

Judges, Judiciary, Courts (District, Appellate, Supreme); Legal Professionals, Policy Makers, Regulators, Scientists, Academics/Educators, Risk Management & Insurance (RMI) Professionals, Bankers

Your Authoritative, Globally Accessible, Primary Source of Scientific and Professional Knowledge for Members of the Legal Profession, Worldwide. Providing authoritative reference to legal professionals on the science and application of over 20 years (August 14, 2001 - 2021+) of observation, discovery, development, testing, commercialization of risk-based, corporate risk-insurable, statutory and regulatory-integrated, military-grade, defense-standard, de jure Federal National and International Standards-integrated, de facto global standards and knowledge matters related to pan-industry applications of conformity science including Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ and "CRYPTO" concept systems. / / / / / / / /

including matters related to applied conformity concepts systems including commercialized Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ and general "CRYPTO"



ACCREDITED CLASS® Education for elected officials and liability-insured professionals, since at least as early as 2005 

PUBLIC NOTICE to ALL Legal Professionals and Members of the Judiciary: 

"The world -- writ large -- has, at best, a misdescriptive understanding of the origins, history, risks; nature, quality, character, feature, form, function, characteristics, extent and purpose of correct and proper applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science, generically known as "crypto", and at worse, a deceptively misdescriptive understanding.


Since at least as early as April 9, 2005, Commercial applications based upon the Units of Knowledge (UOK™) and Kind of Activity Units described herein are successfully,

MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ for Lawyers is an initiative of MQCC® (MortgageQuote Canada Corp.) and BII™ (Bungay International Inc. ) and related organizations. The Pioneer (creator, developer and standards setter) of non-novel (exact) conformity science based applications of goods and services used-in-commerce, namely,

Family brands of consensus federal, National Standards (de jure) registered quality management systems and quality management systems integrated goods and services designed to manage risk, reduce uncertainty and create positive risk within regulated and non-regulated corporations and organizations.

A Message for Elected Officials, Policy Makers, Scholars, Scientist and Legal Professionals (Attorney, Barrister, Solicitor, Lawyer, Notary)

Matters Regarding the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR)

Notice to World-wide Lawyers: Dear lawyer: you should be aware that at least as early as 2013 - (current year is 2022, so, over 11 years earlier) the MQCC® Suite™ of commercialized standards, systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and products (goods, wares) are litigation-tested by one or more members of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR); of which members include the following leadership and regulatory organizations, domiciled on Earth; trusted to provide learning, education, training, testing, accreditation, regulation and practice management oversight for your and your fellow members of the legal professional:

The Legal, Regulatory, Education and Science Profession's Official Source of:

Disambiguation of Generic Science, Terminology & Non-Generic (proprietary) Intellectual Property

Is It A BlockChain?™

Learn the correct and proper: nature, quality, character, characteristics, function, feature, purpose, form or extent of the distinction that distinguishes the generic (general) scientific principles borne of non-novel (exact) conformity science from the distinctive trademark source identifier: BLOCKCHAIN™ owned by MQCC Bungay International LLC

Conformity is the non-novel (exact) science

Quality Management Theory is generic sub concept system; Quality Management Systems is the Generic Name and BLOCKCHAIN™ is the trademark source identifier name when applied in commerce.

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® Law Profession Regulator Outreach (regulator level; International)

International Conference of Legal Regulators (

Dec 21, 2018, 5:53 PM

--- Replying to this email will not send a message

directly to the recipient or group ---

Thank you for your message to the International Conference of Legal Regulators. We will reply you as soon as possible.

This is a copy of the message you sent:

Name: Anoop Bungay


Subject:  Introduction to ICLR by Anoop Bungay; MQCC: This nexus of Law, Legal Regulation and First Application of "Blockchain Principles" in Commerce & Litigation Tested by Legal Regulators

Message: Good afternoon ICLR  (Mr. Matthew Fellowes (UK, SRA), I trust);

My name is Anoop Bungay. You will discover that your's truly developed the first application of "blockchain principles" in commerce; was for implementation of a "peer-to-peer electronic finance system with in-built statutory, regulatory and process controls", pre-2005. This initial development  evolved into what is described today as:  "a World's First "Self Learning AI (Artificial Intelligent) System", [a meta-operating system for organizations] to  ensure a regulated entity [ie: law firm] functions in a manner that conforms to statutory, regulatory and process requirements, in real-time.

The reason you are receiving this email is because ICLR and it's members need to know that the world's first system of it's kind is nearly over 15 years old, and is litigation tested by legal regulators (some of whom are members of ICLR); for matters related to the defense of a legal practitioner (solicitor or barrister) in relation to a claim of professional liability. 

At your next conference, ICLR might want to consider my involvement, perhaps as a keynote speaker; but not without first "getting to know one  another". The world needs to know that "blockchain principles" were not originally applied for cryptocurrency; "blockchain principles" were first applied to ensure that regulated entities and regulated professionals function in a manner that conforms to statutory, regulatory and process requirements; and the first commercial application of "blockchain principles" were first litigation tested in 2013, for a transaction originated in 2010. 

If this introduction piques your interest, please

contact me. The future awaits.

Your's Truly,

Anoop Bungay

This email, and any attachment, is intended for the attention of the addressee only. Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return email and send a copy to Thank you for your co-operation.

Please note the author of this email is not authorised to conclude any contract on behalf of the Solicitors Regulation Authority by email.

Best Regards.

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® Law Professional Outreach: Bar Association and Law Society (practice level; National and International)

Helping the American Bar Association ABA to Prevent Incidents of Professional

Negligence Claims against its Practicing Members in Matters of Non-novel (exact)

Conformity Science and Commercial Applications

The below message sent on Saturday, April 9, 2022 to the current President and President-elect of the American Bar Association.

PS: American Lawyers: Please visit MQCC® President-to-President™ website at to help you learn about the outreach between MQCC® and the Executive Office of The President of the United States.

Number; President Name; Vice-President Name; Years of Service; Congresses

43. George W. Bush; Dick Cheney; Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 20, 2009; 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

44. Barack H. Obama; Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Jan. 20, 2009–Jan. 20, 2017; 111, 112, 113, 114, 115

45. Donald J. Trump; Michael Pence; Jan. 20, 2017–Jan. 20, 2021; 115, 116, 117

46. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Kamala D. Harris; Jan. 20, 2021–present; 117

See to learn more.

MQCC® to American Bar Association ABA

ABA 2022 - Helping the American Bar Association to Prevent Incidents of Professional Negligence Claims against its Practicing Members in Matters of Non-novel Exact Conformity Science.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

DC Bar Association (Washington, DC)

 The below message was sent to the DC Bar and George Washington University Leadership.

