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If you are Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the legal representative of a Federal or Non-Federal government regulated organization; subject to your country of jurisdiction, your regulatory body may be subject to recognition or participation into your country's National (Federal) Standards framework in matters of regulatory development or regulatory policymaking.

If you are employed or appointed as a regulator or a regulatory body investigator, you are deemed educated, sophisticated, trained, and well-nuanced to your regulatory bodies relationship to the benefits of your country's National (Federal) Standards framework and how the framework benefits regulators and consumers and industry  from a matter of quality, safety and conformity.

As an example, consider the country of Canada and see the interrelationship between regulation and National (Federal) Standards by reading the following material:

Parliament of Canada; MQCC Letters to the Ministers, Department, Agencies MQCC™ BlockChain™ trademark brand of  Conformity Management Standard BCMS™ brand of Quality Management Systems - when registered with MQCC - are recognized by the Canadian Federal and Provincial Departments and Agencies, pursuant to legislation.

Read more: (see below); here is an excerpt:

Quality Starts at the Top: Parliament of Canada: Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management In accordance or reference to the following Canadian legislation and related international agreements or treaties:

● Incorporation by Reference in Regulations Act

● Standards Council of Canada Act National Research Council Act

● Government of Canada: Innovation in the public service (Source:

● Memorandum of Understanding between the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat and the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Concerning Digital Government

● Government of Canada Strategic Plan for Information Management and Information Technology 2017 to 2021

● Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2012 - Government of Canada’s Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management - Part D, Selecting the appropriate mix of government instruments:

● Budget Implementation Act, 1997, S.C. 1997, c. 26 (Part I: Canada Foundation for Innovation

Definition: research

means the attempt by careful scientific or technical enquiry, experimentation, study, observation, analysis and recording to discover new facts, knowledge and information, to develop new interpretations of facts, knowledge or information, or to discover new means of applying existing knowledge, relating to

(a) a science;

(b) health;

(c) engineering; or

(d) the environment

Definition: research infrastructure

means equipment, specimens, scientific collections, computer software, information databases, communications linkages and other intangible property used or to be used primarily for carrying on research, including housing and installations essential for the use and servicing of those things.

● Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act

● Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Regulatory Cooperation 

Departments and agencies are responsible for assessing the effectiveness and appropriateness of regulatory and non-regulatory instruments for achieving public policy objectives.

Departments and agencies are to:

● Identify the institutions and parties that should be involved in addressing the public policy issue; 

● Identify the appropriate instrument or mix of instruments, including regulatory and non-regulatory measures, and justify their application before submitting a regulatory proposal;

● Consider potential alternatives to regulation, including voluntary standards, information disclosure, and guidelines, and whether outcome or performance based approaches would be suitable;

● Engage small businesses in alternative approaches to compliance (including costs);

● Demonstrate that the regulatory response is designed to address policy objectives;

● Demonstrate that the regulatory response is proportional to the degree and type of risk;

● Demonstrate that the regulatory response will not unduly affect areas that it was not designed to address;

● Specify, particularly for technical regulations, regulatory requirements in terms of their performance rather than their design or descriptive characteristics; and

● Make use of all or parts of relevant national or international standards, guidelines, and recommendations as a basis for technical regulations and for conformity assessment procedures when they fulfill intended policy objectives.

● Source & Source Canada

Canadian Government Departments, Agencies and Sector Participants:

Public Policy Outreach

Regulatory Recognition

Pursuant to Canadian Parliamentary Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management, pursuant to certification to the National Standard, MQCC's systems and technology is recognized by all Canadian and International financial sector regulatory bodies in over 119 countries.

Canadian Government, Industry Association and Regulatory Outreach

Canadian government departments, agencies and sector participants contacted by MQCC, respecting it's risk-based, unified BlockChain Conformity™ brand of quality management systems technology (BCQMS™) Quality Management System.

● Ministry & Minister of Finance (scroll down to see letter sent in 2016)

● Minister of Families, Children and Social Development; responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Competition Bureau ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Standards Council of Canada (SCC) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Financial Services Commission BC (FICOM) - contact us to learn more

● Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Mortgage Brokers' Regulatory Council of Canada (MBRCC) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● CMHC Canada Mortgage and Housing Company ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

● Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) ->> Letter Sent - contact us to learn more

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Money Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCCTM

Incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

Head Office: 548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta T1Y-2K7

Toll Free Phone: +1-866-948-7283 Toll Free Fax: +1-866-948-3291

Canada - Global (FSRA #12279) Web: Email:

An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company. Regulatory Modernization - Trusted Solutions for Governments to the National Standard of 119 Countries.

● And more.

Draw on MQCC's expertise on international quality management standards to help maintain safety and soundness in the finance sector at any level, federal, provincial. Use MQCC's risk-based, unified BlockChain ConformityTM brand of quality management systems technology (BCQMSTM) to help develop, implement, enforce, evaluate public policy. 

Establish certifiable levels of Trust and Confidence into your federal or provincial “Open Banking System” or finance sector, at an institutional, company or industry member. MQCC BlockChain integrated Quality Management Principles are universally applicable so our technology provides the technical basis on which processes can be put into practice, in any jurisdiction, country or region.

