LawSocietyTech™ Innovation: LawyerA2I-A2IBlockChain™

20+ Years of Improving the Legal Sector and their ability to both regulate and provide high-quality, accessible legal services direct to the general public, through de jure National (Federal) and International Standard's-based RISK-BASED MANGEMENT Principles, Concepts, Core processes and Commercialized Applications


Brought to you by MQCC® Bungay International (Technologies; BIT™); August 14, 2001-2022 Onward

20+ Years of Modernization of Self-Regulatory Processes in order to Conform to Statutory, Regulatory or Customer Requirements within a Commercialized, Regulatory-Integrated, Errors & Omissions Insured, de-jure National (Federal) Standards-integrated, Evidence-based, Risk-based Innovation Ecosystem for the benefit of all Industry Sectors world-wide (including the Legal Sector) including Public (government) or Private (non-government), Self-Regulatory or Self-Regulated; Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™)

MQCC® LAWSOCIETYTECH™ brand of Innovation

22+ Years of: P2P: Peer-to-Peer; A2I: Access-to-Innovation™


MQCC® Developer of World-Improving™ brand of proven Sources and Methods (policies, procedures, workflows, processes) that help make organizations and individual members within the world-wide legal sector, SAFE, RELIABLE, GOOD; BETTER, SAFER AND MORE EFFICIENT™ through correct and proper commercial applications of the concepts, principles and core methods of non-novel (exact) conformity science (

DISCLAIMER: MQCC® provides services directly to Legal Organizations; MQCC® DOES NOT provide legal services through technology or other means "DIRECTLY TO END USERS, CLIENTS or CONSUMERS of LEGAL SERVICES"; MQCC® collaborates with Law Societies or Law Firms or Legal Professionals in accordance with the Canadian Federation of Law Societies: See below excerpt from this public notice to the Canadian Bar Association:

Canada-wide/International: Lawyer, Consumer Education & Safety Public Message & Invitation to CBA Canadian Bar Association and 13 Branches, Canada-Wide: RE: Access to 21+ Years of Correct and Proper, Primary Source Education on Matters related to Non-novel (Exact) Conformity Science and Applications, including: Commercial Goods and Services, Source-identified by Well-known, World Famous Trademarks: OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL™ (OAO™) BITCOIN™; BLOCKCHAIN™; CRYPTDO™ brand of standards-based "generic crypto" [peer-to-peer digital finance, commerce and regulation] from Bungay MQCC®: Creator & Steward of OFFICIAL AUTHENTIC ORIGINAL OAO™ BITCOIN™: the World's First Utility Token; BITMORTGAGE® the World's First Securities Token; Commencing April 9, 2005 at



Lawyers and legal professionals (and legal students) would be prudent to discuss, learn about and understand MQCC® and its seminal work in accordance to fulfilling the legal industry beyond reproach standard of meeting professional obligations under one or more doctrines or codes of legal professional practice, including:

  • Federation of Law Societies of Canada (FLSC); Model Code of Professional Conduct 2019 which serves as the base framework for member regulatory and licensure law society bodies across Canada. Specifically, the Model Code of Professional Conduct states:


      • Section 3.1 COMPETENCE

      • Subsection 3.1-2 COMPETENCE: A lawyer must perform all legal services undertaken on a client’s behalf to the standard of a competent lawyer.

      • Subsection 3.1-2 Commentary:

        • Commentary Point # [7] A lawyer should also recognize that competence for a particular task may
          seeking advice from or collaborating with experts in scientific, accounting
          or other non-legal fields, and, when it is appropriate, the lawyer should not
          hesitate to seek the client’s instructions to consult experts.

Further, this courtesy outreach serves as an invitation to lawyers, law firms, law schools, lawyers employed by legal regulatory bodies for public or private policy development and public or private policy enforcement, to contact Anoop Bungay and MQCC® in order to seek advice and gain invaluable formal, expert, primary source knowledge, training and collaboration opportunities in the non-novel (exact) field of science, namely conformity science, that is the foundation of the "conformity revolution" brought about by the innovations developed including: Official Authentic Original OAO™ BITCOIN™ brand of utilities token; BITMORTGAGE® brand of securities token and meta (beyond). Further, you may find Anoop Bungay in the Thomson Reuters WestlawNext Canada EXPERT WITNESS DIRECTORY.