MQCC® to District of Columbia (DC) Bar Lawyer Continuing Education Courses & Standards and

Introduction to George Washington University Leadership

Professor to Professor-Peer to Peer™_ Message to Chad T. Sarchio, Esq. re_ District of Columbia (DC) Bar Lawyer Continuing Education Courses.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

Public Offer to NABRICO National Association of Bar Related Insurance Companies

to Invite Anoop Bungay, Founder of MQCC® to Speak on 17+ Years of the Nexus

between Regulatory-Integrated, Commercial Applications of Non-novel (exact)

Conformity Science and Risk Management in the Legal Industry Sector at the 2022

NABRICO Conference

The below message was sent to the Chair of the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund (PLF)Website Maintainer for the NABRICO (National Association of Bar Related Insurance Companies).

NOTE: NABRICO is an association of separate companies and organizations whose members are legally unrelated. It is not the parent company of a group of insurance companies.

Public Offer to NABRICO National Association of Bar Related Insurance Companies to Invite Anoop Bungay.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC to FLSC (Federation of Law Societies of Canada) - Risk Prevention Public

Memo (RPPMTM) & Offer: Re: 17+ Years (2005 - 2022+) of Successful de-jure

Standards-Integrated, Commercial Applications of Non-novel (exact) Conformity

Science including trademark BITCOIN™, BLOCKCHAIN™, CRYPTDO™ Goods

(products) and Services (methods)™_ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™ incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp. Mail - MQCC to FLSC (Federation of Law Societies of Canada) - Risk Prevention Public Memo (RPPM™) re_ 17+ Years (2005 - 2022+) of Successful de-jure St.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

 The Federation of Law Societies of Canada

Model Code of Professional Conduct As amended October 19, 2019 

Anoop Bungay Commentary (notes in red font)

Model Code of Professional Conduct As amended October 19, 2019 (source)

[4] In some circumstances, expertise in a particular field of law may be required; often the necessary degree of proficiency will be that of the general practitioner. 

[4A] To maintain the required level of competence, a lawyer should develop an understanding of, and ability to use, technology relevant to the nature and area of the lawyer’s practice and responsibilities. A lawyer should understand the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, recognizing the lawyer’s duty to protect confidential information set out in section 3.3. 

[4B] The required level of technological competence will depend on whether the use of understanding of technology is necessary to the nature and area of the lawyer’s practice and responsibilities and whether the relevant technology is reasonably available to the lawyer. 

Implication: If a lawyer's client is going to trade in "crypto", the lawyer is best serving the client by understanding the nature, history, quality, character, feature, form, function, extent, purpose and characteristics of "crypto" form the world's authoritative body, namely, MQCC® generally and for as long he is not retired, Anoop Bungay, developer of FATHER OF CRYPTO® FATHER OF BLOCKCHAIN®, FATHER OF BITCOIN™ trademark (consumer safety) source identifiers for various genus and species of goods and services borne of non-novel (exact) conformity science.

In determining whether technology is reasonably available, consideration should be given to factors including: (a) The lawyer’s or law firm’s practice areas; (b) The geographic locations of the lawyer’s or firm’s practice; and (c) The requirements of clients. [5] A lawyer should not undertake a matter without honestly feeling competent to handle it, or being able to become competent without undue delay, risk or expense to the client. The lawyer who proceeds on any other basis is not being honest with the client. This is an ethical consideration and is distinct from the standard of care that a tribunal would invoke for purposes of determining negligence. 

[6] A lawyer must recognize a task for which the lawyer lacks competence and the disservice that would be done to the client by undertaking that task. If consulted about such a task, the lawyer should: (a) decline to act; (b) obtain the client’s instructions to retain, consult or collaborate with a lawyer who is competent for that task; or (c) obtain the client’s consent for the lawyer to become competent without undue delay, risk or expense to the client. 

Implication: Before a lawyer who represents a client that is trading in "crypto"; with this new-found knowledge in respect to MQCC®; the lawyer should strongly consider advising its client to instruct the lawyer and the law firm to contact MQCC® for expert advice in order to better understand the risks of "crypto". IE: real crypto does not change in value.

[7] A lawyer should also recognize that competence for a particular task may require seeking advice from or collaborating with experts in scientific, accounting or other non-legal fields, and, when it is appropriate, the lawyer should not hesitate to seek the client’s instructions to consult experts

Implication: Before a lawyer who represents a client that is trading in "crypto" or applications that are actually or ostensibly intended to achieve the same function that is normally achieved when applying principles, concepts and core processes of non-novel (exact) conformity science; with the new-found knowledge in respect to MQCC®; the lawyer should strongly consider advising its client to instruct the lawyer and the law firm to contact MQCC® for expert advice if the client CEO is NOT formally trained and experienced in matters commercial applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science. 

[10] In addition to opinions on legal questions, a lawyer may be asked for or may be expected to give advice on non-legal matters such as the business, economic, policy or social complications involved in the question or the course the client should choose. In many instances the lawyer’s experience will be such that the lawyer’s views on non-legal matters will be of real benefit to the client. The lawyer who expresses views on such matters should, if necessary and to the extent necessary, point out any lack of experience or other qualification in the particular field and should clearly distinguish legal advice from other advice. 

Implication: non-legal matters include "innovation" and "science" and "technology"; ie: applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science. 

[11] In a multi-discipline practice, a lawyer must ensure that the client is made aware that the legal advice from the lawyer may be supplemented by advice or services from a non-lawyer. Advice or services from non-lawyer members of the firm unrelated to the retainer for legal services must be provided independently of and outside the scope of the legal services retainer and from a location separate from the premises of the multi-discipline practice. The provision of non-legal advice or services unrelated to the legal services retainer will also be subject to the constraints outlined in the rules/by-laws/regulations governing multi-discipline practices. 

Implication: a lawyer may recommend that their client instruct the lawyer and the law firm to obtain advice from MQCC® on non-legal matters including correct and proper applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science; and the related risk.

[15] Incompetence, Negligence and Mistakes - This rule does not require a standard of perfection. An error or omission, even though it might be actionable for damages in negligence or contract, will not necessarily constitute a failure to maintain the standard of professional competence described by the rule. However, evidence of gross neglect in a particular matter or a pattern of neglect or mistakes in different matters may be evidence of such a failure, regardless of tort liability. While damages may be awarded for negligence, incompetence can give rise to the additional sanction of disciplinary action. 

3.2 QUALITY OF SERVICE Quality of Service 

3.2-1 A lawyer has a duty to provide courteous, thorough and prompt service to clients. The quality of service required of a lawyer is service that is competent, timely, conscientious, diligent, efficient and civil. Commentary 

[1] This rule should be read and applied in conjunction with section 3.1 regarding competence. 

[2] A lawyer has a duty to provide a quality of service at least equal to that which lawyers generally expect of a competent lawyer in a like situation. An ordinarily or otherwise competent lawyer may still occasionally fail to provide an adequate quality of service. 

