How do I let my students know their ranks for their grades?

  1. How to enter the Ranks(1) - Add a grade column

  • Course Management >> Grade Center >> Click 'Full Grade Center'

  • Click [Create Grade Column] >> Enter the Column Name >> Primary Display: TEXT >> Points Possible: 1

  • Option >> 'Include this column in Grade Center calculations: NO '

  • Option >> 'Show this column to students: YES'

  • Option >> 'Show Statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades: NO'

  • Click 'Submit'

It is recommended to double check the final ranks before posting them to students

  • Enter all students' ranks in the column created in the Grade Center

  • Click the drop down button next to the Column Name(Rank) >> Click 'Hide from students (ON/OFF) to hide or display the final Ranks to students

2. How to enter the Ranks(2) - Upload an Excel File

  • Grade Center >> Upload/Download >> Select 'Download' >> Download the entire grade column

  • Add a Rank Column in the Excel File and enter all the ranks >> Grade Center >> Upload/Download >> Click 'Upload'

  • Select the file and click 'Submit' >> the grade rank is updated and you can check it from Rank Column in full grade center

  • You can click on the rank number to edit