MQCC® Keywords:

  • Evidenced based

  • Risk-based

  • Collaborative

  • Effective

  • State-of-the-Science (beyond State of the art)

  • Technological tools or resources

  • Innovators

  • National and International de jure Standards-based

  • MQCC® de facto Standards-based

  • Digital Transformation

  • Quality Management

  • Quality Assurance

  • Confidence and Trust Process Management

  • Sandbox Ecosys™ (

  • Sustainable (carbon footprint reduction)

  • Prevention of Errors & Omissions

  • Principles-based Approach

  • Risk-Management

  • Data Security (MQCC® CYBERLOCKCHAIN™)

  • Privacy Protection (MQCC® PI-FI® Private Information-Financial Information Global Infrastructure System-Network (GINS™)

  • Regulatory Management Systems for Regulators (public or private) and Regulatees

  • Prevent complaints of failing to be treat other lawyers with courtesy; be accurate, candid and comprehensive in your legal affairs with peers (peer-to-peer electronic legal transactions)

  • not a complete list

MQCC® CEO SUITE™; Provision of Infrastructure (infrastructure-as-a-service; IAAS) for legal sector participants, including:

  • tools

  • services

  • websites

  • applications

  • software including CONFORMITYWARE™ brand of software

  • platforms

  • predictive algorithms (Systems-Level (SL™); Systems-Learning (SLr™); beyond (meta) Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL))

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Commercialized Quantum Computing (CQC™)

  • not a complete list

Services for All Strata of the Global Legal Community, including:

  • industry associations

  • regulatory bodies

  • policy making bodies

  • government organizations

  • practicing legal organizations

  • legal practitioners including:

      • judges

      • lawyers

      • attorneys

      • barristers

      • solicitors

      • notaries

      • paralegals

      • support staff

      • not a complete list

  • professional liability insurance organizations

  • not a complete list

MQCC® 15+ Years (August 2001 - 2022+) of Self-Regulatory Internal Legal Processes born from creation of:

  • World's First Peer-to-Peer Electronic Finance System

  • Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

  • World's First Utility Token

  • World's First Securities Token

  • World's First Conformity Token

  • not a complete list


Preventing Negative Risk (loss of $$, loss of reputation) through Identification, Diagnosis, Prevention and Risk-based Corrective Action of nonconformity event

Helping to Improve the Global Legal Sector: Read this article below found at the BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ home page:

The Rt Hon. the Lord Woolf; Message respecting "realization of a vision" - 1996 to 2019

The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (conformity; blockchain), Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBST™) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC

The Rt Hon. the Lord Woolf; Message respecting "realization of a vision" - 1996 to 2019

From: Anoop Bungay <>

Date: Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 6:20 PM

Subject: The Rt Hon. the Lord Woolf; Message respecting "realization of a vision" - 1996 to 2019

To: <>

The Right Honorable Lord Woolf

Harry Woolf

Crossbench - Member of the House of Lords

Parliamentary Contact

House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW

Tel: 0207 219 5353

Fax: 0207 219 5979


Dear Lord Woolf,

In 1996, your study respecting "Access to Justice" envisioned a future that, for the past 15 years has become a reality. Little might you have known that the technological innovations you foreshadowed not only have materialized, but have evolved beyond expectation. Imagine a world where consumers of legal services are be able to retain the services of a lawyer (barrister or solicitor) and enjoy the comfort of knowing that the legal professional works within a system that assures all "statutory, regulatory and process" requirements are continuously maintained - for the benefit of the consumer, the regulator and the courts. A system designed to to reduce professional liability claims against the lawyer for reasons of error, omission or regulatory nonconformity. Most importantly, this system that is being described to you, meets your "test" for what an "immediate benefit" system should look like.

You are receiving this message from myself because you need to know that what you envisioned, both technology-wise, and by virture of your understanding of the importance of distinguishing "immediate benefit" systems and technology versus long term systems and technology, is very important.