[3] A lawyer has a duty to communicate effectively with the client. What is effective will vary depending on the nature of the retainer, the needs and sophistication of the client and the need for the client to make fully informed decisions and provide instructions. 

[4] A lawyer should ensure that matters are attended to within a reasonable time frame. If the lawyer can reasonably foresee undue delay in providing advice or services, the lawyer has a duty to so inform the client, so that the client can make an informed choice about his or her options, such as whether to retain new counsel. Examples of expected practices 

[5] The quality of service to a client may be measured by the extent to which a lawyer maintains certain standards in practice. The following list, which is illustrative and not exhaustive, provides key examples of expected practices in this area: 

(a) keeping a client reasonably informed; 

(b) answering reasonable requests from a client for information; 

(c) responding to a client’s telephone calls; 

(d) keeping appointments with a client, or providing a timely explanation or apology when unable to keep such an appointment; 

(e) taking appropriate steps to do something promised to a client, or informing or explaining to the client when it is not possible to do so; (f) ensuring, where appropriate, that all instructions are in writing or confirmed in writing; 20 

(g) answering, within a reasonable time, any communication that requires a reply; 

(h) ensuring that work is done in a timely manner so that its value to the client is maintained; 

(i) providing quality work and giving reasonable attention to the review of documentation to avoid delay and unnecessary costs to correct errors or omissions; 

(j) maintaining office staff, facilities and equipment adequate to the lawyer’s practice; (k) informing a client of a proposal of settlement, and explaining the proposal properly; 

(l) providing a client with complete and accurate relevant information about a matter; 

Implication: In order to provide the highest levels of QUALITY OF SERVICE; when a lawyer who represents a client that is trading in "crypto" or applications that are actually or ostensibly intended to achieve the same function that is normally achieved when applying principles, concepts and core processes of non-novel (exact) conformity science; with the new-found knowledge in respect to MQCC®; the lawyer should strongly consider advising its client to instruct the lawyer and the law firm to contact MQCC® for expert advice if the client CEO is NOT formally trained and experienced in matters commercial applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science, in order that the client obtain its OWN STANDARD of complete and accurate relevant information about [the] matter of correct and proper application and use and risk of commercial applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science.

(m)making a prompt and complete report when the work is finished or, if a final report cannot be made, providing an interim report when one might reasonably be expected; 

(n) avoiding the use of intoxicants or drugs that interferes with or prejudices the lawyer’s services to the client; 

(o) being civil. 

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

Canadian Bar Association CBA

Canada-wide/International: Lawyer, Consumer Education & Safety Public Message & Invitation to CBA Canadian Bar Association and 13 Branches, Canada-Wide: RE: Access to 21+ Years of Correct and Proper, Primary Source Education on Matters related to Non-novel (Exact) Conformity Science and Applications, including: Commercial Goods and Services, Source-identified by Well-known, World Famous Trademarks: OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ (OAO™) BITCOIN™; BLOCKCHAIN™; CRYPTDO™ brand of standards-based "generic crypto" [peer-to-peer digital finance, commerce and regulation] from Bungay MQCC®: Creator & Steward of OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL OAO™ BITCOIN™: the World's First Utility Token; BITMORTGAGE® the World's First Securities Token; Commencing April 9, 2005 at™_ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™ incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp. Mail - Canada-wide_International_ Lawyer, Consumer Education & Safety Public Message & Invitation to CBA Canadian Bar Association and 13 Branches, Cana.pdf

Digital Version of letter to Canadian Bar Association CBA



Canadian Bar Association CBA

66 Slater St., Suite 1200

Ottawa, ON K1P 5H1



Vice President, CBA

(IBA International Bar Association 'Member Organisations' Official Contact)



Director/Directrice, CBA

Professional Development and Events



International Committee Chair, CBA


CC: International Bar Association

Top Management c/o Sternford Moyo


"The Global Voice of the Legal Profession"


"via email"

Dear Top Management  of  Canadian Bar Association (CBA), including Messiers & Madame (Esq. (practicing and non-practicing)); Rotstein (Stephen), Bujold (Steeves), Moutoulas (Angela) and Wright (Kevin); [CC: Mr. Moyo, (Sternford), International Bar Association IBA]

1. My name is Anoop Bungay; President of MortgageQuote Canada Corp., Bungay International Inc., based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This message to you follows earlier messages to your superordinate organizations, namely: International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR), Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC) and your peer organization: American Bar Association (ABA). A simple public search will show that I am NOT a lawyer NOR a legal industry "practice advisor", so this email serves neither as legal advice, nor legal practice advice; nor does this message serve as conformity advice, risk management advice, financial advice, regulatory advice or advice of any kind. This email serves MERELY as a Canadian and International public notice and courtesy outreach to your organization to help you disseminate necessary and important information in matters that are relevant to your members, stakeholders and the general public; and, an effort to provide a formal cursory introduction to the wide-ranging, critical and complex nature, quality, character, characteristics, feature, function, form, purpose and extent of 20+ years (2001-2022+) of commercialized, regulatory-integrated, errors and omission insured, generic genus and species of "crypto", "digital finance" and related goods and services; other goods and services  including those source-identified by one or more world famous, well-known marks (trademarks) including: BITCOIN™ brand utility token, BITMORTGAGE® brand securities token, BLOCKCHAIN™ brand management system, CRYPTDO™ brand quality managed private information.

2. To prevent ambiguity, this message via email and social media to your organization which is entitled:

serves as a courtesy outreach to you and your organization (Canadian Bar Association CBA) in your self-described role as a "premiere provider of quality legal training and information". It is requested that you disseminate this very important safety and quality information message from MQCC®'; a message which provides vital knowledge which will help to prevent negative risk in the form of financial loss caused by financial volatility or loss in non-financial terms (loss of reputation and professional negligence claims emanating from incomplete or insufficient or untraceable understanding of certain scientific principles and proven best practices, sources, methods, techniques, processes) from a recognized authority (namely, MQCC® and Anoop Bungay) about certain and specific "global and national trends affecting your work" generally speaking; specifically, the "work" of the 36,000 individual members of your association (Canadian Bar Association CBA) in the following roles:

with whom you "actively engage", "across Canada"; --- [Constraint Memo: While it is understood that Canadian Bar Association CBA "speaks" for lawyers, it is also understood that the CBA does not speak for the "total universe" of "Canada’s 136,000 lawyers, Quebec’s 4,200 notaries and Ontario’s 10,600 paralegals"; enumerated by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada FLSC (Source:]--- specifically, this courtesy outreach serves as a matter of public notice and consumer safety disclosure in respect to certain genus and species of goods and services used-in-commerce and marketed by the following world famous or well-known marks (trademarks) and source identifiers, including:

