1.2 Qualified Peer-to-Peer & Private Equity Mortgage Advisor (Q-PEM-®A)

Qualified Peer-to-Peer & Private Equity Mortgage Advisor (Q-PEM-®A), is specific to the employees of a mortgage brokerage and may lead to the Q-PEM-®A professional designation.  Learn more Course of Study to earn the Q-PEM-®A designation.

Component 1 - mortgage origination in the MQCC PEM® industry

Component 2 - applicant, borrower analysis

Component 3 - underwriting, deal structuring, pricing, yield analysis


Component 4 - lender presentations, disclosure

Component 5 - legislative and regulatory burden management at the advisor level

Component 6 - applicant, investor-lender, 3rd party broker negotiation

Component 7 - creative transactions

Component 8 - Q-PEM-®A professional practicum program

These levels are a representative sampling; there are many more levels of study; which is provided to each student as part of the course syllabus which is accompanied by all registrations.

All courses have introductory, intermediate and advanced elements.

Courses are delivered in both online and a co-operative education environment, within a "live private equity mortgage workplace" and take 24 months (a minimum of 2 years) to complete.

Contact: info[at]peminstitute.org to discuss your enrollment.