Are You Worthy of My Trust?

Ask for Credentials

How do I know if my Mortgage Broker or Agent is qualified to advise in matters related to Private Equity Mortgage Lending? Ask them: Are you Qualified?

Don't just take their word for it; at the Private Equity Mortgage Institute, we have several trust policies and statements:

trust but verifyTM

transparency is trustTM

Ask your Mortgage Broker or Agent for proof of their qualification to advise in matters related to Private Equity Mortgage Lending. Given the potential for high interest rates and fees, you should only work with mortgage advisor's who are proven to be competent in the private mortgage sector. It does not matter if you are a consumer looking to borrow private mortgage funds, an investor, a lender or community stakeholder - you need to ensure you are working with a competent advisor. Towards that goal, the Private Equity Mortgage Institute has established the QPEMA designation.

Learn more about our trust policies and statements.