3. The above list, more than merely source identifiers used-in-commerce represent well-known marks and world famous trademarks which, collectively (as a family of trademarks), serve as a valuable and highly prized and very functional consumer safety device, providing Canadian and International consumers of financial services with prima facie (at-a-glance) visual identification to the source of certain goods and services and, which further fulfills the following function (utility), best articulated by Canada Supreme Court Justice Binnie J. in Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207 Canada Inc. (2006), as follows: (paraphrased & modified; source:

STATEMENT OF FACT: If any consumer or organization or professional (on a pan-industry basis) seeks to identify a trusted and trustworthy source of primary information on matters related to over 20 years of discovery, development, commercialization and continual improvement within an existing, consumer-safe, regulatory-integrated and regulatory-agnostic framework in matters related to the commercial application of the principles, concepts and core processes of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( and the various and sundry genus and species of goods and services identified-in-commerce by the following world-famous, well-known marks (trademark source identifier), namely, BITCOIN™, BLOCKCHAIN™, CRYPTDO™ brand "crypto"; including generic goods, namely, fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens, peer-to-peer electronic and non-electronic finance processes [NOTE: The correct and proper terminological phrase is: Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance] then why not learn from the creator (Originating System-Operator (OSYSOP™) of the global (multi-jurisdictional standards-based, system-network), namely, yours sincerely, Anoop Bungay.

4.  As explained via similar messages with varying degrees of content, over the course of up to 15 or more years, to Top Management, either on a peer-to-peer basis or non-peer-to-peer basis, to:

And as documented in various primary source academic and primary source scholarly textbooks published and available on the internet, independent research by you or your organization will support the claim that yours sincerely, (Anoop Bungay) --- since at least early as August 14, 2001 to at least as early as April 9, 2005 and onward ---  is the person who created the world's first peer to peer electronic finance system and subordinate, peer to peer electronic cash system. Further, yours sincerely, (Anoop Bungay) --- since at least early as August 14, 2001 to at least as early as May 9, 2008 and onward --- has first observed the natural phenomena and formalized the underlying non-novel (exact) natural science and commercialized consumer-safe, regulatory-integrated commercial applications which are known by one or more Canadian consumer safety devices (trademarks) listed above.

5. Your Canadian Bar Association CBA presents itself in your "ABOUT US" page, definitively as:

Equivalently, MQCC® presents itself, definitively, as:

6. Every lawyer, both practicing and in non-practicing roles (including policy making and regulatory matters) in Canada that is accountable to the public or insured by a Property and Casualty insurance company for professional purposes including:

Employed, appointed or practicing in the following industry sectors, sub-sectors, groups or sub-groups including:

Must be aware or should be made aware that if they are providing legal advice or advice or opinions in matters related to "peer-to-peer finance", then they should be aware that the globally recognized standards for safe and proper operation, based upon over 21 years of development and commercialization is established by MQCC. Indeed, the standard for the nature, quality, character, feature, function, purpose and extent of consumer safe goods and services known generically as:

are designed to be: 

and subject to one or more Canadian legislation, programs, initiatives or international equivalent; treaty or convention:

Lawyers and legal professionals (and legal students) would be prudent to discuss, learn about and understand MQCC® and its seminal work in accordance to fulfilling the legal industry beyond reproach standard of meeting professional obligations under one or more doctrines or codes of legal professional practice, including:

Further, this courtesy outreach serves as an invitation to lawyers, law firms, law schools, lawyers employed by legal regulatory bodies for public or private policy development and public or private policy enforcement, to contact Anoop Bungay and MQCC® in order to seek advice and gain invaluable formal, expert, primary source knowledge, training and collaboration opportunities in the non-novel (exact) field of science, namely conformity science, that is the foundation of the "conformity revolution" brought about by the innovations developed including: Official Authentic Original OAO™ BITCOIN™ brand of utilities token; BITMORTGAGE® brand of securities token and meta (beyond). Further, you may find Anoop Bungay in the Thomson Reuters WestlawNext Canada EXPERT WITNESS DIRECTORY.

7. In your respective roles as lawyers (in your own right; practicing and non-practicing) and members of CBA Association body leadership (Top Management), did you know the following historical facts:

8. Implications

9.  There is so much to say, but as explained to Current US President Biden and former Presidents, Mssrs. Bush (G. W), Obama and Trump (because these were the Presidents when the world's first peer-to-peer electronic cash system was commercialized at (starting with President Bush (G. W.) at least as early as April 9, 2005; at TEACHING PRESIDENT™ (; 

10. as a courtesy, here are some US and International Leaders contacted over the past 17 years:

11. As a further courtesy; here are some academic, scholarly and technical textbooks and a link to the Accredited Class™ EDU program at MQCC®; whose quality standards meet or exceed the United States Department of Education ACCREDITATION standards for "QUALITY" in education.

12. On an interesting note, as explained to some other persons, the process of creating and continually improving a "peer to peer electronic cash system" bypassed not only the traditional banks, the following were also bypassed:

Feel free to read the following academic and scientific textbooks, to learn more: 

As explained to me by one or more practicing lawyers including a senior practicing lawyer (with 30 or more years of practice); to paraphrase the late John G. Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister of Canada:

When it comes to the reality of creation and ongoing management of the world's first peer-to-peer electronic finance system and subordinate peer-to-peer electronic cash system; history, as of 2022, shows that the law (both Canada and International) has not yet realized or grasped the traceable, verifiable, incontestable facts on the origins and the originator, namely, yours sincerely: Anoop Bungay. Anyhow, this should be enough for today to give you an idea of the true, traceable, verifiable, incontestable history and some implications for the future. If you or your organization's members seek expert advice in the subject matter for which MQCC® and Anoop Bungay are renowned for; for themselves or their legal clients or employers, you or any CBA member or NON-CBA-member law firm; or lawyer or consumer (investor or non-investor) or CEO or student may find me on the internet and metaverse. 



Anoop Bungay

PS: it is a long weekend so mind any grammar, spelling or logic; gotta do some family things. Feel free to email me any questions you might have.


HERE TO SERVE YOU: WORTHY-OF-YOUR-TRUST QUALITY™. If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication. 

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,



A. K. (Anoop) Bungay,  B. Comm., C-PEM®-P


MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (

Financial services for whom time is worth more than money.™ 

Alberta (AB) * British Columbia (BC) * Ontario (ON)

ON Brokerage License #12279

"Proud Sponsor of the Canadian Dream"®

A finance sector process of MQCC™ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™:; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network:  Managing The Metaverse™; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at


An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company



MortgageQuote Canada Corp. ( is a member of the Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCC™ network. MQCC™ ( is a global finance, conformity and education business providing client services worldwide directly or through its member firms and affiliates. This email may be confidential and protected by privilege on a legal basis. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use of the email matter including URL links and related attachments, are prohibited; please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and related attachments from your systems. Unsubscribe from Automatic MQCC Ai-CRM Emails). MQCC Legal Notices.