The article below entitled: "The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (conformity; blockchain), Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBST™) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC", succinctly describes how your vision was realized.

Thank you for allowing me to share this with you, and Happy 2019 New Year to you and yours.

Yours Sincerely,


Anoop Bungay

Calgary, Canada

The Rt Hon. Lord Woolf (UK); the future of Law, Science (conformity; blockchain), Finance, Society & realization of the Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBST™) "Distinguishing Mark" developed by MQCC


In 1996, under appointment by the Lord Chancellor of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom (UK), The Rt Hon. the Lord Woolf (Harry Kenneth Woolf), presented a final report respecting "Access to Justice"[1]. This report became the basis for the introduction of Civil Justice Reforms throughout England and some Commonwealth nations.

Lord Woolf "stressed the importance of the role of information technology (IT) in supporting the implementation of [his] more general recommendations.[2]" Including the need to address consider costs, infrastructure and strategy when sensibly investing in appropriate technology to[3]:

  • streamline and improve existing systems

  • streamline and improve existing processes

  • increase cost savings

  • improve quality

  • enhance productivity

While Lord Woolf recognized that IT, itself, could become "a catalyst for radical change"; he also expressed that planning an IT strategy necessitated a need to "distinguish between those systems which can be implemented quite quickly, bringing immediate benefits, and those which are far longer term ventures[4] (seven to 10 years out[5])."

How does one know if a system or innovation has the distinction of being an "immediate benefit"?

The MQCC Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBST™) Designation

MQCC is pleased to announce the introduction of the MQCC Immediate Benefit System & Technology (IBST) designation (distinguishing mark).

The MQCC Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology (IBST™) Logo

The MQCC IBST™ distinguishing mark (logo) enables prospective and existing organizations who use MQCC systems and technology (government, regulatory and corporate clients) and their respective customers; to quickly identify (on a "prima facie" or "at-a-glance" basis), that MQCC Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology are implemented.

Further, the MQCC IBST™ distinguishing mark provides validation that MQCC systems and technology (direction/purpose, standards, parameters, guidelines[6]) meet the two most important characteristics identified by Lord Woolf, namely[7]:

  1. quick implementation

  2. realization of immediate benefits

The ability for MQCC to develop technology that creates "systems" which are able to deliver "benefits" on an "immediate (quick)" basis, did not happen overnight. Applying the principles of "blockchain" [first identified by Anoop Bungay (Founder of MQCC) pursuant to implementation of a "peer to peer (p2p/crypto/shadow/secret/private) electronic finance system" (brought online as on April 9, 2005)] MQCC developed the ontology; standards, parameters and guidelines required in order to create a system that conforms to - what Lord Woolf or any professional would identify - having an "immediate benefit".

Development of the MQCC IBST™ ontology led to the discovery of a new field of study, coined as "conformity science". Visit to learn more.

Required Characteristics of an MQCC Immediate Benefit Systems & Technology:

  • the system or technology must be litigation tested or regulator-audited and meet the MQCC conformity standards.

  • the system or technology must be registered to an international recognized Quality Management System standard.

  • the system or technology must audited by third party auditors at least once per 12 month period.

  • the system or technology must meet or exceed United States Federal Acquisition Regulations to meet higher-level quality standards for complex or critical processes.

  • they system or technology must be built on the MQCC universal development platform.

  • the system or technology must have been in Alpha-use or controlled Beta-use, for at least 36 months, prior to applying for the MQCC IBST™ designation.

A pan-industry solution: Beyond Law and beyond the "The Future" envisioned by Lord Woolf

In his final report, Lord Woolf envisioned a future consisting of systems and technology where a judge would be able to access historical and current validated [pursuant to court protocols] information (data) related to a particular matter (case or subject), in an electronic format, from anywhere; retrieved from "some central location"[8].

Originally designed for financial and legal purposes; applying the seminal principles of "blockchain" (, MQCC systems and technology expands Lord Woolf's vision beyond the finance and legal sector to all other industry sectors (pan-industry application); as defined in the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4 [9].

