2.1 Instructions for taking Online Lectures

1. You should take Online Lecture using Chrome Brwoser.

2. When the Online Lecture is uploaded, you should check [the PERIOD of Online Attendance].

Each course has a different period of Online Attendance. Therefore, you should check the exact period of Online Attendance. Also, if you have a question related to the Online Attendance, you can ask Teaching Assistant(TA) or Professor.

3. In case of Online Attendance, you should take a lecture at 1x speed(100%) at first.

After taking the full lecture at 1x speed, you can replay the video at higher speed for the review.

4. Check the notice and e-mail from AjouBb frenquently.

5. Cases When the Online Attendance is not checked...

1) When you take a lecture faster(not at 1x speed) at first.

2) When you take a lecture in unstable wifi environment.

3) When you take lectures simultaneously(You should take only 1 lecture at a time).

4) When the lecture is not uploaded with Xinics or Kaltura Video.

5) When you take a lecture before/after the period of Online Attendance.