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® & Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) - Comments RE: Consultation on the proposed insurance prudential supervisory framework (IPSF) guidance - ID 2022-008 & September 2022 Risk Prevention Notice to FSRA 

MQCC Comments RE_ Consultation on the proposed insurance prudential supervisory framework.pdf

Digital Version of letter to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)

MQCC® & Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) - Comments RE: Consultation on the proposed insurance prudential supervisory framework (IPSF) guidance - ID 2022-008 & September 2022 Risk Prevention Notice to FSRA CQMFA

Anoop Bungay <>

Tue, Sep 6, 1:02 PM (2 days ago)

to mark.white

Mark White

Chief Executive Officer

Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

25 Sheppard Avenue West, Suite 100

Toronto, Ontario M2N 6S6

September 6, 2022

(1) Introduction:

(2) MQCC® wishes to commend FSRA for its efforts in to:

(3) In the spirit of FSRA's "primary focus" to "determine the impacts (effects) of current and potential future events, both internal and external, on the risk profile of each Insurer..."', this message from MQCC® also serves as a "RISK PREVENTION NOTICE" to FSRA and the 291 Provincially regulated insurance sector [some of whom provide Property and Casualty Insurance of the type known as Professional Liability and sub-type: Errors and Omissions Insurance to 52 loan and trust corporations, 1,250 mortgage brokerages, 2,953 mortgage brokers, 15,514 mortgage agents, 242 mortgage administrators]; and millions of Ontario beneficiaries (residents (corporate and non-corporate) and foreign direct investors into Ontario's economy; as follows:

3.1 - MQCC® September 2022 Risk Prevention Notice to FSRA 

3.1.1 - In the context of FSRA's "Proposed Insurance Prudential Supervisory Framework" (guidance/IPSF), the term "risk" is defined in accordance to the IPSF "Guiding principles and supervisory standards" as follows:

3.1.2 - MQCC® wishes to inform FSRA Top Management that there exists a high degree of likelihood (probability) that Ontario's regulated insurance industry members to trade in Property and Casualty Insurance of the type known as Professional Liability and sub-type: Errors and Omissions Insurance may be subject, writ large (industry group-wide) to risk, as defined by FSRA IPSF; in matters related to recognizing and understanding the difference between generic goods and services and trademark source identifiers for specific goods and services that possess a standard of quality, for example, commercial applications of Canada's Federal National Standard for Quality Management Systems, namely, the risk-based, ISO 9001:2015. - ISO 9001:2015 is a Canadian National Standard that is developed by consensus and assures consumers, regulators, errors and omissions insurance underwriters, investors, lenders, the general public, and stakeholders that "an organizations products (goods/wares) or methods (services/products) are better, safer and more efficient; safe, reliable and good; and prevents loss of $$$ caused by negative risk resulting from nonconformity like: errors, omissions, process breakdowns, fraud, willful blindness of employees, incompetence (lack of training) of employees, statutory, regulatory or failure to meet customer requirements.

3.1.3 - As a provincial regulatory body, it is understood that FSRA is already aware of the benefits of Canadian National Standards and their affect on policy making in order to make regulated activities safe for consumers through Ontario's involvement with the Canadian Federal Government and Treasury Board of Canada in respect to certain federal and provincial policy-making directives including the 2012 "Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management" (and later iterations). Visit to learn more. - Indeed, FSRA already understands the benefits of standards to achieve operational goals because FSRA uses the United States National Institute of Science and Technology cybersecurity standard within its own operations. As noted on the FSRA website: "FSRA utilizes a NIST framework, which is an industry standard that establishes security posture and helps to manage our [cyber security] program."

3.1.4 - As FSRA and at least one or more existing FSRA-regulated insurance companies, managing general agent (MGA) or a managing general underwriter (MGU) knows or ought to know, since at least as early as May 9, 2008, MQCC® is Canada's ONLY finance sector company (other than Canada's Central Bank: the Bank of Canada) that is continuously registered to the Canadian Federal National Standard for Quality Management Systems, namely, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and the current, risk-based standard, ISO 9001:2015 for the scope of mortgage brokering and mortgage lending.  Just do an internet search for MQCC® and FSRA or read to see some publicly available proof of prior disclosure. 

3.1.5 - The impetus for registering MQCC® to ISO 9001:2000 was because at least as early as April 9, 2005, the CEO of MQCC®, yours sincerely, (namely, Anoop Bungay) under my original company name: Bungay International Inc. (Bungay International Technologies; BIT™) with a little help from my brother (Santosh, Founder of WIZGOD®), created a peer-to-peer electronic finance system and subordinate, peer-to-peer electronic cash system for the trading of free-trading securities, specifically, real-estate-secured and non-real-estate-secured financial instruments on a global computer network (system-network); generically, this business is known as "private lending" and the correct terminological description is: Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance.  The system-network created by yours sincerely to achieve the business is an innovation that allowed for transfer of free-trading financial securities in specie, [see textbook ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™ written by yours sincerely, list of textbooks are noted below.] via an electronic global computer network between investor and investee (or lender and borrower) using a "fungible and non-fungible (FNFT™) token system" on "distributed ledger-based platform", without the involvement of third parties (intermediaries), including:

The Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance business developed by Bungay International Inc. is known world-wide by the world famous and well-known mark:

The Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance securities instrument in both electronic form (digital token) or non-electronic (paper) form, developed by Bungay International Inc. is known world-wide by the world famous and well-known mark:

3.1.6 - In order to prevent "double lending" or as untrained (lay persons) call it: "double spending", a system and framework needed to be created to prevent risk and financial loss; this system is nothing more than a system generally and generically known as a Quality Management System. A Quality Management System has the following nature, quality, character, feature, form, purpose, function, utility or extent:

The Quality Management System is known world-wide by the world famous and well-known mark:

3.1.7 - In order to show the world and my regulatory body RECA (Real Estate Council of Alberta) that the business operations conformed to the self-regulatory business model of RECA and was safe, reliable and good, by May 9, 2008, the total operations of MQCC® (which was incorporated in September 16, 2006), became registered to Canada's Federal Standard for Quality Management Systems, namely, ISO 9001:2000 for the scope of Mortgage Brokering.

3.1.8 - Over the past 14 years, MQCC® is safely and happily operating its business and serves as a leader, world-wide, helping lawyers, regulatory professionals and other parties discover the benefits of quality management. 

3.1.9 - Over the past at least the past 14 years, MQCC® is continuously insured for professional liability insurance in the form of errors and omissions, by one or more insurance companies or Managing General Agent or insurance broker, regulated by either OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions) and FSRA or BOTH OSFI and FSRA.