Further benefits of the application of the principles of "blockchain", allows for improvement to Lord Woolf's original vision. Namely, historical and current validated [pursuant to MQCC Artificial Algorithmic Intelligent (AAI™) brand of self-learning artificial intelligence (AI) protocols [10]] information (data) related to a particular matter (case or subject), in an electronic format, from anywhere; may now be retrieved from (and updated to) a decentralized location (ledger-based system)".

Tokenized Law; Tokenized Commerce

One of the greatest benefit to-date of MQCC IBST™ is the ability to bring transparency, accountability, trust, quality and continual improvement to all aspects of an organization's operations; especially those organizations what are subject to regulatory oversight which require evidenced-based proof of conformity to statutory, regulatory and process (SRP™) requirements. This is accomplished through integration of proprietary, MQCC token-based algorithms within an overarching system of control and multi-discipline convergence of disparate scientific and business principles.

Empirically Proven, Litigation Tested (by Legal Regulators), International Acceptance

Since May 9, 2008, continuously registered to the National and International Standard of 119 countries, ISO 9001:2015 (and it's preceding standards: ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008), the core kernel of any MQCC IBST designated system (and technology) is trusted by technical (scientific, engineering) professionals, on a global basis.

Registration to ISO 9001:2015 provides "prima facie" or "at-a-glance" empirical proof that MQCC's core operating system "does what says and says what it does".

The MQCC core operating system is successfully litigation tested by member bodies of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR).

What is MQCC?

The Money Quality Conformity Control organization (MQCC) is developer of the world's first internationally recognized, defense standard, military/law enforcement-grade, turn-key, plug 'n play (PnP), end-to-end (E2E) "secure, risk-based meta-operating system" built in accordance to the MQCC Artificial Algorithmic Intelligent (AAI™) brand of self-learning artificial intelligence (AI) systems standards and pioneering MQCC "blockchain" principles; designed to assure statutory, regulatory and process conformity of a regulated organization (regulatee) within any industry sector. Celebrating over 15 years of successful litigation-tested, regulatory recognized, continual operation.

A complete list of the features, benefits, characteristics and quality of MQCC systems and technology may be found at

[1] Great Britain: Lord Chancellor's Department: Woolf, Harold; Access to Justice: Final Report (Great Britain: Stationery Office Books, 1996-07)

[2] ibid. Section VI; Chapter 21; Para 1.

[3] ibid.

[4] ibid.

[5] ibid. Section VI; Chapter 21; Para 36.

[6] ibid. Section VI; Chapter 21; Para 35.

[7] ibid. Section VI; Chapter 21; Para 1.

[8] ibid. Section VI; Chapter 21; Para 22.

[9] USA: United Nations;

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities Revision 4 (USA: United Nations, 2008)


On Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 9:23 AM Anoop Bungay <> wrote:

Lord Woolf

Harry Woolf

Crossbench - Member of the House of Lords

Parliamentary Contact

House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW

Tel: 0207 219 5353

Fax: 0207 219 5979


Dear House of Lords,

My name is Anoop Bungay and I am a UK National, living in Canada, who seeks to send an email message to Lord Woolf respecting developments in technological transformations in reference to "Access to Justice"; and how Lord Woolf's vision, respecting the need to "distinguish between those systems which can be implemented quite quickly, bringing immediate benefits, and those which are far longer term ventures." has not only been realized but celebrates over 10 years of registration to the rigorous UK Quality Management System National Standards published by the British Standard Institute.

Kindly provide your's truly with a contact email for Lord Woolf; or instructions on how to reach out to Lord Woolf.

Merry Christmas,

Anoop Bungay

Calgary, Canada


If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication.

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,

A. K. (Anoop) Bungay



The First Name in Global Blockchain Conformity Systems & Technology™

Developer of Blockchain Zero One™

Education * Conformity* Finance

"Welcome to the Future of Commerce: MQCC™"


An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company

PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE is a global finance, conformity and education business providing client services worldwide directly or through its member firms and affiliates. This email may be confidential and protected by privilege on a legal basis. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use of the email matter including URL links and related attachments, are prohibited; please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and related attachments from your systems. Unsubscribe from Automatic MQCC Ai-CRM Emails). MQCC Legal Notices.


