Search and Seizure

ADM 18.1

The administration and authorized staff of the school reserve the right to conduct reasonable searches of employees, students, visitors, and areas under their control (desks, computers, electronic devices, personal belongings, lockers, cars, etc.) in cases of suspected violation of school policies (e.g., drugs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, stealing).


  • To provide a safe environment.

Commentary/Procedural Points:

  • The administrator and a designee conduct the search in a reasonable manner, mindful of gender concerns. Two people must be present to conduct a search.

  • If the search produces evidence of violation of School policies, appropriate disciplinary action is taken in accordance with the School’s handbook.

  • Where practical, visitors are notified of the School’s policy regarding searches (e.g., through publicity for a dance or athletic event, signage at the facility).


  • Local Parent/Student Handbook

April 21, 2016