3.1.10 - Recently, a FSRA-regulated insurance company who has an existing "bought risk" policy with MQCC® --- and has known about MQCC® and its over 14 years of registration to ISO 9001:2015 safety and quality program, attempted to increase MQCC® insurance policy premium 200% more than what MQCC® had previously paid over the past 7 years (more or less) -- despite zero material change in the business sources and methods of MQCC® and a "Clear Record" of "NO Regulatory Complaints or Law Suits under the errors and omissions policy". This action by the FSRA-regulated insurance company actually or ostensibly did not conform to FSRA Regulatory Efficiency and Effectiveness policy "Key Deliverables" for Property and Casualty insurers within the FSRA mandate #5.1. Empower and protect P&C insurance consumers because by attempting to increase the MQCC® insurance policy premium by 200% , the FSRA-regulated insurance company actually or ostensibly failed to meet actual or proposed FSRA Key Deliverables, as follows:

3.1.11 - When MQCC® asked the FSRA-regulated insurer "why" the 200% increase in annual premium, the individual in the role of FSRA-regulated "Insurance Broker" said "I do not know since your account is over 5 years old and is considered "bought risk" which is a term representing a perceived standard of safety and trust between insurer and the insured.

3.1.12 - after further investigation, the individual in the role of FSRA-regulated "Insurance Broker" disclosed that the MQCC® insurance premium was increased by 200% because a "recently hired" (who had no prior history underwriting MQCC® for risk in its role as Canada's ONLY ISO 9001:2015 Registered Mortgage Brokerage) Insurance Risk Underwriter employed by the Managing General Agent of the FSRA-regulated insurance company stated that MQCC® is utilizing at least the word: "BLOCKCHAIN™" in its website and for this reason, the premium is increased to 200% of earlier premium.

3.1.13 - in response, I reminded the FSRA-regulated "Insurance Broker" that the term BLOCKCHAIN™ serves as nothing more than a proprietary trademark and source identifier for MQCC® quality management system which is registered to Canada's Federal National Standard, ISO 9001:2015, continuously since at least as May 9, 2008 and serves as an organization's risk prevention equivalent of a "FIRE ALARM" or "ROBBERY ALARM" for a house or car; and, just as with fire alarms or robbery alarms, the insurer should give MQCC® a financial discount for having a system of quality and safety. And --- to increase the premium of a stable customer with whom you have had a relationship for over 5 years and where the "risk is bought" appears to be neither fair nor reasonable. And that for the last 5 years, the term BLOCKCHAIN™ is "all over the MQCC® website; AND MQCC® has invited your insurance firm to collaborate to bring "BLOCKCHAIN™ brand quality management systems to other FSRA-regulated mortgage brokerage firms and Mortgage Administrators and lenders, for "years"; AND, the prior FSRA-regulated risk underwriter knew the benefits of the Federal National Standard of Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001:2015 and understood that the term BLOCKCHAIN™ served nothing more than a trademark source identifier, because premiums had never increased by 200% in the past five years.

3.1.14 - here is where there is potential risk to FSRA and the insurer and all FSRA-regulated insurance company province-wide:

3.1.15 - This episode  between the FSRA-regulated insurance agent and MQCC®  highlights the emergence of a potential problem that FSRA and its regulated errors and omissions insurance companies may need to deal with, as follows:

(4) If FSRA wishes to learn about the benefits of Quality Management in Finance, feel free to visit MQCC® website at and CQMFA™ Certified Quality Management-in-Finance Association at

(5) If you wish to learn more about MQCC® and its innovations, feel free to read the following websites and scientific, academic and textbooks:

 (6) If FSRA starts seeing consumer complaints or if FSRA-regulated insurance companies start seeing increased law suits from consumers who have lost $$$ because they are investing in non-MQCC® brand, non-standard (and therefore low quality and high risk or volatile) goods and services that are actually or ostensibly being passed off as one or more MQCC® trademarks, i.e.: "BITCOIN™", BLOCKCHAIN™", BITMORTGAGE™, CRYPTDO™ brand crypto; please feel free to let me know if I can help by providing expert witness support  in your investigations or lawsuits. As a further courtesy notice to you; every lawyer or policy make trained as a lawyer employed or appointed by any FSRA-regulated organization or FSRA, should take the time to read

(7) In conclusion, congratulations to FSRA for developing a "Proposed Insurance Prudential Supervisory Framework" (guidance/IPSF).



Anoop Bungay


HERE TO SERVE YOU: WORTHY-OF-YOUR-TRUST QUALITY™. If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication. 

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,



A. K. (Anoop) Bungay,  B. Comm., C-PEM®-P


MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (

Financial services for whom time is worth more than money.™ 

Alberta (AB) * British Columbia (BC) * Ontario (ON)

ON Brokerage License #12279

"Proud Sponsor of the Canadian Dream"®

A finance sector process of MQCC™ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™:; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network:  Managing The Metaverse™; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at


An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company



MortgageQuote Canada Corp. ( is a member of the Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCC™ network. MQCC™ ( is a global finance, conformity and education business providing client services worldwide directly or through its member firms and affiliates. This email may be confidential and protected by privilege on a legal basis. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use of the email matter including URL links and related attachments, are prohibited; please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and related attachments from your systems. Unsubscribe from Automatic MQCC Ai-CRM Emails). MQCC Legal Notices.

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

May 2022 Public Consumer Protection Message to Mr. Robert W. Cook, Esq.,

President FINRA Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (USA) and US Investors and Foreign Direct Investors who place their

Financial trust in FINRA-regulated Organizations and Professionals

Visit to learn more.™- May 2022 Public Consumer Protection Message to Mr. Robert W. Cook, Esq., President FINRA.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® - FSRA: Public Comment in respect to #2022-009: Proposed guidance on pension plan amendments; Suggestion to

Broaden the Scope of the Guidance Consultation in Conformity to Ontario Taxpayer & Public Protection Mandate

Digital Version of letter to Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) RE: Public Comment ID #2022-009

September 14, 2022

MQCC®: Your Source of the MQCC® "UPGRADE ALGORITHM™" brand of quality management systems and services

MQCC® - FSRA: Public Comment in respect to #2022-009: Proposed guidance on pension plan amendments; Suggestion to Broaden the Scope of the Guidance Consultation in Conformity to Ontario Taxpayer & Public Protection Mandate CQMFA™

Anoop Bungay <>

10:48 AM (4 minutes ago)

to Contact, doug.fordco, Peter.Bethlenfalvy, tabunsp-qp, CFife-QP

Ms. Joanne De Laurentiis


Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

25 Sheppard Avenue West,

North York, ON

M2N 6S6 

via public post at "FSRA request for comments" and CC to

Ontario general public access:

RE: FSRA seeks public feedback on its Proposed Guidance that clarifies requirements for Pension Plan Amendments to protect plan members

Dear Joanne and Team Members at FSRA Ontario; 

Please accept the following "comment" and, as a corollary, the "suggestion" which follows.



