Welcome to CQMFA™

CQMFA™ Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association International & Certified Quality Metaverse-of-Finance Association

a MQCC® (www.mqcc.org) Meta Quality Conformity Control™ Initiative. Developer of the World's first and Most Trust Central and non-Central (General) Banking International Proof-of-Quality (POQ™) Token Standard.

An invitation to "Transformation Ready" Central and non-Central banks to get "Ready to Transform" into internationally accepted: "Better, Safer and More Efficient" trusted organizations.

If your organization's name appears on this page, 

You're Metaverse Ready™


Contact info@cqmfa.org to get started.

CQMFA™ is an initiative of MQCC® Meta Quality Conformity Control™ Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

2006 - 2022+

Visit METAVERSEPEDIA™ at www.metaversepedia.info


The current global banking system is not working; many large scale international banking organizations are being fined hundreds of millions and billions of dollars due to systematic statutory, regulatory and process nonconformity.

Save your money, accelerate your innovation, and solve your problems. The 'Principles of BlockChain™' and the related commercialized systems and technology is not "new" nor is it "nascent".  In 2019, the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" is celebrating over 19 years of successful pre-commercial research, development, commercialization, litigation-tested, regulator-audited, regulatory recognized, continual improvement and continual operation. 

Who did it first, and who did it right, you ask?  MQCC®. The Meta Quality Conformity Control™ Organization, incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.


Yes, the first application of the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org) trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" was for a "peer-to-peer electronic finance system", brought on-line on April 9, 2005 by a Canadian mortgage company.

Central Bankers and non-Central Bankers, my name is Anoop Bungay, the founder of CQMFA.org. When you choose to visit www.mqcc.org and scour the website (not by electronic means, but as a human), you will discover that the first application of the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" in commerce was for a multi-discipline computer application developed to assure a continuous state of statutory, regulatory and process (SRP™) conformity [yes, a convergence of the boring functions of "governance", "law" and "operations"] of digital and non-digital, real estate-secured and non-real estate-secured, non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments; starting at least as early as April 9, 2005, at the website: www.privatelender.org by Bungay International Inc. Generically, you would refer to these "peer-to-peer" financial instruments as: "peer-to-peer mortgages", "P2P loan notes", "crypto-hypothecation", "private deed notes", "digital escrow instruments", "e-mortgages", "i-loans' [or any combination of related terminology].  

The History

All Central bankers and non-Central bankers need to know the history of the development of the successful pre-commercial research, development, commercialization, litigation-tested, regulator-audited, regulatory-recognized, continual operation and continual improvement  of the first application of the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" in global commerce.

After research, discovery and development, commencing at least as early as August 2001, on April 9, 2005, the world's first "peer-to-peer electronic finance system" was brought online. This system became the basis of CQMFA™ which was established on October 10, 2016. The original "peer-to-peer electronic finance system" was designed to:

"A controlled process of recorded, cumulative, sequential, verifiable, cross-platform, cascading workflows."

The technical title is the "Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm";  or publicly described as the trademark brand, the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™".  This definition was borne out of the discovery of a new field of study: "conformity science". Visit mqcc.org and conformity.org to learn more.

By May 8, 2008, the "peer-to-peer electronic finance system" was managed by a Global Network Administrator (GNA™) Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization (MQCC), incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp., and was integrated as a subsystem within MQCC's  wider, overarching system of organization control, a meta-operating system called the MQCC Organization Conformity Operating system (MQCC OCOS™). 

On May 9, 2008 the MQCC OCOS™ earned registration to the globally respected and trusted, rigorously technical, national and international Quality Management System standard ISO 9001:2000 (of the ISO 9000 family of standards, published by the International Organization for Standardization based in Switzerland) on May 9, 2008. Importantly, this date of registration predates the appearance of both "Satoshi Nakamoto" and genericized 'bitcoin' by five (5) months.  

Earning ISO 9001:2000 registration provided indisputable 'proof positive' that Mr. Anoop Bungay's system was now an internationally recognized "proven system" and an internationally recognized "trusted system". As a Canadian federal Crown corporation states: "better, safer & more efficient". 

The underlying system and technology introduced the world to the world's first "proof-of-quality" (POQ™) token.

The Future

By 2016, the MQCC™ system was in its 11th year of commercial operation and 10th year of continual registration to an ISO 9000 standard. MQCC­™ observed how large national and global multinational banks and financial institutions were being fined billions and hundreds of millions of dollars because the Boards of Directors were managing organizations that experienced systematic operational failures because of the absence of a mature, litigation-tested, empirically-tested, regulatory audited, National and International standards-based meta-operating system of organization conformity, namely, MQCC OCOS™.