If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication.

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,

MQCC® Services for Legal Professionals

Found at:

MQCC™ Industry Member & Professional Services

Services and Training for Lawyers/Attorneys/Barristers/Solicitors and Legal Regulators

MQCC™’s Founder, Anoop Bungay, for over 15 years, educates Attorneys worldwide ( on MQCC™ scope of expertise, including:

  • SAFETY-IN-FINANCE™ and QUALITY-IN-FINANCE™ systems, technology, services and products.

  • Military Grade/Defense Standard/NASA/GSA approved and regulatory-integrated Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance




  • Systems and Technology to Prevent or Identify Fraudsters - See Law Society MQCC® Mortgage Fraud Watch™ service for investors, lenders, lawyers and other professionals at


Among other subjects; visit to learn more.

Training for Legal Regulators

If you are a member of the International Conference of Legal Regulators ICLR, you are welcome to reach out to MQCC™ for training for policy makers on matters of:

  • Regulatory-integrated, Federal National and International standards-based (in up to 118+ countries), Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance

Training for Law Societies and Lawyer Societies

If you are a Law Society or Lawyer Society, MQCC™ for training for law firm managing directors and lawyers on matters of:

  • Regulatory-integrated, Federal National and International (in up to 118+ countries) standards-based, Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance

MQCC™ Lawyer and Trustee Services


Litigation Tested Systems by members of the International Council of Legal Regulators (ICLR);

MQCC™ is Tested by Law Societies; Trusted by Lawyers™.

  • For Canadian and International Legal Professionals -

Visit BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ at to learn more.

Lawyers: Increase your fiduciary client satisfaction and firm billings with MQCC. MQCC™ is trusted by lawyers and law societies (members of the International Conference of Legal Regulators) , globally for conformity science applications including: private (crypto) finance.

If you are a lawyer or trustee who is:

  • regulated by a member of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (,

then you will be happy to know that MQCC™ exists for you.

MQCC™ specializes in “Private Lending” for Law Firms (Lawyers) and Trustee Offices (Trustees) who have clients that desire to invest money privately or borrowers who need $ fast or flexibly due to:

  • Litigation

  • problems with bankers

  • Foreclosure

  • Bankruptcy

  • mortgage brokers not closing deals properly

  • Divorce/Pre-divorce (Separation)/Matrimonial Estate Settlement financing

  • Any transaction considered critical and complex as described below:

MQCC™ FIGHTING CHANCE™: Technical, Critical, Complex and High-Value Mortgage Solutions (; for:

  • Critical, Complex and High-Value Mortgage Solution (CCH-VMS™)

  • Bank-Lender Intervention Financing (BLIF™)

  • Foreclosure Intervention, Mitigation & Avoidance Services (FIMA™)

  • CRA Canada Revenue Agency Mitigation Funding (CRA-MF™)

  • Divorce Financing

  • Maintenance Enforcement Financing (ME-F™)

  • Same Day-Next Day™ Funding

  • Training on the BITMORTGAGE® trademark source identifier brand of Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance solutions

  • Training on buying and selling property/corporations/assets using crypto-financial solutions.

MQCC's system is the only Finance Sector Governance, Management and Operations System of its kind that - since before 2008 - meets the National Standard of Canada Quality Management System Standard ISO 9001:2015 which means that MQCC™ private lending products and methods conform to statutory, regulatory and process requirements. MQCC's system is litigation tested by some members of the International Council of Legal Regulators (ICLR) and its Founder, Mr. Anoop Bungay offers expert testimony to law firms and trustees in matters of private lending (asset securitization) and is recognized by lawyers whom MQCC™ has served in the past, as: A specialist (expert) in systems and statutory requirements of corporations throughout the country. MQCC’s Founder, yours sincerely has personally trained lawyers employed by Canadian Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and employed by members of the Canadian Securities Administrators, in matters of "private lending".

