Screen Layout

  1. Screen Layout

[1] Check the meeting information: check the meeting ID, invitation URL. Copy the invitation URL and send it to those students who did not join

[2] Mute: test Speaker/Mic, Set up Audio

a. [Audio Setting] Click to set up audio, video, screen sharing, record (select location to save the file, add timestamp)

[3] Security: use waiting room, set up the enabling options for the participants

a. Enable to participants: screen sharing, chatting, change names, mute

b. When enabling students to change their names, please inform that they should enter distinctive information in case there are two people with the same name

[4] Participant: turn video or audio ON/OFF, designate host, change the name, place in a waiting room

[5] Polling: single choice/multiple choice type questions

[6] Chat: chat to one student or to all, send lecture notes, saving chatting available

[7] Screen sharing: detailed settings available in sharing options

[8] Record: Record video and save it in the cloud. Once saving is completed, it is sent to the email

[9] Breakout Rooms: use breakout rooms for group activity