Global Central and non-Central bankers NEED TO KNOW that the MQCC OCOS™ system exists and is proven to make integrated banking systems better, safer and more efficient.  MQCC OCOS™ it was built on the seminal non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" hand-programmed by the person who built the world's first peer-to-peer electronic finance system, and the system can be implemented quickly - in accordance with the Right Honorable Lord the Lord Woolf's (United Kingdom) 1996 recognition to distinguish between "those systems with the distinction to offer immediate benefits", versus those that are longer term [proof-of-concept] in nature and will require three (3) to ten (ten) years to implement.  Read this MQCC document to learn more about Lord Woolf, large scale government (or non-government) project deployment and the MQCC™ Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBS&T™) "Distinguishing Mark".

The Opportunity: Two Birds, One Stone

Focus on Sector Customization,  Function Customization and Deployment of a Fully Functional and Internationally Recognized MQCC™ BlockChain™ brand Quality Management System; not on Proofs of Concepts.

With CQMFA.org and MQCC™.org Central and non-Central Bankers are able to direct their resources from investing hundreds of millions of dollars in cash, limited government resources and energy-consuming experimental related "proofs-of-concepts", research studies and projects, to the MQCC™ proven, trusted, MQCC™ BlockChain™ brand system and technology decentralized network platform.

If you are a Central Bank or non-Central Bank and you want to commission a study, or research project, it is prudent to choose a proven platform of system and technology, that is does not require mining, resource-consumption and meets Lord Woolf's distinction of an information technology designed for country-wide or sector-wide implementation, of having "immediate benefit".

First, Establish Trust

All existing central bank or general banking entities who are classed as "transformation ready" organizations must already have earned international acceptance to a Quality Management System standard, namely ISO 9000, for Financial Services or some aspect of their operations. Or, be willing to learn about the benefits.

Standards are published by the International Organization for Standardization.

1947 Geneva, Switzerland: from 25 Countries to 163 Countries Today

ISO 9000 is the most trusted and internationally accepted Quality Management System family of standards in the world for Quality Management Systems.


Established in 1947, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, www.ISO.org),  based  in Geneva, Switzerland,  an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 163 national standards bodies that - through its members - has developed "voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges"; states the following: 

Benefits of International Standards

Source: ISO.org

Global Demand for Quality Management-in-Finance

There is an ever-increasing segment of the global business and consumer community who seek to only conduct finance business in countries where some or all finance sector participants [from monetary authorities to credit intermediation participants to related sub-sector participants (finance, investment, insurance)] have implemented internationally recognized Certified Quality Management Systems to govern, manage and operate themselves. Certification provides the confidence to know that their finance sector affairs, (currency, credit, investments and insurance) will not be compromised by non-conformity caused by statutory, regulatory and process non-compliance within the scope of certified quality managed organization's operations.

The International Symbol of 

Certified Quality Management-in-Finance

Representing Indisputable Excellence for Quality Management-in-Finance

The Certified Quality Management-in-Finance symbol is  the way for quality-minded individuals and companies (regardless of country of origin) to easily identify a financial sector organization that operates at the highest internationally accepted measurable, auditable and certifiable standards of performance in full compliance with statutory, regulatory and process requirements. The International Organization for Standardization which develops international quality management standards states the following: "When products and services conform to International Standards consumers can have confidence that they are safe, reliable and of good quality".   

CQMFA™ Registered Members who publish the trade mark to help reassure consumers  that, regardless of traditional or the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™"-based methods, products and services:

The products, systems, technology and organizations are safe, reliable and good.

By What Standard?

Through implementation of a enterprise level, end-to-end integrated Quality Management System that is certified to satisfy the standards of ISO 9001:2015 (or the expiring ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Standard).

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard. Developed by the Geneva, Switzerland-based International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (www.iso.org); established in 1947 with a membership body of 163 sovereign nations. 

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.


International Organization for Standardization 

ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems -- Requirements: Edition: 5

Standards are developed by:

International Organization for Standardization

ISO Central Secretariat


Chemin de Blandonnet 8

CP 401

1214 Vernier, Geneva



International Standards Helping to Make Banking & Finance Safer through Quality Management

Establishing Safeguards for Consumers and Users: "The Bottom Line on ISO"

ISO's work makes a positive difference to the world we live in. ISO standards add value to all types of business operations. They contribute to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner. They make trade between countries easier and fairer. ISO standards also serve to safeguard consumers and users of products and services in general - as well as making their lives simpler. 

Validation through Certification: Conformity Assessment and Certification

At its simplest, "conformity assessment" means checking that products, materials, services, systems or people measure up to the specifications of a relevant standard. For example, a customer may want to check that the product he or she ordered from a supplier meets the purpose for which it is required. One of the most efficient ways to do this is when the specifications of the product have been defined in an International Standard. That way, both supplier and customer are on the same wavelength, even if they are based in different countries, because they are both using the same references.


International Organization for Standardization: FAQ's

Audited by Whom?