Learn more: see Quality Starts at the Top: Parliament of Canada by emailing for your personal consultation, on a peer-to-peer (person to person) basis.

Final Notes: 

MQCC - MortgageQuote Canada Corp. - Bungay International Inc. CANADA’S HIDDEN TREASURE; HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT.

Submission to Treasury Board of Canada; All Canadians and International Stakeholders re: Modernizing Canadian Regulatory Systems and International Equivalent Governing Systems - November 13, 2019

Available at Amazon® textbooks and Google Play textbooks.


Appendices 65

Appendix A - The Honourable Bill Morneau, P.C., M.P. 65

A Canadian Technology, World’s First: ISO 9001:2015 Certified Statutory and Regulatory Compliant Integrated Quality Management System for the Finance Sector 65

RE: A Canadian Technology, World’s First: ISO 9001:2015 Certified Statutory and Regulatory Compliant Integrated Quality Management System for the Finance Sector 67

Appendix B - The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P. 73

Canadian First - Integration of Certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems with CMHC & Canada's Mortgage Industry 73

Appendix C - Jeremy Rudin - Superintendent: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 79

A Canadian Technology First: ISO 9001:2015-Certified Quality Management Systems for Residential Mortgage Underwriting & Credit Intermediation 79

Appendix D - Letter to Alberta Government: Honourable Jason Nixon; Honourable Sonya Savage; Honourable Nate Glubish; Auditor General of Alberta; Alberta Ethics Commissioner; Public Interest Commissioner 85

MQCC - Government of Alberta: Offer-to-Assist Government of Alberta Ministers re: Corrective Action and Sector Improvement of Alberta Regulatory Bodies (AER/RECA) 85

Government, Regulators and Regulatees: Call MQCC ( when your Government, Regulatory or Regulated Organization is Subject to a Major Nonconformity resulting in a System Breakdown & Deterioration of Trust; requiring Corrective Action

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and help of the world's only ISO 9001:2015 Registered, Organization Trust-Systems (OTS™) Builder 93

Investors: Invest in Financial Sector Companies that have CERTIFIABLE Quality Management Systems that Prevent Home Capital Group and Wells Fargo Bank Fiasco's 114

Appendix E - FINANCE MINISTER WILLIAM (BILL) MORNEAU; 12 Years of Open Banking Standards in Canada: The MQCC Experience 132

MQCC response to Finance Minister William (Bill) Morneau; “A Review into the Merits of Open Banking”: Department of Finance, Canada-February 11, 2019 132

Quality Starts at the Top: Parliament of Canada: Cabinet Directive on Regulatory Management 142

Definition: research infrastructure 143

Regulatory Cooperation 144

Canadian Government Departments, Agencies and Sector Participants: Public Policy Outreach 145

Regulatory Recognition 146

Canadian Government, Industry Association and Regulatory Outreach 146


+The MQCCTM: An organization of "Firsts", starting first with the Finance Sector 147

Appendix F - The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (information technology, conformity, BlockChain), Governance, Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBS&TTM) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC 152

The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (information technology, conformity, BlockChain), Governance, Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBS&TTM) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC 152



Problem 1 defined: What needs to be done. 155

Problem 2 defined: What solution offers an immediate benefit? 156


Beyond Proof-of-Concept; Fully Functional, Empirically Proven, Litigation Tested (by Legal Regulators), International Acceptance 158

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Tokenized Law; Tokenized Finance; Tokenized Commerce; Tokenized Quality; Tokenized Conformity 161


How the lessons from the legal sector can help prevent history of wasteful spending from repeating itself in other sectors of the UK Government, system-wide; with the help of the seminal MQCC "BlockChain" principles. 167

Appendix F - Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England 175

Bungay International Inc. (BII): Developer of the World's First Application of "BlockChain Principles" in Commerce; the British Standards Institute (BSI) - Registrar to MQCC: Registrant of the World's First "Blockchain Principles" Based Organization Conformity Operating System (ISO 9001) in the Finance Sector; 6 months prior to Bitcoin 175

British Standards Institute (BSI) - Registrar to MQCC: Registrant of the World's First "BlockChain Principles" Based Organization Conformity Operating System (ISO 9001) in the Finance Sector (six (6) months prior to bitcoin) 175


MQCC BlockChain Principles; Definition 180


A Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Electronic Finance System 182

2001 to 2019 - As technology improves, some problems remain the same 182


Corrective Understanding 185

Appendix G - Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (UK) - Answers to Questions and Introduction to MQCC™ Global Sandbox designed for International Legislators, Regulators and Regulatees ( 188

Appendix H - Professional Liability Insurers: Private (peer-to-peer (p2p)/crypto/shadow/secret/private ) Finance Transactions: Liability and Risk Reduction through Regulatory Compliance Certification via the MQCC Enforced Compliance Conformity System - (MQCC EC2S™) 198

Read the below website and visit to study and learn more before you contact MQCC® with any questions you may have.