Anoop Bungay

Founder, Chair, CEO & President


FSRA: #12279

(1) Public Comment:

(2) Suggestion:

and in further accordance to the FSRA Legislative Mandate noted at the FSRA About Us webpage:

the below suggestion is in respect to "12+ years of innovation within the FSRA domain", will help you, in your role as Chair, to lead FSRA in advancing --- at the minimum --- the following FSRA Legislative Mandate functions:

(2.1) MQCC® Suggests the following in respect to advancing the need for reducing risk (risk-based management) through "good administration" of pension plans by pension plan Administrators (Leadership including Top Management), including the need for "protection and safeguarding" beneficiaries and stakeholders [this suggestion is also applicable to other FSRA regulatory scopes or sectors, directly and indirectly including: Mortgage Brokers; Financial planners and advisors; Loan and trust companies; Credit unions and caisses populaires; Property and casualty insurance]:

(2.1.1) In an effort to maintain continual improvement for the benefit of the Ontario public; FSRA might seek to consider expanding its "guidance consultation" for the Top Management of regulated Pension organizations beyond the mundane regulatory processes of risk management (risk reduction or risk prevention or risk mitigation or risk-based corrective action) that are technical or administrative in nature, like the current "proposed Plan Amendments" procedures, to include a higher-level (meta) "principles-based approach" on how Ontario Pension plan Leadership (Top Management) are able to access primary source, authoritative, Canadian National (Federal) high-quality-standards-based (ACCREDITED CLASS®) learning, education, training (LET); testing, accreditation, registration (LETTAR™) and information BEFORE exposing their Pension Fund to clear and present "undue risk", when directly or indirectly investing their pension funds in financial goods and services (projects) that are "known as" or "borne from" the following generic terms or generic terminological phrases:

( Why?

( Reasoning

(OSFI - (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions) Regulated) or (FSRA - (Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario) Regulated) or (RIBO - (Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario) Regulated)


Insurance Broker

AIG Insurance Company of Canada

Various Brokers

Victor Insurance Managers Inc. (formerly Encon Group Inc.)

PROLINK Insurance Inc.

Intact Insurance Company, Western Division

IDRIS Insurance Brokers Ltd.

International Insurance Company of Hannover SE through A.M. Fredericks Underwriting Management Ltd.

Various Brokers

Lloyd’s Underwriters

RDA Inc.

Lloyd’s Underwriters

Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd.

Lloyd’s Underwriters per Caitlin Canada Inc.

Various Brokers

Lloyd’s Underwriters through Special Risk Insurance Managers Ltd.


Lloyd’s Underwriters through Evolution Insurance Inc.


Lloyd’s Underwriters as arranged by Trinity Underwriting Managers

Various Brokers

Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (for existing clients only)

Jones Brown Inc.

Sovereign General Insurance Company through Premier Canada Assurance Managers Ltd.

Various Brokers

XL Specialty Insurance Company - Canadian Branch

Various Brokers

( Implications:

(2.1.2) Despite the fact that it takes 4 years for a Bachelor-level degree in conformity science; another 2+ years for a Masters-level degree; another 2+ years for a PhD. level of degree. As courtesy, you are welcome to study on your own; here are some academic, scientific and technical textbook references:

 (2.1.3) Similar messages with varying degrees of content, over the course of up to 15 or more years, to Top Management, have been sent, either on a peer-to-peer basis (direct) or non-peer-to-peer basis (indirect), to:

Thank you Joanne, for allowing me to share my comments and suggestions with you and FSRA on the matter of #2022-009: Proposed guidance on pension plan amendments.

PS: In your 2019 Globe and Mail Opinion entitled: Modernizing the regulation of financial advice; you are correct:

Your comments:

My comments:

DISCLAIMER: This email is not legal advice, nor conformity advice, nor "advice-of-any-kind"; this email is merely a comment and suggestion to FSRA; including fair and reasonable, necessary disclosure of certain scientific and historic facts that must be made known to the people of Ontario who entrust regulatory organizations like FSRA. 



HERE TO SERVE YOU: WORTHY-OF-YOUR-TRUST QUALITY™. If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication. 

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,



A. K. (Anoop) Bungay,  B. Comm., C-PEM®-P


MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (

Financial services for whom time is worth more than money.™ 

Alberta (AB) * British Columbia (BC) * Ontario (ON)

ON Brokerage License #12279

"Proud Sponsor of the Canadian Dream"®

A finance sector process of MQCC™ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™:; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network:  Managing The Metaverse™; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at


An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company



MortgageQuote Canada Corp. ( is a member of the Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCC™ network. MQCC™ ( is a global finance, conformity and education business providing client services worldwide directly or through its member firms and affiliates. This email may be confidential and protected by privilege on a legal basis. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use of the email matter including URL links and related attachments, are prohibited; please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and related attachments from your systems. Unsubscribe from Automatic MQCC Ai-CRM Emails). MQCC Legal Notices.

FSRA_ Public Comment in respect to #2022-009.pdf

Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® Public Comments Re: The US Dept. of Treasury; Office of Financial Research: OFR; 20th meeting of the Financial Research Advisory Committee (FRAC) Confirmation -08-Nov-22



Get started with MQCC® and related family of well-known marks (trademarks; source identifiers) and brand names of computer and scientific services; education services today; contact 

MQCC® Public Comments Re: The US Dept. of Treasury; Randall S. Kroszner

Chair, Financial Research Advisory Committee; Office of Financial Research: OFR

 Chair-To-Chair; Peer-to-Peer: MQCC® Chair Memo to Treasury OFR-FRAC Chair: RE: Fwd: Case #00016666 - Your email has been received by the Regulations Help Desk Team! [ ref:_00Dt0Gyj0._500t012uNSM:ref ]

 ---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Anoop Bungay <>

Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:45 AM

Subject: Chair-To-Chair; Peer-to-Peer: MQCC® Chair Memo to Treasury OFR-FRAC Chair: RE: Fwd: Case #00016666 - Your email has been received by the Regulations Help Desk Team! [ ref:_00Dt0Gyj0._500t012uNSM:ref ]

To: <>, <>

Cc: <>, Regulations Help Desk <>, <>

Randall S. Kroszner

Chair, Financial Research Advisory Committee

Office of Financial Research

U.S. Department of the Treasury

717 14th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20220

OFR New York

290 Broadway

Floor 13

New York, NY 10007

(via email and via twitter)


In an effort to help you advance your goal to achieve your Vision of "A transparent, accountable, and resilient financial system."; and, in response to your very public request for help from qualified persons (see below Reference 1) and pursuant to an email to your offices (care of Melissa Avstreih) with the attached content (see attachment); and, pursuant to The President's (Joseph R. Biden) Executive Order 14067 of March 9, 2022, namely, Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets and subsequent "Notice by your Treasury Department team on 09/20/2022" (Document Number: 2022-20279)"; you, in your role as Chair of a "financial research" team would be among the first to appreciate knowledge --- at an authoritative standard --- gained from the world's only primary source of correct and proper knowledge on the subject of creating "A transparent, accountable, and resilient financial system" through over 21 years of correct, proper and responsible development of digital financial goods and services; including those identified by the below list of source-identifier, trademark brand names developed by yours sincerely.

