About CQMFA™


The Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association (CQMFA™) is an independent, private organization that serves to network, educate, professionalize and promote Quality Management-in-Finance. Namely, those finance sector companies who are certified to ISO 9001:2015 (or ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management Standards. Certification to ISO 9001:2015 empowers CQFMFA™ members to strengthen their market position in bring benefits of quality management to their stakeholders.

CQMFA Registered and Qualified Members represent a thriving community of less than 100 global finance sector organizations who operate at the highest, international accepted standards of quality within their respective scope of certified operations. CQMFA™'s Registered and Qualified members span the globe.

In an increasingly unstable world where large and small financial organizations are being subject to increasing levels of scrutiny, the global investor and educated consumer community are choosing to do business with banks and financial services organization that certifiably operate in a manner that is in accordance to international standards of quality management: Safe, Reliable and Good.


To foster an international community of like-minded individuals in leadership positions of organizations in the finance sector, who have a passion for quality management.


To promote the benefits of implementing a management system in the finance sector, that is certified to ensure that an organization’s products and services consistently meet customer’s requirements; and that quality is consistently improved in a statutory, regulatory and process compliant manner. Promotion will be directed towards the global community (government, industry and consumer) and effected through through marketing and membership.

Purpose & Objectives

The purpose and objectives of the CQMFA Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association are to:

  1. Promote the benefits of implementing a certified Quality Management System based upon the ISO 9000 family of Standards, to stakeholders in the global finance sector. Specifically, the current certifiable Quality Management Standard (ISO 9001:2015 or ISO 9001:2008).Specifically, when a finance sector organization:
    • needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
    • aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
  2. Attract new members who are certified to ISO 9001:2015 (or a current certifiable standard) by an Accredited Certification Body.
  3. Provide value added facilities to benefit the members, maintain and promote the use of the CQMFA™.org website to aid and assist the development of new business and to provide any other additional initiatives to benefit members, as requested by members.
  4. Develop a forum for members to communicate with either CQMFA or one another.



548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7



Twitter: @mycqmfa