Trademark Brand of Conformity Science-based Goods (products) and Services (methods) /

An initiative of The birthplace of "Concept Conformity Oriented Programming" concept system paradigm



by MQCC:™ The Most Trusted Brand in BlockChain, BITCOIN and Crypto™


Beyond Hardware and Software: The Change that the Discovery of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented by the trademark source identifier, "Principles of 'BlockChain'™", built.

Conformity Science-based application Definition

By A. K. (Anoop) Bungay

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A definition developed between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and Present day (2020+)

Conformity Science-based Application; Definition by Anoop Bungay:

The MQCC Bungay International 21st Century Standard™ Scientific Paradigm

Conformity Science-based Application  

Primary Definition of Conformity Science-based Application

Improves Upon the Following: 20th Century  Paradigms™ Concept Systems:


Primary Definition of Hardware

Note 1 to entry: Example: Computers, peripheral devices.

Note 2 to entry: hardware: term and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993].

Note 3 to entry: 01.01.07 (2382)

[SOURCE: ISO-IEC-2382-1 * 1993 * * * ]


Primary Definition of Software

Note 1 to entry: Software is an intellectual creation that is independent of the medium on which it is recorded.

Note 2 to entry: software: term and definition standardized by ISO/IEC [ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993].

Note 3 to entry: 01.01.08 (2382)

[SOURCE: ISO-IEC-2382-1 * 1993 * * * ]


Hooray, a new piece on the chess board!


Visit™: the Conjunctive™ trademark Brand of Higher-Level Programming Paradigm: Trademark Knowledge Authority Website

The Creators

MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization

BII™ Bungay International Inc.

ICBC™ International Commissions on BlockChain

The Universe

MQCC Bungay International: 2001:2020: Celebrating 20 years as Creator-Governor and World-Wide Leader in BlockChain Governance, Governance, Commerce (Industry- Finance), Academia; is a Leader in Matters of BlockChain at the United Nations Innovation Network (UNIN)

MQCC™ Global Federated System-Network GFSN™ and Global BlockChain Systems-Network BCSNET™

The Global, BlockChain Systems-Network (BCSNET™) built from the ground-up through 'correct and proper' application of the seminal, trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; in order to create and maintain consensus-standards-based:

United Nations UN

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  OECD™

World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO™

World Trade Organization WTO™

Read about MQCC™ and relationship with UN, OECD™, WIPO™ and WTO™