As such, might I ask you to advocate for me and see if your colleague, Mr. Fishman might consider my request to permit MQCC® to formally submit an untimely response to the Federal Register Notice: Document Number 2022-05471; given that the notice -- unlike other notices of similar quality, nature and character by other US Government Departments --- does NOT expressly forbid or prohibit untimely responses? 

If Mr. Fishman's team might not be interested, at least your team might be -- or millions of US residents and billions of foreign direct and indirect stakeholders who trust the US Treasury Department.

Kindly review the below thread and attached pdf and feel free to visit the very public, verifiable, traceable, immutable, non-repudiable, quality-managed, incontestable public record via the "internet" for "Anoop Bungay"; and once you get a sense that yes, you really are speaking to the person who --- at least as early as April 9, 2005 --- developed the GLOBAL AND METAVERSE™ brand, integrated federation of system-networks known as OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ BITCOIN™ BLOCKCHAIN™ CRYPTDO™ brand of electronic and non-electronic financial networks and integrated the federation with United States Federal National Standards (at least as early as May 9, 2008) to provide consumers, government and industry with regulatory-integrated, regulatory-exempt, insurable, traceable, verifiable, immutable, incontestable, quality managed, non-repudiable assurances of quality, safety, fit-for-purpose, fit-for-use and source-origination goods and services, then it may be fair and reasonable to permit my untimely response -- or, to re-open the comment period.

Memorialized on Youtube; when I first introduced the what the world' today recognizes as the BITCOIN™ brand of peer-to-peer electronic cash system, to the world in 2009 --- which you can still  see on the MortgageQuote YouTube page --- my opening paragraph gave homage to the Great American, Edgar Allan Poe (and famous student of cryptography): "Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see" (I am paraphrasing). As millions of US consumers -- as recently as yesterday and this morning ---  are beset with the financial horror and reality (not merely a story) of the implications of partcipating in (developing, promoting, investing ) in "nonconforming digital financial structures" (ie: nonconforming crypto and related experiments); the time is urgent for policy makers like Jonathan and researchers like you, Randall; to learn -- and learn from the primary source.

Luckily, I have been very public for the past 20+ years (hiding in plain sight -- if you will); so you can learn freely if you choose not to contact me. Since you earned your Master's and PHD from Harvard, you really should read my textbook (available on Google Play and Amazon) entitled: Teaching Harvard & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations World-Wide: True "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™ --- regarding the origins of "digital finance" and applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( including goods and services source-identified as: OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ BITCOIN™ among other genus and species of subjects, topics, goods and services. And, since you are academically-minded, please note that MQCC® quality standards exceed United States Department of Education (DOE) quality assurance standards for both institutional and programmatic applications -- the inference: you are assured of a US Federal National Standard of quality of primary source knowledge on this subject.

Anyhow, just a query to elicit your help in order to help your Treasury Department lead the millions of US residents and billions of foreign direct and indirect investors with primary-sourced knowledge authority, not merely prescribed regulatory authority.



Anoop Bungay

Chair: MQCC®

CC: Jonathan Fishman

US GSA; Regulations Help Desk


---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Anoop Bungay <>

Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 11:54 AM

Subject: Re: Case #00016666 - Your email has been received by the Regulations Help Desk Team! [ ref:_00Dt0Gyj0._500t012uNSM:ref ]

To: Regulations Help Desk <>, <>

Thank you Team;

Mr. Fishman (Jonathan); 

Good day;

Anoop Bungay here;

As per my email to your office yesterday and pursuant to the recommendation from your Team at; given that your "notice" does not expressly state that "untimely responses will not be considered", might MQCC® proceed to submit an untimely response to your department?


(1) In varying degrees, as explained to at least four (4) current and past United States Presidents (see:; prior-explained to past-Secretary Mnuchin, current-Secretary Yellin; recently explained to leadership (Mr. Randall S. Kroszner and his team - via a public request for comment) at FARC (Financial Research Advisory Committee) at Treasury OFR (Office of Financial Research); for many years, it is a matter of both traceable common public record (at least as early as April 9, 2005) and traceable OFFICIAL United States Government Record, on the Principal Register of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, that yours sincerely, namely, Anoop Bungay, first created the free-trading, regulatory-exempt or regulatory-integrated, self-regulatory, quality managed, US Federal National Standards-integrated (at least as May 9, 2008) algorithmic processes that are known by one or more consumer safety mechanisms; including source identifiers like trademark brand names (which serve as an assurance of quality, safety, fit-for-use, fit-for-purpose) used-in-commerce including the OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ OAO™ system-network known world-wide as BITCOIN™ and including:

From the very beginning (point of origination) at least as early as April 9, 2005, "digital financial" (Di-Fi™ brand) of goods and services; including both "ASSETS" and the obverse: "DEBTS"; were developed, manufactured and distributed on a peer-to-peer basis, have ALWAYS BEEN developed responsibly -- and continue to be developed responsibly.

(2) Similar messages with varying degrees of content, over the course of up to 15 or more years, to Top Management, have been sent, either on a peer-to-peer basis (direct) or non-peer-to-peer basis (indirect), to:

(3) As explained to Bloomberg; Federation of Law Societies of Canada FLSC; and the USA FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority)

(4) Some final thoughts: 




c) BLOCKCHAIN™ brand Quality Management Systems Keeps your $ Quality™ 


(5) If you are wondering why didn't someone tell you about this sooner? Well, please remember, I commercialized a "peer-to-peer" electronic cash system which allows objects of value and their abstractions into items like free trading securities, to be traded between one person to another; so the only way to learn is for a person (peer) to either find me (peer) or for me (peer) to find another person (peer). WIth over 7 billion people on this earth, I will be dead before connecting "everyone".


(6)  Despite the fact that it takes 4 years for a Bachelor-level degree in conformity science; another 2+ years for a Masters-level degree; another 2+ years for a PhD. level of degree. As courtesy, you are welcome to study on your own; here are some academic, scientific and technical textbook references:

(7) Pursuant to the President's Executive Order #14067 of March 9, 2022; the questions developed by in the Notice on 09/20/2022 entitled: Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets; Request for Comment are good and if anyone in commerce knows the answers, it the person who started it all, might you agree? If you are not able to accept an untimely response, perhaps you may consider re-opening your comments?


Sincerely yours,


Anoop Bungay

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 7:17 AM Regulations Help Desk <> wrote:

Mr Bungay,

Thank you for contacting the Help Desk. The Department of the Treasury notice of interest closed for public comment on November 3, 2022.