates to quarantine through the less-than-correct decisions I have been making in relation to school, choosing fun activities over completing necessary work. My inspiration was that I started to notice how my choices were impacting me, putting me behind in some classes. This is what I hope people get out of it, a self-awareness of how they have been putting off important things.

"The New Norm" by Mina Al Nooh

I named my drawing “The New Norm” because it has different items and words that we see and hear every day. For example, the line “stay home save lives”, the two people talking from a distance, the face mask, the hand sanitizer, the glove box, and the thermometer. Every time, I check my phone or turn on the TV, I see the same items, and hear the same words. Words like “social distancing”, “COVID-19”, “6 ft away”, “supply shortage” and so many other things. I feel like this piece shows what our lives look like. I hope my audience will be able to see all the chaos and changes that we have been through. I want them to understand that everyone's life looks somewhat the same, yet somewhat different and that they are not alone during these unprecedented times.

"Not a Virus" by Mia Pham

My piece is called Not a Virus, I gave it this title in response to the association between the Asian American community and the Covid-19 pandemic. Asian Americans have faced a wave of intense racism and xenophobia due to Coronavirus. Racism against Asian Americans has become so normalized most would consider blatant racism as “a joke” or simply a microaggression. Our recent events have made discrimination and harassment “excusable” because of the idea many people have that this certain race is associated with a virus, saying that because we are Asian we all have the virus. I chose to submit this response to illustrate the struggle my community, family, and I personally have gone through in light of this pandemic. The prejudice has made it unsafe for Asian Americans to go out in public without being rejected, harassed, or even physically assaulted, and being subjected to social and political abuse. I hope my audience can understand that there is absolutely no excuse for racism, and for those who don’t experience racism to use their privilege to support and fight with POC against the injustices in this country as well as around the world.