Student Retention

INST 5.0

If a student fails to successfully complete the required educational program and appropriate interventions have been provided, the principal reserves the right to retain the student at the current grade level or recommend alternative placement after consultation with the Department of Catholic Schools.


  • To provide students with maximum opportunity for success

Commentary/Procedural Points:

  • The teacher addresses the student’s circumstance at the earliest possible date and provides the student all possible assistance to remedy this situation.

  • The teacher documents communication with the parents on a regular basis regarding the child’s progress. The student advocacy team is engaged when applicable.

  • The teacher informs the principal by mid-February of the possibility of the student’s retention or failure of course/grade level. The Principal will notify the Associate Superintendent immediately of the retention possibility.

  • By mid-February, the teacher, principal, parents, (and student) review the student’s work performance to date and discuss his/her educational needs for the remainder of the year and the possibility of failure and/or retention. This meeting is followed by a written communication to the parents reviewing the content of the meeting, including the educational plan. The parents and student, if appropriate, sign the plan in way of acknowledgment.

  • Administration meets with the Student Advocacy Team to develop the student’s success plan and establish a series of check in dates for the parents and student, as applicable.

  • Notify the Superintendent and Associate Superintendent by May 15th of any students still in danger of retention.

  • In the event of a proposed retention, parents can request a review by the Department of Catholic Schools.

  • A school’s failure to give such notice shall not result in automatic promotion of the student.

February 4, 2022