The world's leading Quality Management System registrars who are  certified by some of the most respected and reputable management systems certification bodies in the world, including:

And more.

Benefits of International Standards: ISO 9001:2015

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (www.iso.org)

For Business

International Standards are strategic tools and guidelines to help companies tackle some of the most demanding challenges of modern business. They ensure that business operations are as efficient as possible, increase productivity and help companies access new markets.

ISO standards help businesses to:

For Consumers

When products and services conform to International Standards consumers can have confidence that they are safe, reliable and of good quality. For example, ISO's standards on road safety, toy safety and secure medical packaging are just a selection of those that help make the world a safer place.

International and domestic consumers of financial services will benefit from knowing that the finance sector organizations with whom they entrust their wealth, operate in a manner that is certifiably statutory, regulatory and process compliant; regardless of the country in which they choose to trade.

A list of organizations that meet the standard for CQMFA™ or have registered as CQMFA™ members, is listed below.

Additional Benefits

· organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system;

· customers seeking confidence in an organization's ability to consistently provide products and services conforming to their requirements;

· organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain that their product and service requirements will be met;

· organizations and interested parties seeking to improve communication through a common understanding of the vocabulary used in quality management;

Why ISO based Standards?

Why did CQMFA™ choose the ISO based Quality Management Standard as the basis for membership? Apart from the fact that MQCC's overarching system The ISO based Quality Management Standards are the oldest, proven and widely accepted standard for standards in the world. Built and developed over the course of time by consensus, with input from a broad section of the international community of experts, there is simply nothing better.

What does Certification to a Quality Management System Standard Achieve?

ISO states the following: 

Certification can be a useful tool to add credibility, by demonstrating that your product or service meets the expectations of your customers. For some industries, certification is a legal or contractual requirement.


Certification may only be performed by an accredited certification body.

The Science of Quality Management 

The science of quality management is borne out of the following seven Quality Management Principles (QMP), as defined by ISO:

ISO further states the following:

Economic benefits of standards

Numerous studies have shown that standards boost business and economies. In the UK, for example, standards account for an $8.2bn annual growth in GDP, while in Canada, the use of standards has injected over $91bn into the economy since 1981.

See our (ISO) extensive range of case studies and reports on the economic benefits of standards.

The Birth of Conformity Science

Visit conformity.org to learn more.

The Birth of the MQCC Proof-of-Quality (POQ™) Token

Visit mqcc.org to learn more.

Don't kid yourself, there is a science to the non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)  trademark "Principles of BlockChain™" systems and technology that assure certified levels quality management, especially in the finance sector.

Membership to CQMFA.org™

Membership Requirements

Subject to CQMFA.org™ approval, Membership is available to the following:

a) Organizations certified to ISO 9001:2015 (or the expiring ISO 9001:2008 standard) by an accredited certification body.

b) Organization operating in relation to the following industry sectors:

NAICS or Equivalent Code: 52 - Finance and insurance; NACE/ISIC/UKSIC: Section "K"  Financial and Insurance Activities; 

Described as follows: 

c) Any organization approved by CQMFA.org™ management.

d) And the organization seeks to learn and deploy internationally trusted, MQCC BlockChain™ systems and technology, including the MQCC OCOS™ meta-operating system, to assure conformity of the organizations processes and to establish immutable global levels of trust.

See full details here for Industry Codes

Look for this logo:

Registered Members and Qualified Organizations

The below directory is prepared in accordance with the following requirement:

In accordance with Clause 8.1 of the accreditation standard ISO/IEC 17021 (Reference to Certification and Use of Marks); certification bodies must make their directory of certified clients available.

See below or click here for link

DISCLAIMER NOTICE: "Qualified Organizations" are NOT Members of CQMFA™ unless a Membership Application is Duly Approved by Existing CQMFA™ Board and Members. 

Earning Certification to ISO 9001:2015 for a scope of operation within the finance sector does not automatically confer an organization membership into CQFMA. 

A Qualified Organization must first apply for membership. 

Please contact us if you qualify and wish to apply for membership.

To Inquire or Join: Please email us info[at]cqmfa.org.

Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association CQMFA - Registered Members

Looking to Transform your Central Bank or non-Central Bank into a globally trusted, Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Organization: Join CQMFA.org.

Are you in the finance sector and certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard, please let us know. Please email us info[at]cqmfa.org.

Contact Us - General Inquiries

For more information: Contact Us (Responses are Subject to the Nature of the Query)

The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (information technology, conformity, BlockChain), Governance, Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBS&T™) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC

Bungay International Inc. (BII): Developer of the World's First Application of "BlockChain Principles" in Commerce; the British Standards Institute (BSI) - Registrar to MQCC: Registrant of the World's First "BlockChain Principles" Based Organization Conformity Operating System (ISO 9001) in the Finance Sector; 6 months prior to Bitcoin