Hiring of Personnel for Restructured School

HR 8.0

The teachers from a school that is closing or being restructured will be considered for positions in other schools or in any newly-formed school. The Department of Human Resources must be contacted as soon as it is determined that a school will be closing or restructuring and must be involved with all aspects of staff follow-up.


  • To ensure fairness in employment for all teachers.

Commentary/Procedural Points:

  • Professional staff formally applies for positions in the composite school, if interested.

  • Qualified teachers with positive performance evaluations from the schools involved will be given preference in the hiring process.

  • Criteria stated in Archdiocesan policies for hiring of teachers are followed.

  • After a one-year transition period, continuing teacher status is reinstated unless the principal establishes cause not to do so.

  • The principal consults with Human Resources to determine benefit eligibility for affected staff.


  • Human Resources Staffing Policies: Consolidated Schools 2010

August 11, 2011