Catechetical Dimensions of School

HR 1.0


Principals of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are responsible for the hiring and supervision of the school’s personnel. They are accountable for strict adherence to the screening and hiring practices of the Archdiocese of Baltimore as outlined in the Department of Catholic Schools Policy Manual. The Department of Human Resources for Parishes & Schools (HRPS) should be consulted regarding any aspect of these practices.  The principal is also accountable for the consistent application of policies of the Archdiocese regarding discipline and termination. They are required to consult with the Department of Catholic Schools and the Division of Human Resources for Parishes & Schools prior to initiating any type of disciplinary action, including involuntary termination such as reduction in staff or firing an employee.  





Commentary/Procedural Points (please note that the following steps are required by Archdiocesan policy and may not be omitted from the hiring process):


1) Recruitment

a.) Principal or designee completes Employment Requisition and forwards it to HR Recruiter.

b.) HR Recruiter advertises the opening until filled.

c.) HR Recruiter screens resumes and forwards applications/resumes of qualified candidates to the principal or designees.


2) Interview Process



a.) Ensures that applicant completes the Archdiocese of Baltimore Employment Application (N.B.: It is not permissible for a candidate to write “See Resume” in any section of the Application. Each section of the application must be completed in full detail).

b.) Reviews application carefully, making note of information to clarify in the interview, such as gaps in employment.

c.) Conducts interview, taking appropriate notes to assist with subsequent evaluation of applicant’s suitability for position (notes should refer to applicant’s qualifications and should not include personal characteristics or opinions unrelated to ability to perform the job).

d.) *Notes should not be written on applications or resumes.


3) References


The Principal completes the reference checking process for the top applicant/s. An offer of employment can be contingent upon results of references.


a.) Obtains contact information for three professional references. References need to be provided by a supervisor for all prior experiences over the last 10 years in which the applicant was employed in a position involving direct contact with minors. If the applicant has less than three professional experiences involving contact with minors, additional professional references are needed.

b.) Is required to obtain a reference from the applicant’s current or previous supervisor/s for each location if an applicant is currently employed or has previously worked at an Archdiocese of Baltimore location.

c.) Must contact the Office of Clergy if a current seminarian, deacon, or priest is applying for a position as an employee. Must contact Human Resources for all former seminarians, deacons, or priests. The Office of Clergy and Human Resources will assist the principal in the approval process.

d.) Must contact Human Resources to confirm eligibility for employment for any applicant currently or previously employed in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.


4) Making the Hiring Decision



a.) Evaluates references, credentials, interview notes, and makes the hiring decision.

b.) Reviews School Budget and the salary recommended by the Department of Catholic Schools to determine appropriate salary. 

c.) Contacts applicant; extends offer (contingent upon satisfactory results in fingerprint-supported criminal background check, references and VIRTUS background check). Prepares and sends offer letter.  For teaching positions, executes appropriate Employment Agreement.

d.) Arranges for completion of fingerprints and remaining required documents to be completed on or shortly before start date. 

e.) Principal signs the application to acknowledge review of the information.


5) Background Check

Principal or designee:

a.) Requests applicant to complete the Employment Screening Resources (ESR) Background Check Form, then ensures the online background check is completed.

b.) Ensures that applicant completes the fingerprinting process.

i. Gives applicant Live Scan Pre-Registration Application to complete (please see attached form). 

ii. Provides applicant with locations to obtain fingerprint

                      iii. Ensures that fingerprints have been taken at an authorized site.

                      iv. Reviews criminal history reports obtained from the State of Maryland and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

c.) Consults Human Resources if Maryland or FBI criminal history reports indicate the candidate has been charged or convicted of any crime.

d.) If fingerprints are rejected (due to poor quality prints), applicant must be re-fingerprinted. 

e.) If fingerprints are rejected a second time, CJIS will automatically provide a criminal history report/s that is not supported by fingerprint analysis but is supported by other identifying factors, such as date of birth


6) Completing the Hiring Process



Ensures that the new employee complies with the Archdiocesan Safe Environment requirements:

a.) Reading the documents entitled: “Code of Conduct for Church Personnel in the Archdiocese of Baltimore” and “A Statement of Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth” (online during VIRTUS training below).

b.) Answering questions during the VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Online Maltreatment Awareness Session 3.2_Baltimore that verifies understanding of the “Code of Conduct” and “Statement of Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth” (these documents are located on the Archdiocese of Baltimore Child and Youth Protection webpage);

c.) Completing the on-line training VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Online Maltreatment Awareness Session 3.2_Baltimore (

d.) Completing the background check form from Employment Screening Resources (ESR)

e.) Printing and returning the Training Certificate generated at completion of the online training.



7) Compiling the Personnel File

The Principal or his/her designee creates a personnel file for each new employee, including the documents listed on the New Employee Personnel File Checklist (see attached form).

The employee completes the following documents:

a.) Health insurance forms or a waiver (for benefit eligible employees only-forms are located on the                Benefits Page of the Archdiocese of Baltimore website)

b.) Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 form (required to be completed within 3 days of hire by Federal law (Homeland Security)

c.) Federal and State Tax Withholding forms

d.) Personnel Action Form (complete this form for new hire entry into UltiPro)

e.) Non-Criminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights Notice (this notice is given to the employee to alert him/her regarding privacy rights related to securing background check information)

*The Maryland New Hire Registry Form is no longer necessary. UltiPro submits weekly new hire reports to the Maryland New Hire Registry.

  HRPS May2014




August 4, 2022