Student Injury Reporting                    

HE 7.0


The Office of Risk Management is to be notified of any student injury which occurs during school activities, regardless of whether the injury occurs on or off premises, if the injury requires medical attention outside the health suite.


Commentary/Procedural Points:


■    PowerSchool

For those schools using PowerSchool to document visits to the health suite, if the visit is coded as an injury visit in the “reason for visit” field, the report is automatically downloaded into a daily report reviewed by the Office of Risk Management. If the injury requires outside medical attention, the nurse (or individual to whom the responsibility of reporting has been delegated) should designate “ORM” in the “reason for office visit field” in the health suite module in PowerSchool. By designating “ORM” the Office of Risk Management receives and reviews the student injury report. A confirmation of receipt is sent to the nurse within 48 hours, along with any further instructions.

■    Fax/Email

For those schools not using PowerSchool to document student injury visits to the health suite, a “Report of Injury Form” should be completed and submitted to the Office of Risk Management, either by email or fax, within 24 hours, if the injury requires outside medical attention. This report can be found on the Office of Risk Management webpage at  A confirmation of receipt is sent to the contact within 48 hours, along with any further instructions.

■    As with all student documentation, please limit all comments to facts only. Please do not provide commentary. Also, be thorough in your documentation. Lastly, maintain a copy of all reports in accordance with your school’s record retention policy. 