If your law firm or trustee office has individual, family office or corporate clients with investable cash who would like to enjoy the financial returns of “private lending” in a manner that is better, safer and more efficient, then let's meet for coffee next week and see how MQCC™ can help your firm increase billable time and client satisfaction. Visit; or

MQCC’s Lawyer and Trustee Services team provides a wide range of services for legal professionals including:

MQCC™ Lawyer and Trustee Services Contents

  1. Referrals to Intermediaries MQCC™ “Refer-in-Confidence” “RIC™” Program

  2. Investor-Client Solutions

  3. Lender-Client Solutions

  4. Borrower-Client Solutions

    1. Emergency (Same-Day/Next-Day) Mortgage Funding

    2. Interim - Bridge Loans

    3. Complex Title Loans ("cleaning dirty" titles)

  5. Litigation/Settlement Financing

  6. Bankruptcy financing

  7. Para-Legal Mortgage UnderwritingTM

  8. Litigation/Expert Testimony Service: Mortgage Banking (Lending) & Mortgage Brokering

  9. MQCC™ Vencap Equities™: Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions

  10. Lawyer Referrals to Exempt Market Dealers or Cannabis sector companies

Only for practicing and non-practicing/retired lawyers (attorney/barrister/solicitor); and Government Licensed Trustees.

Solutions for Lawyers and Trustees

MQCC™ "Refer-in-Confidence" program for regulated professionals

While most lawyers are bound by professional considerations when referring or recommending a person or company to a friend, business associate or customer, there should be no doubt that your referral will lead you into down stream complications. As such, please understand that for over a decade, MQCC™ is serving the needs of law firms and lawyers, trustee offices and trustees; both professionally and personally. Please visit to see the services that MQCC™ offers for legal professionals; and MQCC's credentials as expert-witness and subject matter domain competency.

Investor-Client Solutions has expertise in working lawyers (in the jurisdictions that MQCC™ serves) in helping their legal clients with critical or complex financing and business situations. You may represent individuals or organizations who are involved in some form of financing, either as commercial or private mortgage investors, lenders or borrowers. In any case, has solutions that will help your clients. You may have individual or corporate clients who are active mortgage investors, or interested in "mortgages-as-investments". Visit our Investor page for details.

Lender-Client Solutions

You may have individual or corporate clients who are active mortgage lenders. offers unique lender solutions that help increase revenue, maintain "first contact relationships" and minimize your clients mortgage risk. Our innovative lender solutions such as Second Mortgage Underwriting and Tier 2 Underwriting are helping our existing lawyer's clients. See how they can help yours. Contact us at for details.

Borrower-Client Solutions

You have a retail legal client who needs a mortgage. They need a mortgage fast, because they need to "bridge" a purchase/sale transaction, or your client is in foreclosure, has good equity, but needs a solution to help them get out of their problem. has solutions that will help.

Emergency (Same-Day/Next-Day) Mortgage Funding

Your clients mortgage broker and/or realtor made an error or omission, putting your client at financial risk. The vendor won't grant extra time or caveat is not yet removed in time, or the banker has not provided funding in time, or whatever. will arrange emergency financing for your client. Often on a SAME-DAY/NEXT-DAY basis!Once the transaction is completed, you can proceed to litigate against the mortgage broker or realtor for costs and damages under the requisite E & O policy.

Interim Financing - Bridge Financing - Short Term Financing

Upto 100% Loan-to-Value (based upon the math of disbursements provided by your lawyer). MQCC® has excellent and same day or next-day or “asap” funding solutions for interim-bridge (short term) clients looking to take $ from an existing sale or otherwise. Visit Interim Financing - Bridge Financing - Short Term Financing for details.

Complex Property Title Loans ("Cleaning Dirty" Titles)

We also have excellent equity and traditional mortgage products for good people in bad situations. Whether it is lending money and postponing to a CRA lien, so that the borrower has time to litigate with CRA auditors, or whether we are "cleaning up title" by removing registrations, charge-in clauses, judgements or other registrations; we can help your clients!

Purchasing of Writs; Taking over Creditor Causes of Actions

Does your client have writ on title pursuant to a cause of action? MQCC® can look at” purchasing the writ” ie; acquiring the cause of action either at face value or at a discounted price.

Litigation/Settlement Financing

Your client needs money to finance a litigation. Or, your client has won a structured settlement and needs lump-sum cash upfront.

Or your client has insurance company payments pending and needs an advance against the transaction.

Divorce/Pre-divorce (Separation)/Matrimonial Estate Settlement financing

  • An excellent way to create a neutral method to pay for divorce.

  • Not every set of estranged spouses have access to capital to pay for bills during a divorce process. Either one or both estranged spouses will need $$$ to pay for legal (divorce lawyer) bills, professional bills (advisors, court-appointed professionals/mediators/children-related matters).

  • Not every couple can agree on the settlement value of a matrimonial estate.

An unintended byproduct of the the MQCC™ Divorce Financing Program (MQCC-DFP™) is that when MQCC™ assesses the value of the after-divorce or after-tax matrimonial estate (net asset value of the matrimonial estate, as part of the MQCC™ Matrimonial Math™ trademark algorithm); for purposes of lending to either one or both estranged spouses (in collaboration with legal counsel or in reference to a Court order or document) is that the “lender” or MQCC, makes determination of the value of the matrimonial estate for “MQCC™ Lending Purposes”.

The unintended benefit of this service is that MQCC™ - as a lender - is only concerned about the value of the matrimonial estate for purposes of lending $$$ to either both or one estranged spouse; and with the MQCC-DFP™ this value for “MQCC™ Lending Purposes” sometimes becomes the basis for all lawyers or both estranged spouses to agree on what the value of the matrimonial estate is worth from a lender’s point of view.

This is a complex process and advance fees are often required because not all assets are easy to understand. For example, MQCC™ may or may not need to account for all assets and expenses including child-support or alimony for either or both estranged spouses as either a “present value of positive cash flow” benefit or “present value of negative cash flow” loss. This type of calculation may require the input of third party professionals including actuarial professionals for mathematical calculations that are reliable for court or lending purposes.

Among other “matrimonial mathematics” calculations, one must consider including: court-appointed sale of assets, less tax implications (gain on sale or loss on sale); and other technical aspects including interest of other parties (parents who provided gifts prior to the marriage; corporate assets; other assets and liabilities).

All in all, the MQCC™ DFP™ is an excellent financing solution for law firms, lawyers, opposing counsel and the customers whom they represent.

For these cases, please contact us by email at underwriting[at]

Para-Legal Financial Underwriting™ PLFU™

We are good at working with lawyers and their clients, when it comes to complex financing or mortgage situations and/or transactions because of a "para -legal approach to financial underwriting" the transaction.

At, we understand credit risk analysis and the related legal components therein. Our firm has a team of specially trained underwriters who can make sense of a transaction and assess it for:

  • Currency

  • Veracity

  • Sensibility

Effectively, the underwriters analyse the application documents and make sense of "what is going on".

Beyond our normal underwriting process, in cases where a client has a complex title document, our firm:

  1. obtains current copies of title

  2. prepares a spreadsheet of all the registrations on title

  3. obtains copies of registered instruments (as required)

  4. cross references with the client, regarding the veracity of any registered charge on title

  5. correspond with the registering entity to determine the "situation" (as required)

  6. summarizes the title information so that the lender can "at-a-glance", determine what the next step will need to be.

By doing this upfront analysis, our lenders are able to see value in lending money to borrowers whom traditional lenders will decline, because our lenders take the time to understand the borrowers unique situation with our Para-Legal Mortgage UnderwritingTM platform. Click here for information on our Internal Underwriting Processes found as a section in our "Before You Apply - Before You Sign" Document.

Litigation, Expert Testimony (Expert Witness) Service:

For Law Societies, Law Firms, Trustee Offices and Professional Liability and General Liability Insurance Firms

  • Please visit and read the seminal text book: ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™ available in google play; you will quickly discover that MQCC® possesses strong qualifications in the technical areas and issues that are the subject of the expert opinion and offers expert witness services to law societies in matters related to their members (practicing lawyers) across Canada; and to law firms who retain lawyers; or insurance firms.

  • MQCC's experience meets the UK (Turner, Qualification, Impartiality), USA (Rule 702. Testimony by Expert Witnesses) and Canada (R. v. Mohan) expert witness standards.

For the province of Alberta, British Columbia or Ontario; should you require comprehensive expert consulting in the area of mortgage origination and file forensics; namely, Forensic Mortgage Transaction Analysis & Underwriting Services, let us know.

In Canada, as legal professionals, pursuant to the Canadian Federation of Law Societies and provincial equivalent of Professional Codes of Conduct, from time to time you may need to rely on third party subject matter experts. For example, in Alberta, this falls under rule 3.1-2: Competence, namely commentary 7:

The lawyer should also recognize that competence for a particular task may require seeking advice from or collaborating with experts in scientific, accounting or other non-legal fields, and, when it is appropriate, the lawyer should not hesitate to seek the client’s instructions to consult experts.

MortgageQuote offers specialist (expert) testimony services to lawyers, law firms, law societies, professional liability insurers, in subject matter expert in matters related to:

  • Systems and statutory, regulatory and process requirements of organizations (corporations, government, non-government) in Canada and Globally.

  • non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments, secured by real estate.

  • MQCC’s President first discovered the underlying concept system whose application is marketed commercially by MQCC® world-wide and on the metaverse™ as “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” and a corollary discovery of a new, non-novel field of study named “conformity science”; and the application of statutory, regulatory and process conformity systems in regulated or non-regulated organizations.

    • MQCC's expert research, analysis and reporting is undertaken in accordance with the principles of conformity science. A non-novel, new field of study, first identified by Anoop Bungay (Founder of MQCC®) and fully described at Conformity science is defined by Anoop Bungay as:

      • "The application of scholarly, problem-solving, scientific knowledge and mathematical methods (plan, do, check, act) to practical purposes of the design, analysis or operation of systems and technology used to certifiably or functionally assure that an organization's applicable statutory, regulatory and process requirements are satisfied on a continual basis; for the benefit of: the general public, consumers, customers, prospective customers, industry, regulators, regulatees, investors, shareholders, stakeholders, legislators and government." Visit

  • MQCC’s President developed the world’s first global “crypto” finance system with regulated and non-regulated nodes.

  • MQCC™ has expertise in assessing if regulated professionals including mortgage brokers conform to the statutory, regulatory process requirements necessary for correct discharge of their duties.

  • MQCC’s President developed the first application of the conformity science concept marketed commercially as “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” in commerce and submitted the “dictionary definition” of the underlying concept that is commercially marketed by MQCC® world-wide and on the metaverse™ as trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain™’”. Read

    • Including the Professional BlockChaineer™ P. BCr™ Designation and the Master’s designation: BlockChain Master (BCM™) and Doctorate designation: BlockChain Doctorate (BCD™)

Expert witness qualifications in accordance with both the United States (US) Daubert (judge determines evidence admissibility) and Frye (scientific community determines admissibility) for evidentiary standards; United Kingdom (UK) and Canadian equivalent.

Mortgage Banking (Lending) & Mortgage Broker Expert Witness Example

MQCC™ has extensive experience in understanding the statutory, regulatory and process conformity of the business of mortgage origination and file processing.

  • Did a mortgage broker follow the correct rules and regulations when transacting a mortgage file?

  • Are all required documents, pursuant to the regulatory requirements, maintained and on-file?

  • What errors and omissions can be determined by the apparent indicators or non-apparent indicators?

  • What were the standards for statutory, regulatory or process requirements and were the rules followed as per normal operating requirements?

Private (non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments) Mortgage Banking (Lending) & Private Mortgage Broker Expert Witness Example

Private mortgage transactions are complex because they are not standardized like institutional mortgage transactions, so there are many ways to make mistakes or to overlook requirements. Let our expertise help you and your law firm or trustee office with understanding the normal business process of transacting in private mortgage transactions or when dealing with private mortgage investor-lenders.

MQCC™ Litigation, Expert Testimony (Expert Witness) Process

See here